Show MOBILIZING SOLDIERS Mixed Division of Regulars and Militia Mili-tia Ordered to Port Hiley Reservation WnshlnRton Aug 2qAn order was Issued j Is-sued at the War department today dl rccllnc the mobilization of a mixed division divi-sion ol1 regulars and mllltla on the large reservation ut Fort Riley Kansas Tho regular troops to participate In lie cn catnpmcnt and atlcndlng maneuvers at that point comprise tho following organizations organi-zations First battalion oC engineers headquarters headquar-ters band first and second squadrons of the Fourth cavalry third fiquadron of the Eighth cavalry sixth seventh nineteenth nine-teenth tvcnllelh and twentyeighth batteries bat-teries field artillery headquarters band and twelve companies Sixth U S Infantry Infant-ry headquarters band and twelve cornpal ides Twentysecond L7 S infantry head ouartcrs band and Eighteenth U S in fanlry except company 14 dctachmont of iilirnal corps detachment of hospital corps The Governors of all the States were Invited to send a contingent of the various State troops to participate In these maneuvers ma-neuvers but for want of appropriations and various other causes very few of the Slates found themselves able at this late day lo participate Arkansas will only Bend one Initiation of infantry Kansas two regiments of infantry and tow batteries batter-ies of field artillery and Nebraska two regiments of Infantry A numbrr of Governors of Stales have signified their Intention to send officers to witness those maneuvers and they have expressed the hope that thy may be able In future years to furnish organizations organiza-tions to take part In auch practical work which will be of great benefit to all par Uclpallmr It is expected that President Roosevelt will review the troops participating In the maneuvers but the dale of the review has not been determined definitely Tlit regular contingent of the division will go Into camp at Fort lUlcy September Septem-ber 27th and will bo followed by the Stato orgnnizauoiiH nuiiiiiiiiur mi n m intended in-tended to continue joint maneuvers for a period of ten days after the division la organized In order not lo Interfere with Ihe current work of the various department depart-ment headquarters a special division staff has been detailed to report to MaJGen John C Bates who has been assigned to1 tim command ot the division during lie maneuvers Tho benefits to be derived from this coming together of brigades and divisions IB so apparent that the War department has fully determined upon Ibis policy for lie future Many of the Staten have permanent per-manent maneuvers for their National Guard during the summer months and the result has been extremely beneficial to all these nrrranlzalions The regular army has had an abundance of field service serv-ice during the past four years but nearly all the recent work In the Philippines has been done by small detachments frequently fre-quently mere squads 11 Is probable that the maneuvers for this year will Include Instruction In advance ad-vance ami rearguard patrolling passage of dollies defense of convoys marches or concentration attack and defense of noultlons uso of pontoon bridges and combined maneuvers of the three arms The following officers have been assigned as-signed to duty on the ntaff of Gen IJatcs and have been directed to niport at Fort KHoy not Inter than September 2OtIU J J W McClornaiul cavalrj 1 adjulanlgcn I cml I Ll itCol S C Mills Inspectorgen eral Capt C B Halter chief quartermaster quarter-master Cap I If J Gallagher chief commissary com-missary LIuuUCol John Van R Iloff chief surgeon and MaJ G P Schrlvcr chief signal officer |