Show f SACBA3ISNTO CLEANUP r first Lot of Gold Dust Prom tile New Hill to Arrive Soou 1 The first cleanup at the Sacramento Companys new mill aL Mercur Is now In progress with the proceeds to make their appearance within the next few days Just what Is the value of the cleanup Manager Kothwell would not undertake to anticipate yesterday but the initial run has been one of good average while the plant has been be liavlng most satisfactorily Next month Supt Cochier who has been achieving fine results ever since he appeared at the mines and mill will Install the retort at one time employed em-ployed on the old Marion mine across v the gulch and to the gold dust now being precipitated will add the pro duction of quicksilver which awaits Jilm In unusual if not unprecedented abundance In the mine Indeed everything ev-erything at the property is In line cnn tlitiou while the shareholder Is rely log on a distribution from the com panys cupboard before the year Is much older |