Show DEATH OF JACOB YEARIAN Prominent Citizen of Idaho Died in Salt Lako from Paralysis Jacob Ycarlnn a wullknnwn and hIgh lyrc3jQclcil 1 citizen oi Lcmhl county Ida tiled Just hofoic 6 oclock lust cvonlnj from the effects of n 1 utrokc oi imrnlysla received some weeks rifo > After the HUuke his wife and son brought him to hIm city for medical treatment They rented a home nt No JUS i East Third South street and did nil that Wlij poBnl ble for tho afflicted man but hiM bruin and anlnc vcru so affected by the dhoiiKti that t he tradunlly sank until death IC Hcvcd him oL his auffurlni Mr 1 Ycarlan would 1 have been 71 yours old on the 2Jlh of the present month I to leave IL wife two nona and one datishlor Tho children are all inurrlod and settled In Lrnhl county Tin deceased de-ceased wna a native of Ohio He went to California In 1850 dnrlnc the gold cx ell omn t Returning from there he settled at Burmock Mont In 1SG and from there he wont to Lorn hi county In I JfiCT where he continued In live till the t and Jn his early years he was n mining mini Later ho drifted Into the cattle buuInCH arid crew to he one of the largest cattle ralarrs In his pnrt of tin Slate 1I i acuhed a coiiHldprablo fortune for-tune and loaves hiM wife and children wnll nrovlded for Ho wna u good man too a man of line Judgment and rx cried n marked Influence nn the mon around him He served on the Hoard of County Commissioners of hlu county for ninny ycara III company with 1 D Wood now of this city Brief funeral service will he held it 5 oclock thin evening nt ISvamrH undor taklnff parlorw A ter that the t remain will be 1 ahlppcd to Red Rock Mont and from them they vlll bo taken by I wiifjon to the family home In Lcmhl county whero Uiu Interment will tsilcc plasr Flue remains will be accomjanled home by the widow and Hon who were ever at thin boduldo < < of the ilnk man during his six wccCca J stay In tills city |