Show I Drnnkonncss A rare and permanent cure for drunk onncss and drug addictions Addre 1 Kccloy Institute 1CJ 33 1st South S Box 4SO Salt Lake Utah or Ask Tour Grocer for Royal Zvvlcbaok I PurQ food for chikiron nd btomachu wenk I blomicha J I I I i Assist Nnturo You have been itold to hitch your 5s wagon to a starthat Nature will assist you Thats all right There are lines however when you should assist Nature and the spring Is one of these times Nature is now undertaking to cleanse our system if you take Hoods Sarsaparilla Sarsa-parilla the undertaking will be success ul and your complexion bright and clear Buttorick Publications mid Patterns In all styles kinds and sizes received a soon as issued May numbers now eady at F Auerbach Bro II I For 0 stiff neck there Is l nothing bet I ter than a free I l a application of Cham berlains Pain Balm I quickly rav lievcs the stiffness and aorcnebsAeKect lag inS a complete cure S r TuIIfll ItIjLJunJuu1IIIt1IuIu3JluIlItJtJflUTflhI 1 5E DR WILLIAMS 5 S PDG P1LL FORE PAil lrOP I = fiTTO tonic Dlood Maker Send for doscrlpi tiro pamphlet Hold by drngclstu oscrrwrUore Y ontt per boi alx for 3iM a I DnWninMn Jinn Co Bclicncctnily N Y IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 11111 1IIIII IIl I S Stood the test for fifty ycaro K NGSF i BI1 S OS WE GO < 66PlJRE99 I S STARCH for the Laundry S = hot In Nature I for anyone to always feel tired There is no need to drag out nu existence wiUioutnnilltion Weak nerves arc responsible for thuS thu-S giior depression debility and oneo cclc Diseased nerves whether due to overwork over-work ovcriiululpcncc or any other cause can b made strong aa steel by tie use of They toncnnd Invigorate every organ of lhe body soothe and strengthen the dowu nerves and trnniform broken S nicii and women into strong healthy 1 vigorous ruddycheeked persons If yon find this isnt ko yon set your money hack SlOOpcrbos C boxes with juanm I tee SoOO fool Cee PBAI MCDI k cum Co Cleveland Ohio For sale by F r Hill Co 80 W 2nd South Salt Lake Utah S HOTEL UTSFORD New and elegant In all Ha appoint mont 250 rooms slnglo or on suite 6 rooms with bath < S G ProrI lor S HOLMES Proprl9tor AftER AVC Dr E TR < F COOLS COMFORTS AND 1 IT 1 HEALS TiE SKIN DM > i p I BUNG THE HOST TENDER 1 I TEN-DER FACE TO EHJOV A SA I CLOSE SHriVE WITHOUT a UNPLEASANT RESULTS z t hold dsnflCroua irrllal 1 r ha ing Itch Ilc7cl propnratonc Ii Ii r nro ontcil to bo Iho ama L Z as P Ponds Extract wlilch ir easily icur nod genorally genoraly j r 11 contain r1 alcohol n 7 oly iol < cit I 2zn Sim22 r = 7 i c With rich strong Wood pure l ouejs rch troubled with sores S m 1 w 1 e i m m D g one or ulcers A cut or any injury to i the flesh licnls in a few days S nature supplying the healing t3 Ai ifl balm in the form of healthy new blood i but when the S ij r J e 1 j circulation is tainted with poisonous germs humor or any ji di effete matter a alight scratch or abrasion of tlc akin t becomes to be boils S become a festering sore tiny pimples grow b swollen joint andiuflamcd glands often break out into OfCI Erow slow healing soes i i i t A frt JE J lrnfr the ApoiluLi4bIood is always IuCIctollC1l rol liJypOC8 ccJ I I skin 11 a chronic state of mnammalcm but every organ lc t1rc of the bodY S l I r fom nn 1tpufe and sluggish crcnbtion You never fcd well yqttar < iict S Jccr cnQc well until the system is reLieved of Hs lerile loul fiiitpiir1 ties WIth the blood so contaminated so deeply poisoncd uccrbots and sores of cetf kind uc ant to bccomc hronic and oflcu devcp mto Cancer Sre and ulccra are most 1 1 and often J 1 I bocamo afflicted with a covoro coo Olran a catiscd by 1 of poverty o from the linco to tho foot vtac ono oolid ooro the blood arid a weak and which wan vory oiTcnsivo I Apcint ovoi 1000 I p slow circulation brought l on on two trips to Hot Springs and local phyci by long continued sicuncss oians treated mo to no purpoco I had about malarial poisoning torpid decIded to havo m7 loff asiputated when a liver the use of friend induced no to try S B S I bocau to mercury or whatever 1 is calculated 1 to destroy tako your nonthcdthaJ rcodiciro and in tho rhort cpaco hly or I coven montho It han complotoly and thoroughly I stroy the vitality of the blood cured jns ilylocr in a vitncss tcday an to what and break down the constitution S S S t ill ± do thc tzitcn regularly Tho CoO constitu-tion These old chronic sores hao hotlcxl entirely acl my health baa improved S last sometimes for years cat wonderfully I LCVO alroqdy gaIned 20 pounds iij into the fltsh muscles J B TALBERT S tissues and Box 245 Winonu Hioa J even down into the bones and arc such a tax upon the system that it is hard for the patient to recuperate and a simple malady oltcii proves fatal Nothing quickly or surely restores lost strength and vitality to the blood asS as-S S i5 It is an antidote for the severest forms of Blood Poison as well ns the irritating humors that cause the eruptions and sores that sap your vcry life and so greatly disfigure YOu S S SJS the only guaranteed purely vegetable blood pun her It contains no mercury potash arsenic or other hurtful drug It cleanses the blood 1nd p11rifics the circ1Jatiol1 thus ridding the system of the impurities tliit keep the sore feverish and painful At the same time your gdnra1 health improves under the tome effects of S S Sand the skin hccomes soft smooth and healthy If you are troubled with lx > ils carbuncles sores or eruptions of any sort write our physicians all about your case dont risk your own judgment when you can get medical advice from experienced doctors free Hook on Blool and Skin Diseases to all who desire it S THE SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY ATLANTA GA I 1 4 < S CLEVELAND BiCYCLES I Q AT S t The Salt lal tlardNare Co i < > The bearings ora bicycle are one of the most important < > S S and vital parts of a bicycle S < < g > S 5 t The famous CLEVE TDjpADIMjjnC 5S LAND bearings arc one 1 of the features that DEAR IN rS have made that bicycle I f so popular the world over Not only is the material the best that can be selected for the purpose but tho greatest caro is lavished upon it to produce absolute accuracy That this has been obtained 4 is easily conceived No inequalities or the hard spots in an adjustments ad-justments are found in either cups or cones < s4 All CLEVELAND BEABINGS aro so constructed giving a bearing x bear-ing so nearly approaching absolute perfection that no oil need be W used except at great intervals V S S 4 Cleveland Bicycles from 40 to 75 Look for the Sign of the Big Gun I i > r4 I E r RI 1 I t r S 1 G e r J grri < tvJ 2 We recommend the new fancy flannels as being i stylish serviceable and cool for kolweallier wear though blue serge is always a favorite and will be worn again this yearS > year-S These series consist of coat and trousers only S They are made in the Skeleton style without linings of any kind and in some instances the trousers i i trou-sers have cuffs to roll up at the bottom jSavy blue serge skeleton coat I 450 i Fancy flannel blue or black ground with light stripe regular saek and Varsity 3 style 1000 Fancy flannel gray ground with light stripeS stripe-S regular sack and Varsity style 1200 T These are very stylish and will be worn by the best dressers in the land I S iw 1 I Richards dams I j S 0 172 Main St 0i f lf ri rMM mv 4ii vvsO I Vit IJ I < i rVi2JJlteis Orates t THeE M Our Golden Oak to tho most auperb effect ever produced in u We have a flue celaction of new tiles in Onyx and Marble Colors Mantels in Oak Bircb Cherry Sycamore BirdsEye Maple MA hccan Curly Birch Call and examine our new stock EUASMQRRISSONS CO SEASONS OPENiNG We want everybody In Utah to visit our clinik Department and us nn inducement Induce-ment 10 do so we shall nut our Felling price down TrENTyPIV13 PER CENT on time following NOv Spring Garments AVc have hundreds of other things which wo want you to see and which you will buy later on when you know what theca the-ca be bought for S 2Ti per cent off ladles New Spring Suits 2o per cent off Ladles New Spring Dress Skirts 25 per rent ore Ladles Now Spring PeW ccata 2o por ccnt off Ladles New SprIng Dox S Coats 2T per cent off Ladles Now Spring Crtpc 21 per cent oil Misses Now Spring Suits 2 per cent OIL Misses New Spring Box Coats 2j per cent off Childrens Now Spring Box Coats S 23 per cent off Infants Long Cream Coats S 2Z per cent oft Infants Short Cream Coats Ac NO CURE NO PAY MKNVIt you Imro rmnlltreat t J Ct k i organs lout power ort wcJKcnlnf or-t I ilmlD onr Vacuum Organ Dcrolopcr rf > Tlll rcitoro you without druj or I clcctrlcltjl 8trlohllO And VarIcotoio T permanently cured In 1 to i wcoUsj I 73000 In ltal not ann fAlluro not ono relnrmxlt iTect linnir llatoi no coD frauds wrllo forrw partlcu I are Knt tcaled In plain envclopo LOCAL APPLIANCE CO HO Thorp 01k1 Indlonipolh Ind Castle Gate Rock Springs 2000 lbs I careful I BAMBERijER 161 IVIfiin f cure Primary Secondary orTertiar nry orTcrtlary in 20 to 40 days without the nso ot potash or mercury to atui curod forovor Roflox dltordera Cram OtCOS OlD sadly lifu io6t manhood liT ii rtobility promptly l jind normanoully oured rormnnouUy Every oaso accuptwl undnr legal gnnrnutco Soud Blnmp for frau book W A Cook M D or THE COOK MEDICAL CO 6a3 CURTJSJjJ x DENVER COLO Timetable In In effect J7tb I m I 20 1901 S ne0 I LEAVE SALT LAKE For Ogden Cache Valley Omaha l Oma-ha Chicago Dunver Kansas f City St Louis 700 J m uFor Gnrneld Beach Tooclo and Terminus 6 745a In For Tin tic TMcrciir Provo No phi nnd Mantl 753 a m For Onden Buttc Portland S F San Francisco and intcrmf dato points 9i5am For Ogden Omaha Chicago Denver St Louis San FranCisco Fran-Cisco 130 p ra For Ogden Denver Kansas t1iZf City Omaha SU Louis Chi GivO Wh cage < p nt J For Provo Ncphl Mllford and 111 ofl Intermediate points > G03 p m i lor For Ogden Butte Helena J Portland San Francisco and JIfY Go Intermediate points 10EO p ra ARRIVE SALT LAKE 1 city From Ogden Chicago Omahu Tn St Louis Ian ntl City and fliher Denver C30a rn From Ogden Portland Butte rtl ch Holohn San Francisco 910 a m id nt Prom Mllford Provo and In i termcdlato points 9S S a m From Ogden Chicago St Louis Vf Omaha Denver San Francisco 330p m From Garllold Beach Tooclo and Terminus 400 pm Ell From Ojrddn Logan Brigham 555 p m 11 i = 0 From rln tic Morcur Nophl C00 p m > fladY g From Ofidcn Bjttc Portland s 15 l p m J or c f Trains south of Juab do not run Sun J S Jays pjrTY Dally except Sunday si City Ticket Office 201 lilain Street l b y D E BURLEY Gen P and T A k tOU W H BANCROFT S rI1 VlccPrcflldcnt and GcnM Manager ll I S S f as S 11 Jp p QZA CURRENT 1II J 1 S TIMETABLE 1 cjre ItT T It-T AB LE V lftii I LEAVES SALT LAICK CITY c otiFor Grand Junction Den k Itc vcr und points cast S20 a m t 3 No 2101 Proo Grand Junction IHen Junc-tion arid all poiulu cast 315 p m 1il hr No IFor 1 Provo Grand Junction 1 Junc-tion ami all point cast 320 p m d 3 No lt tFor Iln ham Lehl rr Provo llebor l Maiitl Marys S uu uLu L p 1 m viiiu uiiu iiiicrmcuiaio iiuiius tV u ILL No 8101 Ruioku tayson I Ilebcr Provo and Intermediate I points r S Gop mho m-ho 3For Ogdcn and tho wc3tll00 m No 1F9r Ogden and the west 100p m No fiFor Ocdcn and the west 9M5 a m in No 12For Park City R00 a m Xtti ARRIVES AT SALT LAKE CITY hsl < No 6 From Provo Grand June I VffZi lion and tho cast 9SO a m i No 1 From Provo Grand Junction Junc-tion and tho cast b 124j p m No 3 From Provo Grand Junction Junc-tion and the cast 10CO p m No9From Provo llcbcr I BIngham Eureka Marysvalo Mantl and Intermediate points 600 p m No C From Ogden and tho west 850 1 m No 2 From Ogden and tho west 305 p m caL S No IFrQm 1 Ogden and the west 810 p m No 7 From Eureka Payaon S Ilober Provo and Intermediate tu 1 points 5 5 S 1000 a m No 41 From Park City 5J5 p m PERFECT DINING CAR SERVICE Ticket Office 103 W Second South St Postofllce Corner t I I I Safety at 70 Miles r lltn Hour S SEver S-Ever on tho alert for tho safety safe-ty of its patronsand Its emS em-S ployees tho Burlington Route Is now equipping all1 Us passenger S engines with electric headlights S S They send forth a stream of IIghl that can be seen a dozen miles away that cuts through the darkness like a knife that makes traveling at 70 miles an hour safer than at 40 miles an hour with tho oldstylo oilS oil-S lamps Worth while going East via the Burlington for the sole purpose pur-pose of studying this newest S safely device RF NESLEN Conoral 1 Agent 79 West Socond South Sh Salt Lake City SOUTUERN PACifiC I ooTHME T ABLESol FOR THE WEST J Leave Leave L avon S S avo-n G DepoL S 1 Depot Ogden Ml Time Ml Time Pac Time S No1 100 pm1 1220 pm IS PIT No3 1100 pm 1050 pm 500 am No 5 015 a in 915 am 1115 am S fROM THE WEST oJArrlvo Arrive Arrive ArriveR S Arrive-R G Depot Su Donot Ogden ML Time ML Time Pac Time No2 305 pm 3COpm 115 pm No 4 810 pm 815 pm GiSOpin No G SiO nm 910 am Cl5am Note No 1 and 2 carry llrstclass passengers pas-sengers only Inquire D R GRAY Gen Agt 10 < 5 W Second South St la J Record Voyage 6 Days 7 Hours 22 r1inulo i BOaTuN to LIVcRPUOL via QUEENSrOV Now England llf00 tons May 22 Commonwealth 13000 tons Juno 5 PORTLAND lo LIVERPOOL via Quaanslown Vancouver May IS Dominion Juno 1 CambromJinJnno SVancomcr Hum 22 For 1ur1tiCrlOfOrmtiflZidJtCSc 1 Compan > 5 Ollicen o9 Dearborn SI Chicago ihii Northern Commercial Co For Nome and St Michael AND ALL POINTS ON YUKON RIVER Sailing dates subject to change I From San Francisco From Seattle May 2olh S S Portland June 1st L S S St Paul r June Sth May 2oth S S Conemaugh June Wilt Conoinaugh carries freight and llvo stock No passengers For rates of passage pas-sage freight and other particulars apply to 5 toNORTHERN NORTHERN COMMERCIAL COM PAN 310 Sanrfome Slrcrt San Francisco l S S Seeds HI Kinds Now Stock true reliable Hlghcst awards two American and parIs expositions S S IURrHV AITE S 122 Stato St Salt Lake City Utah t > 4 Also Ogdou Utah tij t |