Show I GRANITE REPLACES KYUNE Sandstone Considered Too Soft for Lower Walls of Federal Building1 Changes In the detail of nor n-or the new Federal building may cause further delays In huildln Since arriving ar-riving on the ground Supt Ash has I come to the conclusion that the Kyune sandstone designed for use In the walls of the building1 is not adapted to the purpose as being likely to scale off Just as It has scaled oft from the walls of the City and County building Mr Ash recommended that granite ho used instead in-stead up to the llrst floor level and the matter has been placed before the su pjjrvlslni architect J F Taylor at Washington S S The now tomato canning factory at Kaysville will open the seasons run tomorrow morning The farmers will begin delivering their tomatoes today getting ready for the start Word comes down from Kaysville that thc tomato crop Is unusually hue and the run of the factory for the initial year will be between L5000 and 30000 cases S B S Although the new crop of wheat Is being threshed and somo of It already has been placed on the market the price holds well up around 70 cents a bushel and Hour men do not anticipate any marked reduction from this figure Tho Utah supply it is siild will be no more than sullleicnt to fill the local demand de-mand and millers arc taking up the grain ns fast as it Is offered Time new crop so far has boon harvested only from the dry farms and the wheat is said to be of line quality a S B S Ross of Boise has sold to John Dorius Jr of Kjihriam 10x10 rods of vacant land at First and X streets for 3oOO cash Aaron Keyser has sold to Mrs Nettle Bayfilngor lix7 = rods on P street bctwcn Second and Third streets for 51000 Mrs Bayslnger will erect a modern house on the lot Both transfers wore made through thc agency agen-cy of A Rlchtera a S i Ed M Miller has decided not to build a terrace at North Temple and Main streets as originally planned but will erect instead a threestory modern apartment house > iSxS5 foot with six apartments In all n Real estate transfers yesterday aggregated aggre-gated 51901 o Yesterdays hank clearings amounted to S092159 as compared with 513Ji for the same day lust year |