Show SHORT STORIES Yesterday tivrsnry balances show Vvnilnblo cash balances SSNKrdTKVJ gold lOU02f John Calvert 20 years old was liKUnntly blilcil by l a fall uf rock In a mine nt Union H C The plague mortality at Simla British Indium Is Increasing at the rate of a thousand weekly In New York time wholesale price of anthracite ban jumped to Sift a ion for stove coal and 11 for egg The War department IB advised of Iho i calling of the transport Kllpalrlck from Manila August I7ih for San Franclaco vilh lilS casuals Tho strike leaders In Wllkesburr < Pa hlnk lime J P Morgan will consent to a conference of amne kind with President Presi-dent Mitchell 1 and thai the I strike will be over by the llrst of September At Philadelphia last night In the grand circuit races at the Coliseum lie hall mile open was won by Frank K I Kramer of East Orange N J 1 second Ivor Law somm Salt Lake City Tlmo 102 Thf supronu lodgo Knights of Pythias closed Its biennial losslon In San Francisco Fran-cisco yesterday with the Installation I oC oftlcers for tile coming Iwo years lime supremo lodge will meet In Loulsllltf T vv In 1001 A call for a convention of commercial clegranhors to bo held In Chicago Sop ember 20lb was sent out yesterday Tho mrpose Is the forming of an Itucrnallonal organization The call was sent to forty throe cities Warren 13 Knlskern general pii scnrcr igcnt of the Chicago Northwestern railroad has been promoted lo the po Hlilon of patscncer raffle t manager of LimO company The ajipolntinuul Is effective ef-fective today President Roosevelt will start op bin New England trip Friday 1IU I I Immedl ite party will consist of Dr Lung Iho Presidents official physician Secretary Cortclyou IIIK sienogrniihcrs l4uLtL I and Weaver and two messengers In Mystic Conn sixty dHigalei and Ifty othor persons Interested irf universal peace assembled yesterday for the tblrlv sixth anniversary of the Universal Peace union Alfred II Love was reelected president for his thirtyseventh term The annual report of Wilder S Mot cau pension agent SIIOWM for tile first time in time history of the ofllcu nl Topeka To-peka Kan a falling off In the amount of monoy paid out for pcnulons Tho total to-tal Amount disbursed from Tojieka for the fiscal year ending June 20th was 15 Senator Salvador Clsnoros and the Marquis Mar-quis of Sunlit Lucia presented a motion In the Cuban Senate demanding the removal re-moval of the t Unllcd Slates coittofirmu from time arsenal tho removal of tho United Stalcti Hags and every nice of anything uuvgCRtiv of lie United Struct The motion was voted down but ono vote being In favor of It |