Show EDITORIAL PITH Lord Kitchcnori statement that tho empires em-pires new territory Is a land full of vvcry description of potential wealth uliouhi give iwuae to those t who declare that gold III 11iI1I Iole resource But what did Lord Kitchener mean by the statement state-ment that wo have the makings of noth IHK Icbit than a nw A merlon In the I southern I south-ern hemisphere One America In I as much as the civilized world can put up with anti l IIITC are times when we find that one too many London Saturday Review Re-view Millions of clollius have been spent in tho distribution of seeds alone The Coy ernmnnl Mas spent other I millions In the preparation of costly IlliuUralcd l works to Instruct Limo fairmtiu In their 1 work to pio tocl their sitnclc from disease and to pro nerve lh < Mr crops from the recurring causes of devastation It 1 hns spent without with-out atlut In the conduct of experimental station Introduced t new varieties of prn ducts In almost every class and taught tin farmer how to raise them lie is po Injj lo I have good roads largely through the generosity of the Government ami there are comparatively few States wheic lie docs not rule the legislative roost dlo crlinlnatlng usually 1 ifiliifct the I mctrnpn lit In he 1 matter of taxation If i not III time disbursement of political patronage Detroit De-troit Free Pzcmi c Something too much of disease in tIme papers and In our talk Humanity suf fers from Its suKKOstlon Uho shall measure mea-sure the foicf of the hypnotisms of an doty People accept what III told to Ihcjn I becausei they hao a commendable habit of trusting their fellows and when a scientist of utnmlliitf Insists that they are victims nf a new disease angle i which dill not fillet their fathers they iiuiislilor the mutter gravely and as likely as Hot they ittire to their chambers and have It I Brooklyn liayle |