Show CROWDS ATCIIURCIIES Easter Music Flowers and Sermons AttractS Attract-S Many Pers9ns Thousands Attend the Services in Many Churches Where Special Exercises Were Held and Other Thousands Could Not Get Seats Amid the Incense of lilies and roses In the shadow of palm branches which reflected the soft light from stained glass windows hundreds of voices yesterday yes-terday were raised In song and pralso In honor of the risen Lord while thousands thous-ands of worshippers In tho pewn were lifted out of the sordidness of everyday every-day life to thoughts of higher things The beautiful weather was responsible respon-sible In part for the large attendance at the services and nt every chtuoh whole special exercises were held throngs weie turned away from the doors unable to find scats At the afternoon af-ternoon and evening services the pressure pres-sure was almost as great Perhaps the greatest crowds were at the Catholic rind Episcopal churches where the special spe-cial 1 music was exceptionally fine AT ST MARKS CATHEDRAL At SU Marks cathedral every seat was filled and chairs Were placed In the aisles until no more room could be found Hundreds were unable to gain admittance The church was beautifully beauti-fully decorated with lilies and palms the windows being banked with solid masses of callas A cross of red end white carnations stood Just behind the chancel rail The music was by a choir of thirtyeight voices Solos were lon dered by II S Goddard and lon Emily Grlmsdell Dean Eddie preached the sermon on Great Joy and said In part S The Christian religion Is supremely a religion of joy And the gladdest occasion oc-casion of the year are the Christian festivals There Is no festival of the year more joyful than Easter Its note Is a note of triumph unmingled with regret of Joy unmlngled with sadness of brightness unmingled with gloom ST PAULS St Pauls church was equally crowded and the musical features were exceptionally fine Solos were rendered by Stanley C Price and Miss Virginia Swift Bishop Leonard preached on the resurrection and told the old yet ever now story of the risen Christ and the angel who rolled away the stone from the sepulcher The church was adorned with a profusion > Easter lilies and roses CROWDS AT ST MARKS An elaborate programme of instrumental Instru-mental and vocal music marked the morning service at St Marys cathe dral and the small bounds of the church building were totally Ina equate e-quate to contain the many who wished to hear and to worship Violin solos were played by Master Roy Williams and special vocal solo numbers were given by Mrs Cloy Elmer Mrs O Ti Carlson Mrs George E Curtis Miss Moyer Miss Owen Miss Harley T C Crawford and A Whiteman Father Morrissey preaching on the resurrection resurrec-tion emphasized the divinity of Christ which ho said was the foundation and essential principle of the Christian re llglon > lslonUNITY UNITY MALE CHORUS Easter Sunday was observed yesterday yester-day by the First Unitarian society Every seat on the lower floor of the Salt Lake Theater where the services are regularly held was occupied and numbers of people stood during the entire en-tire morning As at other churches the music was a special feature Unity Male quartette composed of Messrs Ashwoi Christopherson Graham and Pike singing In Heavenly Love Abiding and Awake My Soul and Messrs Graham and Christopheraon effect Come Holy Spirit all with telling Rev Mr Thacher delivered an Easter sermon giving a brief history of the festival prior to the time It was observed ob-served as the day on which Christ rose from the dead dwelling particularly upon the return of life In nature after seeming death as symbolizing a return re-turn of life to man after death or tho Immortality of the soul CHURCH AND SUNDAYSCHOOL UNITE Members of the church and Sunday school united In the Easter service at Phillips Congregational church ester day morning and a beautiful service it was Quantities of Easter lilies callas and spring flowers adorned tho pulpit and an archway of green with llllos Intertwined extended across the front of tho pulpit the whole effect being most pleasing A programme of recitations recita-tions and songs each having particular reference to the day was rendered and Rev Mr Slmpkln spoke briefly his subject Easter being The Gladness of EasterFIRST FIRST CONGREGATIONAL A congregation which filled the First Congregational church to Its utmost seating and standing capacity was present last evening to hear the special spe-cial Easter musical service rendered by the regular choir of the church including in-cluding 118 Plummcr Miss Dwyer Messrs Gilbert and Copley assisted by lrs Ira II Lewis Miss Ethel Pond Messrs George Wcstcrvelt and George N Lawrence Haydns Creation was rendered In splendid style The Bolo parts were taken by Mrs Plummer Mrs Lewis Mr Gilbert and Mr Cop Icy There was nIne a duet by Mrs Plummcr and Mr Copley and a trio by Mrs Plummer Messra Gilbert and Copley ProC Thomas Radcllffo presided pre-sided at the organ and In addition to accompanying the singers throughout the evening rendered several organ orgEm solos The decorations were unusually beautiful Only green and white were seen hundreds of callas and Easter lilies with nettings of palms and tollage toll-age making the pulpit one of the most attractive seen yesterday The lilies llC3 were all brought from California al Calforia especially es-pecially for the occasion FIRST BAPTIST At the First Baptist church the day was fittingly observed with beautiful floral decorations Hpeclal music and an appropriate sermon Rev D A Brown occupied the pulpit and spoke on The Resurrection I wan an able discourse and was appreciated by the largo congregation The anthems by the choir wero especially on 10vccL l FIRST PRESBYTERIAN The First Presbyterian church never held a larger congregation than tho ono that assembled tot the special Easter service yesterday morning Every seat was filled the balcony AVIS crowded two crwded rows of clialrB were placed In ouch aislo and on the main floor and every Inch of space In the halls was crowded by people standing It woo said no bo the largest crowd that ever assembled In InrEcBt church Tho pulpit and chair loft were decorated deco-rated with Easter lilies potted plants In bloom and ferns of lcd lom und tes various kinds Dr Paden delivered an ablo sermon from the text Because I live ye shall live also The central Iden of the discourse was the resurrection Tho musical programme a published waG publuhed carried out In full the Ringing of A j Graham Mrs Kate B Anderson Louis Crltchlow Mrs Andrews J H Knoh3 and the augmented choir giv ing great pleasure to all present as did also the violin solos of GeorgeS George-S SkelonFIRST FIRST METHODIST S Every Inch of spore In the building was utilized In accommodating the unusually I un-usually large crowd at the First Methodist usualy odist Episcopal chinch and the Inter eating programme was carried out as published The subject of Dr J L Albrlttons discourse was Christ Albritons Resurrection a Pledge of Ours He marshaled tho proofs of Christs resurrection res-urrection and used this as a pledge that Christs followers would also rise The church was elaborately decorated and the music was especially good Perhaps the most pleasing feature of the programme was the reunion of the Sunday school children In the collection collec-tion 200 was raised for foreign missions mis-sions CENTRAL CHRISTIAN The Credibility of tho Resurrection was the subject of the morning sermon at the Central Christian church yesterday yes-terday Tho speaker maintained that the facts of the resurrection were just as well established and no more difficult diffi-cult of belief than any other facts of history and that onco accepted no more convincing proof could be necessary neces-sary of the truths of Christianity Miss Pinkerton sang I Know That My Redeemer Re-deemer Llveth Eggs of variegated hue were given to the children of the A lt E church at the morning senIce yesterday Rev B F McIntyre preached on The Resurrection dered Res-urrection and special music was ren S SUNDAY SCHOOL The Sunday school of the First Congregational Con-gregational church exceeded all of It former attendance records yesterday tho church and gallery being well filled for the session Instead of the usual exercises tho Easter lesson was taught to the entire schodl by Mrs E A Farrington In a very Interesting manner The orchestra of sixteen members mem-bers under the direction of Prof W C dive rendered two selections The Traumerl by Schumann and The Pilgrims Song of Hope by Baptlstc |