Show REBERS IDEA OF A JOK Est E-St Louis Man Tolls What was Done to Him In Salt V j Lake 3 I J 1 O Tlchcr traveling freight agent I of the Missouri Pacific Railway com pony is voted the limit by some of the returning IDllcs whoso life he made miserable by innumerable ingenious pranks at Salt Lake City Frank Man ¼ hey the St Louis railroad man says ho has a grudge against fibber which can never be wiped oil the slate It seems that Manloy was the soundest deeper of the coterie of Elks In which Mr richer found himself when he arrived ar-rived at Salt Lake City ami the Intricate In-tricate assort muni of cogs which are always doing some original turn In the brain of Mr Rebcr soon began to get I busy planning a merry grist to hand to the unfortunate Mlssourlan Mr i i Manlcy was one of time many unfortunates un-fortunates who were obliged to rest I their weary bones upon hard cots and this eventually caused a tragedy which nearly resulted In giving a Iuilfdo7cn women nervous prostration On the I second night of his stay in Salt Lake City Mr Stanley was fatigued und look to his cot at the l first opportunity i Tho keen eyes of Mr Reber were not engaged In recreative pursuits at this time and careful note was taken of Mr Manlcys actions by the gentlemen who laid themselves open to the plot tings of Manlcy for the rest of their lives Manley was allowed to travel far Into the Land of Nod before his tormentors commenced him undoing and when they gathered about his cot at 15 1 In the morning It would have taken a club to rounc him from his deep slumbers There were few signs of life about the hotel 1 at the time Four strong arms raised the cot and carried it to the open court behind the luilol All that was over Manley besides a sheet was the canopy of the heavens But he still slept and gave no evidence of waking until the day had broken The denouement came about 1 oclock In the morning His friends kept up an unceasing un-ceasing vigil at a window In the hotel and saw the cruel awakening For a minute lie could not take In the situation situa-tion but after rubbing his eyes he soon gave evidence of preparation to fly to his room As he ran across the court clothed in his immaculate robe do null the merry haha pealed from the windows above lie saw through the joke Immediately lie rushed into the corridor of tho hotel and just as lie was about to climb the first Might of stairs he came across a group of women who thought I ho was insane Tholr screams attracted attract-ed the attention nf all the guests and iIunlc was immediately I pursued by a I > number of persons who wanted lo capture cap-ture him After allowing him to make every kind of an attempt to explain his awkward situation his friends came to his rescue und explained their agency In the matter Dcrirer Republican |