Show Meyer Joicph Stock lirolmra C02 Progress block Phone 1159T J Obcrndorfor Stock Urolccr IC1 South Main Tel 2SS House 1051T V n Andrew it Co Stock Jlrolcoro 210 Atlas Blk Phone 7C5 Harriott < t Laneloy Hroltom No 12 W 2nd So Telephone CO Iiiloreslboarlng securities yielding 6 per cent net can be procured from McGurrln Co Salt Lake City Write for list P X HlRpInbothnm Jr Stock broker 10 W 2nd South Tel C03 IF BCoic Co Brokers IG West Second South Telephone 325 R X Colbnrn Stook Broker 15 West Second South Phone 670 A S Campbell Stock HroUor Thone 530 Correspondence solicited Tire Jnloi Mountain Partner anti Itiincliumn A few weeks since Tho Salt Lake Tribune Trib-une established The InterMountain Furrnor und Itimchnmn and is developing It Into an Invaluablu publication for farmers and ranchmen throughout the urld country Many new features will bn added to It thin spring and summer It Is but a dollar a year or If taken with Tho Weekly Salt Lake Tribune the two mire only SIoO a year The Salt Lake Weekly Tribune alone la 5100 a year EDWARD L BURTON STOCK and BOND 31 East First South Local Bonds Commercial Stocks and Investment In-vestment Securities Bought and Sold Telpphonn 1CSSX Correspondence Solicited STEAM STONE WORKS All kinds of cut stone work for buildings build-ings cemetery work curbing flagging paving blocks etc also otono in thorough tho-rough from our quarries at Jlcber Large stock of mono always on hand Walker Bros Wilcox Offlco and yard 73S West Third South Direct Salt Lake City Utah LABELS SEWDFCflSAMPLE THE PERFECT EAR TAG Mido of ALUMINUM unit ATTACHKD TN STANTAXEOUSIY cuiUnKltsoviin y tliroUKh thocar lleirsTnll name anti address uuml > orii If tMlred9Mvlo only hr SALT JjAKK STAilU CO Patentees SALT LAKE UTAH Warranted to be the War Best ROYAL U BREAD cure Primary Secondary orTcrtlary In 20 to 40 daya without tlio nso of potash or mnrcnrj to slay cured forever Hollos dlsordori from excesses in early Info lost immuood and debility promptly and normnnontly cured Every cain accepted unuVr local Rimrnntoc Send Blnmp for free book W A Cook M D or THE COOK MEDICAL CO 1633 CURTIS ST DENVER COLD PeIoPoAeN I I suffered with indigestion indiges-tion until a friend recommended recom-mended Ripans Tabulcs I take one regularly at i every meal and the result has been marvelous I have not suffered since the first few days that I started lo9 take them At Drunnlata The FiveCent packet In enough for tin ordinary occasion The family bottle CO contB contains a nup ply for a year 1 4 Selluloid I Wo jive Toilet you just what you HrtlcJes aak for Ht Little Prices JIalf a hundred or more different toilet articles aa i Hair Brushes Mirrors Manicure Sets Comb and Brush Sets I L Odds and ends left over after a very busy ccasons 1 sellIng Weve taken the lot and put prices on them that ought to fccud you for them pretty fast F C1 SCFFRAM Prescription Druggist z Where the Cam Stop McConiick Building DELICIOUS DRINKS Do you appreciate nice clean healthy beverages Every drop of water filtered flavors made from our own PURE THREE CROWN EXTRACTS EX-TRACTS If you do just call for HEWLETTS Root Beer and Soda Waters they are delicious invigorating invigora-ting and refreshing For sale everywhere every-where 1ew1ett Bros0 o New York Dental Parlors Rooma 2 3 1 Eaclo Blk 71 W 2n l So Teeth Extracted Without Pain Modern Dentistry Best work Lowest Prices CROWNING AND BRIDGINO 4 TBETII A SPECIALTY All work Guaranteed ti Little Cascara Tablets Cure Pimples and Blotches Nan ratala Piles Constipation and Femalo IrrcgularUl A C SMITH DRUGGIST 142 Main Street tbc Tttfermountaln farmer and Ranthman Published by Tho Tribune Publishing company will contain such Information respecting the farm and ranch of Utah Idaho Wyoming Ncveda nnd Colorado ant will mako It Invaluable stock raising as well as agriculture fruit and flower culture and the truck garden and lien nory being given especial attention It to SIOO a year In advance IB published every 4 Tuesday and will be mailed one vcnV with TIIK WKEKLY TRIBUNE for 10 In advance SALT LAKE WEEKLY TRIBUNE alone 5100 per year ADDRESSSALT LAKE TRIBUNE PUBLISHING COMPANY Salt Jako City UTAH PERRY S HEATH Publisher Pub-lisher and General Manager Sold by CHAS VAN DYKE 2S0 So Main St Salt Lake City I Any dumber of AntlPnt Pcoploj The antillesn people are mighty scarce When It comes to losIng good solid flesh from any cause there Is a general protest Losing Mesh means venkness nervoiiKness lack of ambition ambi-tion lost of confidence amid a pale sallow or yellow complexion Then comes sickness und tire pain und misery mis-ery as well na The worry of expense und doctor bills Persons who realise thai they are losing flesh would do well to act In lime so as to avoid Use coming com-ing weakness The food they cat wants tobe turned into strong rich blood this makes solid flesh and muscle und the heat mcdlcjne for this is Dr Gnnns Blood nnd Nerve Tonic a tablet to take after meuls People who have used this tonic toll us Unit they have gained from one to thrice pounds per week ot good solid flesh and of course constantly gained in health and Htrength This Tonic Is sold by all Druggists for 75 ccnls pur box or three boxer for S200 or sent postpaid on receipt of price Write us about any weakness you may have perhaps tho advice we give you inny be all you need This costs you nothing Address Dr Genii Philadelphia Pa Xelden Tudpon Drug Co distributing agents Salt Lake City tUuh Wan k If iii > < iiiiioi iiptilyihn MAHVUI iicccplnci other luiliiml Mam ° iUlract x > o rf lull pjtllciilnr5 will l1lci1VIJ uliutio IQ laatcs ui itvxn co Room Si C Times Eric New York Van Dvkc Drug Store Acts cot Ord Bo and ilaln Salt Lako CUy |