Show Mining Notes 13 Allen of the Centennial Cen-tennial Manapcr Eureka Clarence has gone to that llnlic hour nnmJ reached the ftir South Swansea The Gerrmiiilu smelter with three minces of tire carloads of cro yesterday The management of the Wlniiemuck of reached the market with an BlnKhani other cariottul of concentrates yesterday Manager George Dern of the Con Mor In from camp last night his rolurn eur came having been hastened by the den lb of Mr Bennett tIre Bon But Manager A U Jacobs of ler hints returned from that Bhighaiii property much pleased with the behavior of Us ore bodies The management of Senator Clark Onhlr cunvon mines and mill reached the smelter with eleven carloads of concentrates concen-trates yesterday Samples of ore received by Dr Keogh from the mines of the Sapho company In Nevada show the presence of il in cold and IG ounces silver per ton rime days receipts at the Taylor Brunton sampler consisted OL a car or concentrates from trmgham cloven from Opblr canyon and three from Qimlc Flu Mac has gone to Boise City Ida In tire Interest of an Important deal which Is at present engaging his attention and will return lo Xlon time hiat of the week Bernard V lUcCabc of the United States isaay office at Helena Mont Is In tire city for a few days setting hInd data on Utahs mineral production for last year Moab Times The pump and machinery for the Grand View companys plucer works on Grand river have been received and arc now being put In place about four miles above tire Moab ferry Col O P Pose of the ningham Con IB scheduled to leave New york this week on u trip to tho Gold Roads mines out ot Klimmuu Ariz In which a wealthy Parisian crowd has Joined tine Colonel mutt Clarence K McCornlck G D B Turner a prominent mining engineer of Butte Mont canio down from the north yesterday to conduct an examination of the Col Sellers gioup just over the t hill irom lilnKham and in Tooele county In thu Interest of Montana Mon-tana Investors lion P L KlmhCjily of the Annie Laurie Lau-rie of CJold mountain Die lloiierlne I of Stockton and Ihs BliiRham Con of Blng ham caino In roni the Kast yesterday and will devote several days to the diggings dig-gings for which ho ban done so much since procuring a foothold m Utah Malinger Tamos Chlpman of the Uncle Sam has returned after a visit to that Tlntlc properly very much pleased with the result of recent researches JIc also visited the Lower Mammoth and reports It ready for steady and profitable production pro-duction under a favorable smeller contract con-tract Bert IIoKlen managing director of the United States and Centennial Fnroka Mining Mi-ning companies left New York for Boa ton yesterday presumably In connection with ronimilcnt ions that the NIairnra is of 3 0 coma a haro has precipitate pre-cipitate Tho assessment becomes delinquent de-linquent today Charley Drown superintendent of tho Old Colony Mining companyH property at Tlntlc came In from camp again yesterday yes-terday The main abaft has now attained at-tained a dtplh ot ifu feet and r crosscutting cross-cutting from thai level twlll begin today hiiperlntcndent LSrown expecting to reach tljc vein the present month Moab Times Tho tunnel being driven on time interState property at Gold Im sln has cut the Jlrat voln at a distance of l about seventy feet from the surface time VPIII bciiiK about twelve feet In width and an exceptionally line jirmlu of ore rite ttumul Is now In over K feel and la being driven wllh double shift The Gibraltar Coppir Mining company illfd articles of Incorporation In the of lire of the County Clerk voyterday The companys capital I mock Is tixcd u JJJD01 divided into shares of tine par value uf 5 conta Tire officers are w K Wnlhc president N 13 Madsen vlcoprrsldent V D Mat hie secretary and treasurer lime I company owns tire Broncho Chloride Chlo-ride Klnjr Itluc Rock Blue Dovl Dlix xard Terror Cyclone Centipede Scar IMOII Coyote Centipede Spring Vhlto Queen and liuckcyu olalnuj In tire New foundland district 13ox Klilcr county |