Show THE INSANE ASYLUM Monthly Meeting1 Commissioners Inmates and Expenses Provo 31 ay 9 iThe Board of Commissioners Commis-sioners of the State Insane Asylum met 8t that institution today In regular session ses-sion Kith all members present Medical Superintendent Hardy reported the movement of patients for April aa follows Fc To Males males tals Inas > lum March 21st167 v ICO 327 Admitted < lurlnc month 4 1 Z t ITader treatment 171 JG1 222 222G DiSCharged 5 1 G i Wed 3 1 I Romalnlnir April 30th163 159 322 PproprLitlons were made as follows t to coyer expenses for April Claries 113910 i urnnt expenses 1CC122 Sundry cxpcnstB C250 treasurer Farrcrs report showed Balance April l3t 5 330GO Hcc vert from pay patients 10700 ilccclvcd from State warrant 3C02IG Blaburacd K251 f i ince May 1st f SXK II iJ F Hcrclarv was authorized to make rcijmjli0 Ou lhy State Auditor for l2Ic2 Contracts for supplies for six months Clding NoyenIr ith lwardcd ero n8 foloUv IUtProvo Meat company beef and mtmtrj0 first three months 7 cents second I4 three iionlhH 5i cenls tallow 1 cents Smoot fc Spafford mine Black LAj ICr ton board of cars can Chmprna Mercantile company Amen orh flour 145 owt bran and 8hmjrL7U Ph n00 Drug company and Provo of i ian > r each received a portion 2 I the contracts for Th drugs nTir ccciIes were awarded to time ClIirmmmmn K Mow Memcantiie coumiany > and George tache1l Ilu 1119 for tim two buildings or de yards were opened time 1115 WCr fqlIow rthijr Jbcon c < Completo1S0000 fl m holmes IlCImflonL comnriIetc 2000000 Vatlcin5 without cx cavittlon 1951020 rime LJlsIritmJr only 18 4rQ TO for time Appropriated ln5 nl Vullll KS heating and furnlsli tWf11 irvvho lowc t bid ia therefore hc Limi aj tlnl tim beyond ticS limit CIfltrtct vas awarded to Mr on the conltlon that he would CQflnt Sl7J Vilatlho buII1imm n Jmmm reduced Jn QmLArl1 Ai bour1 may direct and m that other Umn ls mentioned In the rerintJ115 mrthrr tmm lm ° SllbMtltUlCd It la CnnIIItInrIC1 VhaL thn contrictor mtgr t tim refIu1lomm ot tln > to V1 < Hon price IIflmrnsi11 commfrnmn WKh time temImretlomt In tho iIm7mgimg of lho t IJUilillnira and the anmi mrClIiICt m he mnlopn > Tin contractor m art toecvher to dotormlne U to tCucLtQn 1 nj flinses oil of which hro51 aubmitcd to Lime board for ap Court at Coalvllle iViifr May 8 > In Dlatflct court J p ler Iol l 07iVcr com > iny va John M v immLPret rf for J JKinunt of 3710 and John n Pueh from HSUBl 31 1S of Part City was ad = mitted to citizenship ho Is a nntlvo of Valcs State va J D Fleming and J P Mac Brldo prisoners arraigned unJ pleaded not guilty case continued until Juno 27th MrH E I L Bromley vs CJirls Nollson judgment for plaintiff Thomas Drago vs John Maxwell ct at judgment for plaintiff of S1G2341 All Jurors excused and court adjourned until Juno 27th Planting Fish Fry Provo May 9State Fish and Game Warden John Sharp assisted by I Deputy Warden J V JOIICB planted In Dry crook 250000 fry of Eastern lake trout The trout In the fall will go into Utah lake Mr Sharp also went on a tour of Inspection along the Provo river L Jj Donnn was appointed a special deputy to protect the fish at the runway at the power companys dam |