Show WHEAT CLOSED STRONO Gained Much Strength from the Coarse Grains GOOD ADVANCE ON RAINS Firm Cables and Damage to Wheat in the Shock Two Other Factors That Helped Boom the Small Grain Corn Receipts Were Scarce and This Helped the Price Bad Reports Re-ports from the Oats Field Caused Good Buying Provisions Strong and Higher with Pair Demand Chicago Atifr 20 Wheat gnined much of Its strength from the connie grains There was considerable changing going on and this constituted the bulk of tim trade At the opening there was a good advance on the rains firm cables and damnse to wheat In the shock There was much fear ainoiiR tho September shorts over time congestion In that month and the Improbability of relief from contract con-tract receipts No contract stuff came In with the 303 cars received The showery show-ery conditions northwest gave rise to cars that the growing crop In that acc ion may be dangerously retarded After the early rush of buying orders trade was very dull for several hours but it good rally act In late on a fair cash demand and fifteen loads accented at tim sea board September opened c UI to Unchanged Un-changed at 70j7170c dippeti to G9c and reacted to 70c closing strong 0TLC lip cit Corn receipts were only thirteen cars threo of contract irradc Cable were higher and the wet weather badly retarded re-tarded growth It was officially staled tint the corn IB very ircon and stocks were so depleted that shorts vero frightened fright-ened again September closed 1211o up at 52vic Bad reports from the oats fields caused good buying Commission houses hadbig orders and local shorts are eager to cover The market ruled stronnest on the floor at times and held most of Us strength September closed strong cup c-up at 33Hc Provisions were strong and higher but Inclined toward dullness There was a fair demand and no selling pressure Liquidation for profits went on at times Hogs were higher and helped In the advance ad-vance September pork closed 22 > ic up lard 7c up and ribs 22c higher RANGE OP LEADING FUTURES Open High Low Close Wheat September 70 70 69i 70 December f 7U G7X G7 G7 May 03v CJl s 3 COj Corn September Fi2 T > 2 52A 02 December 11 11 Il < 4 11 May 39ft 39b 39t 30 Oats September old 27 24 27 TM September new fly 33 S2T6 34 i December new 291 30 29 30VJ May SOVi 30 SO 30 Moss Pork September lG07i in25 1G071A1G25 October 16 IS JG40 11515 IGjp January niI 1ls i6 nw MDU Lard September 101214 1060 ioizm4 < 10424 October 9571 3771s 957 977Vi January S35 837Ii S35 S35 Short Ribs September 070 900 970 990 October 922ij > 9i24 9221i iJ2Vi January 755 75714 765 757t CASH QUOTATIONS Cash quotations were as follows Flour steady No 2 spring wheat 7273c No 3 70c No 2 red C9Qj70c No a corn 5Cc No 2 yellow 604lrtc No 3 white ants 3IJIS5sc No 2 rye SOliffiolc fair lo choice mnlllnfr barley 50i02c No 1 flaxseed flax-seed SI 39 No i Northwestern 115 prime timothy seed 500 mess pork per barrel JtO151620 lard per 100 pounds S1015ffj > MU71s short ribs sides loose S970JJ9SO dry sailed shoulders boxed S875 < TSfi7VA short clear sides boxed 10r02 > 10G2A whisky basis of high wines 5131 clover contract grade 900 RECEIPTS AND S1IIPMBNTS Rcpta Ship Flour barrels 3sV0 17000 Wheat bushels 395000 167000 Corn bushels 57000 2G3000 Oats bushels 1111000 251000 Rye bushels 2SOOO 32000 Barley bushels 3000 3000 PRODUCE EXCHANGE On the produce exchange today the butter but-ter market was easy creameries 15f5lflc dairies ISifJlSc ChccHC Steady I0llc EBBS Steady fresh lim4c Butter and Eggs New York Aug 20 Butter Receipts 11200 packages market steady Imitation June creamery 15ff7H7c factory ll15 > Ac KEKS Receipts 11500 packages market steady State and Pennsylvania 2020Vfcc Western candled 17ii lOc Western un candled 15r017c Sugar Raw steady fair refining 2c centrifugal 9Gtcsl 3c molasses sugar 2c refined steady crushed 51G powdered pow-dered 5175 granulated JlG Coffee Nominal No 7 Rio ovtc Coast Grain San Francisco Aug 20 Wheat Firm December L13i spot quiet but steady 1 1 21J115 Corn I argc yellow steady l31t5 Barley Weaker December 93ic cash 93C |