Show F D Hfprslnbotliani Successor to D H Peery Jr Stock Broker 10 W 2nd South Tel COS JI C Coffin Stock JJroltor 1 I to 5 Jennings block Telephone 1007 Ti II Diinninsr fc Co Stooc Brofcorj 417 D F Walker building Tel 73D IL li Colburn Stock Urokor 15 West Second South Phone 070 INic EXCURSION TO TINT1c Tin Oregon Short Line Sunday May 12th Tinllc Flyer will leave Salt Lake at 713 a m Roundtrip Round-trip only 200 Kolltzs Summer Garden opens May 11 1OA1 v Drink a stooping of Mokl Ten before retiring at night and see how soundly you will sleep and how Joyously you will awake In the morning It supplies food for the blood while you sleep produces pro-duces a clear and beautiful complexion and cureS Constipation and sick headache head-ache 25 cents and 50 cents For oalo by GodbePltts Drug company If You ITuvo Dyspepsia Catarrh of the stomach or gastritis take hot water before breakfast with Grays Stomach Powders No cure no pay COc at Smith Drucr Co Notice Sheepmen Lambing ground for lease In forest reserve Apply 509 MeCornlck block c Theres In Money i un V 4 GCO E BLAIR 4 J 411 Anerbach BIfc J Buys and sells 1t I Oil Lands g WITESTAR 1 OIL COMPANY J Pioneer Company F ERFECT EAR TAG I Si RLEEER STAMPS SEALS ffijVS WE tAKC ALLCFTHCM iWSwJ SALT LAKE STAMP Co < ttiM V 63H IV 2fl 6ft 6 L CPfcISffil Jftlpn aRBfHB Ba ft ilA 15 BROTHERS y7ALKER Bankers SALT LAKE GITS Safety deposit boxes for rent B JONES CO r BANKERS SALT LAKE CITY UTAH Transact a general banking business In all its branches I Special attention Is given to selling oC ores and bullion of which consignment aro solicited 150 SOUTH MAIN STREET NATIONAL BANK yVESZBET UNITED STATES DEPOSITARY Salt Lake City Utah Capital 3500000 Surplus 250000 L S HILLS TJOSES THATCHER Prcnldcnt VlccPresIdent H S YOUNG Cashier Safo Deposit Boxes for rent KTATIONAL BANK OP INI THE BEPUBLIC U S DEPOSITARY FRANK KNOX President GEORGE A LOWE VcePreMldcnt W F ADAMS Cashier CAPITAL PAID IN1 5303000 Banking In al Its branches transacted Exchange drawn on the principal cities o Euro o INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS 77 TTcCORHTCK CO McCORICK Bankers Salt Lake City Utah ESTABLISHED 1S73 xiOMMEBCIAL NATIONAL BA2TE C CAPITAL PAID IN 5200000 General banking In all Its branches Directors Dr Theodoro Meyer John J Daly O J Sallnbury Moylan C Fox Thomas Marshall W P Noble George M Downoy John T7 Donncllan A H Holden ELLS FARGO CO BANK W SALT LAKE CITY UTAH Accounts of banks bankers corporations corpora-tions firms and Individuals solicited Exchang foreign and domestic bought and sold Telegraphic transfers mado on all tho principal cities of tho United States and Europe Letters of Credit Issued available iii the principal cities of the world Collections made at current rates Special attention given to selling of oro < and bullion bullionCORRESPONDENTS CORRESPONDENTS Wells Fargo Cos BankNew York City 1 Wells Fargo Co Sun Franclcco Wells Fargo Co Portland Or Merchants National BankChicago Nniinnal Bank of the Republic Boston Boatmans uanK St LOUIS First National Bank Omaha First National Bank Denver Glyn Mills Currlo Co London Samuel Montagu Co London J E DOOLY Cashier ESTABLISHED 1SI1 IcO OFFICES THE OLDEST AND LARGEST R > G DUN CO I f The Mercantile Agency GEORGE RUST General Manager Utah Idaho and Wyoming Office In Progress bldg Salt Lake City T TNION ASSAY OFFICE U M S HANAUER Manager Removed to 152 South W Temple SAMPLES BY MAIL AND EXPRESS will rccolvo prompt attention Analytical work a specialty Send for price list JOHN MVTCKEE I ASSAY OFFICE NO 150 MAIN ST SALT LAKE CITY Ores carefully assayed Samples sent from zt distance promptly attended to and returns mailo tho lollowlng day ChargeD reasonable I W CURIE ASSAYEB 12 W 3rd South Salt Lako City Prompt attention given to all orders by mail or express Clmrgca uniform and reasonable 4 f I V J |