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Show A VA I II ICXCIl.lNdM NO KOIJUHKY. Charlos Francis Adams, with trueBos-toniim trueBos-toniim Bjiii it, enlivens the dry details of business with happy illustration and a spice of humor. Objecting to some provisions pro-visions of tho Frye bill, boforo the Congressional Con-gressional committee on Pacillo railroads, rail-roads, he said: "It was not the interest of the government nor of the Union Pacific that the cumpany ahonld be launched on a !hik voyaeof lift y yearn, weighted down to the water line no that inom who navigated navi-gated the craft Hhould Hpeud half the time clintc-mg clintc-mg to tho rittinit in order to aave theiiiHelvea from every wave which tnvept over the deck." Tiik Ti.mf.s commonds to the reluctant lips of Mr. Adams anil his company the bittor draught which that company for twenty yours past has forced upon the minors and businoRS men of Utah and tho wost generally. Thoy have boon "weighted down to tho water lino" with onerous and unjust transportation charges. Sitting on tho ragged edge of despair in trying to establish a bifsinoss and ia developing the resources of a now country, coun-try, far removed from homo and a market, mar-ket, tho pioneers of this groat inter-mountain inter-mountain country, tilloil to repletion with every variety of mineral nnd agricultural agri-cultural wealth, have beon well nigh swomped by the merciless exactioi s of tho Union Tacilic company. Tho tables aro being turned, and the exactor is asked by its long-sulToring creditor to walk up to tho captain's ollice and sottlo. It's a long lane which has no turning, and in the railway competition which already, to some extent, and which, in tho immediate future, will more effectually effect-ually confront the Union Pacillc, its vic-titno vic-titno will realize, in view of time's re-vouges re-vouges nnd tho compensations thoy furnish, that "the wicked Btand on slip-I slip-I ory places." |