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Show KXCflS.HION TO TIIK LAKE. Several Vlnltorn Tiike a Trip to Garfield m-iieli mid (liirileld City. Yesterday afternoon a spocial excursion excur-sion train was run down to Oarliold Itoach and Garfield City, under tho auspices aus-pices of E. D. Gray & Co. and W. H. Chnstio, real estato men, who had ns their gtieslB tho following gontlemen: gontle-men: Wendal Benson and Samuel Reese of Omahn; Col. Cesnn, Canton, Ohio; J. 11. Hurlbut, D. W. Kirkpntrick, J. Hannnn, nnd C. E. Washburn, Kansas Citv; J. McQuade, Chicago; J. W.IIamm, St. Paul; T. J. Golden, Marshall, III.; S. II. Fields, Captain Morton, Mr. Wator-man, Wator-man, and a Times representative of Salt Lake. Tho train was run through to Garfiold City, whoro the excursionists took n look at the Bite of the now town, which is now being laid out by Lynch it Glasman, and which is destined to become quito a popular summer resort. Tho proprietors aro Betting out trees and propose to immediately erect eighteen pretty little cottages. They havo about thirty buffalo, several foxes, and other animals in their zoological gardon at that point. Two artesian wolla wore spouting nt a lively rate for tho benefit of tho visitors. Stopping nt Garfield Ueach tho visitors visi-tors inspected the bathing Iioubos, the pier, and other buildings, nnd woro very much pleased with what they sew. |