Show Ill G03SIP IN LONDON TOWN Alarming reports al out Lord SaltabuYyn condition arc prevalent In London r The holdings of EnglIsh Investors In it retime re-time American properties which have boon I making a meteoric passage ncrosa tub p Western sky were disposed of long ago The Colnnlttl I Sccntnry Mr Chamberlain Chamber-lain answering a question1 Hi the house of Commons said Gen Dowels house had been burnrd as the railroad had been cut near his farm The possibility of Lord Salisburys ro jCE tlremcnt has bcon freely canvassed In I political circles Ills death would not dls solvn the Ministry but would lead lo its rcconelrucUon Andrew Carnegies advice to the British people given al time recent meeting of tho JOU Iron and Steel Institute as to how lo manage bIt man-age their own affairs causes him to be L taken to task by 1 London Chronicle If American prosperity bo an Inexplicable Inexpli-cable marvel lo KiiRllKhmcn 7 Plcrpont Morgan Is hue Inscrutable mystery HIs name Is connected with one stupendous t operation after another until the British public Is prepared to accept any halfpenny v3 half-penny fiction about him The King nald time Chancellor of tho Exchequer Sir MIchael HicksBeach In discussIng tho civil list In Iho Houso oC Commons baa no personal fortune a fact which could not ho too widely knowB Ho ttas therefore dependent on thoJrovo nues of iho Duchy of Lancaster andPar llamentary grants te |