Show Afl1EWi1H OUTLAWS One Desperado Is Dead His Partner at Large FIGHT NEAR ALMIRA WASH Billy Gibbons Is Fatally Wounded After a Desperate Running Contest < Another Outlaw Who Had Been 2 Captured and Haudcufted Succeeds in Getting Away With tho Irons on His Wrist nnd No Trace of Him Has Been Found Tho Dead Man a Cattle Thief Davenport Wash April SOOne of tho most desperate battles over fought In the Northwest between ofllcors of the law and desperadoes occurred Sunday at Al mlra went of here As a result Ullly Gibbons ono of the desperadoes lies dead L am his partner Is at large though handcuffed hand-cuffed Or JL f J Whitney who has Just r returned from Almlro gives the following follow-ing particulars About two weeks ago Gibbons and Wild rounded up L band of horses to ship tO Wvomlng Deputy Nichell I of Okanogan county followed tlu thieves for iwo weeks through Okanogan counly locating them at Almlra Nichell and ConHtnblu 1hllllps of Almlra captured Vlld hi a livery stable Wild drew his gun but the deputy Kherlff covered him and the constable grabbed the weapon The prisoner pris-oner was handcuffed and turned over to St group of about twenty men in the hotel ofllcci Gibbons was seen entering a saloon and the officers found their man In a side room Nlchcll drtw his gun and ordered tho desperado to surrender Gibbons lumped behind a bystander and shoved him toward the ofllcers at the same lime dawlng his revolver and starling for the Kido door lie raised his left arm to shoot and Nichell shot the fugitive In tho side under his upraised arm Gibbons bullet went wild and ho started for his saddle horse two blocks away tiring as he ran VhJIo he was mounting ho was again hit hi the hip and arm and his horse was Khot through the hips The animal notwithstanding not-withstanding carried Its rider a jimrtor of a mile to whore a horse was standing tied with a halter Tho wounded horse was discarded for the fresh one Meanwhile Nlcholl had secured his mount from tho Kablo and ho soon camo within gunshot ot his fleeing man A runnlm light was kept up eleven miles when Gibbons throw down his gun and demounted Tho desperado bad but I two cartridges left having used a belt full of ammunition Ho was brought to Almlra and died at midnight In the presence of his father and mother Wild meanwhile guarded and handcuffed hand-cuffed was kept In the hotel oKIco In the presence of about twenty men Suddenly late at night is face appeared on the outside out-side of the window ami Wild smiled and dashed through the door It I Is supposed lie escaped on horseback and no trace of him has been found The Gibbons boys William and George wore raised on Crab creek William was about 29 and George Js about SO BoUt haVe served terms for cattle stealing and George Is today a fu Gltlvo from justice |