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Show Lynch & McCarroll, Fust Door South of Postolfice, REAL ESTATE BROKERS. Block 8 Lako View Subdivision at a bargain. Capital Hill lotB ot ei.COO each. Lots in Plat "C" 8200 each. A beautiful homo on 3d South, CxlO rode, only 0,000. For Sale, By Wilkinson & Bennett. No. 11, west Second South. 10x20 rds cor 8th South and 8th East, 20 rods facing 8th South, 8750 per rod. 10x10 cor 0th South and 8th East, facing fac-ing north and East, with 5-room house, 110x105 feet, lot 1 block 11, plat E, Capital Hill. 811.0C0. lCxlTJ rds cor 3rd South and 0th East, facing Wost and south with good bouse and improvements, 810,000. 13x20 rds 5th East bet 3rd and 4th South with 5-room house, 825,000. 43 acres over Jordan, close in, 8500 per acre, 020 acres ovet Jordan at a bargain. ILNTAH HOTEL. Commercial Street, on tho European Finn. This fine Hotel, strictly first class in every respect is now ottering inducements induce-ments to tho local and traveling public which cannot bo excolled in the west. Central location. Restaurant in connection connec-tion for short orders at all hours. E. E. Fkench & Owen Phillips, Proprietors. J. W. THOMPSON & CO. REAL ESTATE AGENTS, 209 Main Street, Jnst Ncrtii of Postofflce. o oooo oo""00000" RESIDENCES. No. 197. 2x10 rods, new house of5 rooms, i South, East 8 3,5(0 No. 218. 5x10 rods, small houso, corner 5th and K strcots 500 No. 221. 4x10 rods, 4-room houso, 1st South, West 3150 No. 211. 3x10 rods, 8-room house, 3d South bet. 7th & 8th East 4,50u No. 205. 7GxlG5 ft, 6-room house, completely furnished, 8th South between be-tween 0th and 7th East 6,500 No. 217. 5x10 rods, small house, corner J and Cth streets 4,000 No. 182. 4x10 rods, 5-room house, Cth East, north of 3d South 0,500 No. 100. 40 x330 ft., an elegant stone front brick residence, 10 rooms, completely com-pletely furnished, south front, on 1st South 25,000 No. 177. 25 rodp, 2 small houses that will rent for $30 a month, 5th East on car lino 3,500 No. 170. 3x5 rods, brick houEe of 5 rooms, 3rd street 4,500 No. 172. 5x5 rods, new 5-room brick houoe, 1st, botweon L and M streets. . 0,250 No. 171. 4x10 rods, small house, 3rd West, botweon 7th nnd 8th South 3,000 No. ICO. 10 rods frontage, fine brick house, 14 rooms 14,000 No. 107. 2x10 rods, Groom now frame house, 4th East, botween 5th and Cth South 4,750 Na 101. 2!xl2, brick houso, barn, otc, Cth East, betwoon 2J & 3d South 4,5t0 No. 1G2. 22xl0 rods, brick house, 7 rooms, barn, cellar, city water, etc., E ist Bench 4,503 No. 103. 2xl0 rods, 4 room Brick houso, llowing woll 4.OJ0 No. 7. 2x10, 4 room Houso on North Bench 1,0(0 VACANT PROPERTY. r' Chheapest Lots in the city in Lake View subdivision on 0th North st., three block from car line. Lots in Kimball Subdivision, 10 blocks from P. O. 350 a pair. No. 195. Lot 3, Block 103, Plut D 8 0,000 No. 225. 2,'xlOrods, 1st W. bet. Cth and 7th S., a line building spot 3, K0 No. 220. 4x10 rods 8th S. between 9th and 10th E 2,100 j No. 227. 31)1x115) right of drive' 7th betweon D and E 2,'X0 No. 190. C.jx5 rods, purs of Lots 1 and 4. Block 29, Plat D 1,500 No. 191. Lot 3, Block 21, Plut F 10,000 No. 189. Lot 1, Block 19, Plat F 12,000 No. 180. Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4, Block 103, Plat C 12,500 No. 181. Lots 7 ond 8, Block 103, Plat C (i,000 No. 159. ViVi rods, one-half block from car lino, North Bench 2,500 No. 113. 4x10 rods on 5th West 3,200 No. ICG. 5x10 rods 3rd South East 4,000 No. 118. 5x10 rods on J, 8i.li and 9th street 2,500 BUSINESS PROPERTY. 21x100 ft. on Main, below Co-op (per foot) 3 1,G K) 50x112 ft. on Star st., north ot 1st South (per fool) GOO No. 110, CCxl73 ft., 18 Room House, on 2nd East, 1st nnd Socond South (per foot) 350 No. 122. 49x105 ft., 1st West, south of 3rd South (per toot) 235 ACREAGE. No. 203. 45 acrop, miles from P. O. (per acre) 1,000 No. 200. 99x25?.j acros, Improved on Mill Creek, 7 miles from Temple 8,500 No. 183. 10 acres, lot 3, blk 39, 10 acres, Tlat A 5,500 No. 108. 100 acros, Improved, 10 miles from P. 0 7,500 No. 153. 133 acres, finely Improved, on Jordan, 9 miles from City (per acre) 100 Watch Our List for Mew Properties. J. W. THOMPSON & CO. WEBB & P ALMER. Heal EHlatc. 10 acres on 2nd West. 3x10, 9th usl. ir2iid South. 5 acres on 2nd West. 8x10 corner Blk5!sPlat"D." J. A. Morian & Sons. Tarties wanting to buy property of any description will save monoy by calling call-ing on us. We havo a line list of business busi-ness and residence property that cannot be equaled for location, prico and trms. We have more fine corners than anybody any-body nnd several tracts of ncreage suitable suit-able for platting close in. Call ai d seo us borore buying. J. A. Moislan it Sons, 3-8 tt 13 W. Socond South St. WE HANDLE Business, EesKleoce and Coilry-Projurty, IMPROVED AND UNIMPROVED. Parties wishing to buy or sell Realty, had heller two u.". Our motto: ''Small Pralits und Quick Turns." Correspondencii bulicited. W. L BARRET & CO., 207 S. Main St., Suit Lake City, I'lah. : - " 'ELLCT10X BETS." Martin Schmidt, "Tho Tailor." Calls the attention of his mnny customers custo-mers nnd the general public, to his new quarters in the PROGRESS BUILDING and promises to continue turning out the Noduikst und best Style Suit in the city. If you want first class meats in the way of Kansas corn-fed beef nnd pork, go lo the Fulton meat market, No. 10 W. Third South street, and there you will find what you want. - The Utah Stf am Laundry now have the best equipped laundry in tho West and will double their plant for the coming com-ing season. Main office nnd laundry, 45 West Temple, opposite Grant Bros. Branch olllce, 111 Main. Wagons to all parts of the city. The Continental. This hotel is the recognized headquarters head-quarters for commercial men and tourists. Centrally located, it is fur nished-with everything pertaining to a lirst-elass hotel. For rooms at any time address G. S. Hot.mkh, Manager Continental Hotel. . For fresh poultry, fruits, flour nnd feed, together with all first class groceries, grocer-ies, call at the plaoo of W. E. D. Bar-nett, Bar-nett, 59 E. Third South street. Wanted to buy 10 acres Buitablo for immediate plattina in 5 aero plat A. Address with price, terms nnd description. descrip-tion. O. W., box 579, city. II KM WANTKU. AFI'tsrCbASSOUOCKItV (UjHKK-To the rig'tt nnn there is a proud idaee open. Ad-dri's-H, withiorercnoet, H. 11. M. Timks office. IVKUYIJODYtn advertise their wiint in lids J ui'iKirl ment of Tins Timeh. A for general housework, nt 130 B. West "rWOI'AIIPRNTKilXto put up a board fence. I Apply at New K:ist Bide Hotel. A T ONf 'E, a jrood eanvussrir to work in the i V niimie iMmiufss; muxthuve experience. Call at 75 W. IkI Biiulh utrei t. VliOODGMlbfor .reneral housework. Good wksch. Kill 8. VVutt Temple street. VYOUNlr (illtl, tohelp at .light . housekeeping. Apply Si.if, loini-r Frst. b' street. Mf)N fur eity work; railroad nnd ninnl nu n; ship daily; kikiiI wattes mid lung job. Denny it t hristy, 'i'S W. li't Boutli street. AKIIIHT CLASH (Illtl, in a small family. liissl wanes; eail at 5."7 South Main. 'MM MM! ML for nenenil housework, YEA E. V-! lingluim. AGirifj to take ciiargo of children. Apply st 52 K. 3,1 Sj'itii. A(iIULforKiiier.iI housework. Apply at 43 Tnird Kant. A GOO!) SE11VAST LIIltL. Apply at 837 -ti bouth Maine street. NUHSEGII'L,Bt7i Centre street. I'argains! It you want Snap3 in Business, Residence or Acreage 1'roperty call on C. 1 WASTMlin, !2l)l South Main St. olorade mid hansa People drink Letup's beer at the Casino. Hob Short is always on deck. . If you wnnt pork tenderloino and spareribs, you will get them by calling on S. S. DickiiiFou Co., tit the corner of Main and Third South street j. . Choice maplo syrup, the finest in the land, Humoiiirs choice hums and bacon, new goods and choico fruits arriving every dav at O. 15. Durit's, 7i and 71 K. Second South street. A Tew Kxlni fit-res. Elegant comer, one block from Utah Central Depot; two blocks from Temple, only 8100 per foot. 1 full blucK, 4 half blocks, G quarter block, in I'lat C. 3 full block, 2 halt blocks, G quarter blocks in I'lat 1). We have over 200 pieces to select from that wo can deliver with certainty. 37 pieces on which we can secure 30 to 90 day contracts. Davis A Stringer, 23 West Second South street. Second door east of Cullen Hotel. lidi Wanted For ten miles of street grading; apply to A.J. Dutton.nt ollico of Davis &Stringor, 23 W. 2nd South St. Just received at S.S. Dickinson & Co.'s, corner of Main and Third South streets, a car load ot Kansas corn-fed beef, together to-gether with spare ribs and pork tender loins. Railroad Tickets Itonglii, Sold And exchanged by J. K. Gillespie, member mem-ber of the American Ticket Brokers' Association As-sociation No. 210 Main street. Tho best lot of corn-fed beef ever brought to tho city can now be had at S. S. 1 )ickonBon & Co., cor. Main and 3rd South street. It you want fresh meats ond the very bi st in tho market, go lo S. S. Dickrn-.ou Dickrn-.ou & (Jo., cor. Main and 3rd South street. If You Want A good Bmoke, go to tho Casino cigm store, 238 Main street, north of W'alkor House. SPECIAL NOTICES. Advertisements um'er this head will liecharirrd nt the rate of ten eents per line for eaeh insertion. No advertisement will lie tnki n fur less thin i'i eents. Partii"s advertising in this enluein eau have their answers addressed earo of Thk Tikes. I'KKSONAL. A Y UNO r.rjPINESS MAN. a stranr in the xl. eity. would like to form the aeomiintauce of ayonne laiiy, who desire to alt. nd plaees of amusements. Address W. T. 11. care of Thf 9 We have 850,000 to loan on real estate. Fine brick land cheap. Cull and seo our acreage. We have Bnnps. Call nnd see lots in Nelson & Early's subdivision. The above property is sale by W. II. White & Co. Din -..n, -mil Ml (illib; Frisco llejiaunint, 21 C Jiiimerciul St. AMA to look lifter a boiler and nikehimrelf Ki'iiorajly useful as porter. Jpply at White house oniee. UJKL. Enquire at room 3, St. Elmo hotel. SITUATIONS V.'ANTKU. A SITUATION by a first class drcssmnW. f, v Address Hei rietta llandereon, care of The TIMES; AN EXPElilbNCED liAKK Efcl'Klt wants a ... , situation in Salt Lake. Address Joiin W. waiters. Denver. IDESlUli KMl-LOYMENT iu the evening in postini; books. Am an experienced account-Mi account-Mi t Ad 1 1 ress W. H. 11., Timks office. A MrC-ATlON. Try an advertisement in fan: llMES, EMPLOYMENT ON NEWSPAPKU in (jrowinif l J country town by callable printer: sober and reliable man; competent, to Uike mechanical charce; will make it of interest to rilit party. Addresa J. r: llurell. Suit Lake City. 1)081 riON by two first class bread and cake bakers. Address 242 W. South Temple St., room 7. LOST. AFOCKET-BOOK containing wveral documents docu-ments of no value to the owner. A reward of 10 will be paid for th return of the araa to Iwc Times omce, John W. Hyonu. A GOLDEN opportunity, is lost if you do not cover Ui e in Tni Times. FOR REST. JJiHuns for rent for light housekeepins. or I would accommodate two single gentlemen, call at 618 East Fourth South. I The A. J. White Ileal Estale Company, 31 East Second South street, tho oldest real eBtato ollice in the city. Established in 1S80. Sew Styles in ilillinen May be seen nt Mrs. II. Christy's, No. 31 West First street Now novelties and designs of spring fashions daily received. For tale. We can give special terms on the following fol-lowing properties; call and investigate: 10x20 on Cth S., bet. 5th and Cth E. 2lix'li on Oth R, north of 5th S. 10x10 and 10x"tj in rear on 3rd S., bet. Oth nnd 10th E. Lot 1. Blk 20, Tlat G. 10x0 and 2 rod alley 7th E. and Sth and Oth S. 5x8 bet. Oth nnd 10th E. and 1st and , 2nd S. T. J. Bi.ru A Co., tf 213 Main, opp. Walker House. Pembroke quick job printer. I i wii .i.r.. OMl'LETE NEWSPAPEU outfit, except ad. vertismg type: ineiudes two-roller double innlinm Potter press, siie of beil .T'xtrt, new four-horse four-horse boiler nnd ensinn. W ill sell cheap and on "aiy terms. Address "The limes Co." Salt Lake tuy. CTOItES on t'ommercial str, et and fliiril Sonth ,1 8trV?iV ,VT''n,n Peoi-eny. Kor particulars call on t . E. Wantl.uiii, 'in .Main street. 11I.VVU a choice lot of aerenire and city prom, erty for sale. Ail imrticulars can be had from the wnt r. at No. 413 Eaf t Stvond South street. Salt Lake City. A LLEN A KIU have property for sale in vari. fX , .ousirt ,.f th.-cily cl.ic, ar.. worth 11 osiug nt. lln-y als., make loans en r-l estate LTock i'1"8 "t-A'a-rlxu-h (ientleiiiairs IJriving Horse. An elegant blood-bay, black points, well bred; may be bought for 8500 (half hiB value) if taken within n few days. Also a very tine darK-'ined, two-seated, cut-under carriage, with pole aud thafts, built to order. Also n light buckboard, used but little and perfect. AIho n largrt Herring safe wiln steel eliest and two tiret-class combination locks. All of nlxive may be seen for a few days at IU3 West 3d South street. |