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Show 1Veliiemluy' Iteiil Msliite Trunxferit. The following real ostnto transfers were filed for record yesterday: 1' J Winters et nl to Ariios Winters, 4x10 rods lot 5 hi 11 n $ 1 W T NiihII et il to li C Nvwmiii, SilU ruds let 2 bl 113 ft 1500 J lliii net ot ul lo L bnow jr, ull of bile 7i, Ijike Vii'W hhIi 700 Li C Hamilton to 1 II Holimitn, nil lot 0 nnd 10 bl 1HI, Highland 1'urk ad 500 L H CJnle(iriilT loC Auer et, ul. nil lota 10 to lh bl 2, lihrii'h'fl auUliviHion ot blk !Ulf woo L It Klirirh anil wife to (' Aner etnl, nil Iota II lo 20 bl 1, Khrich'a aubd ot blk no f 3Kio W C Hall nnil wife lo IJ Auer et al, 7!4xl5 rials lot 4 bl 21 b 1200 A B Kendall el al to I) Auer et ul, 4.U0 kIh lot 8 bl I I b 1000 It .li.llt iliu 1.1 W .T .Ti.lilri.ia .,......., U". 1 '2 s, rlw gu W Herk vf lo V O Matthews, nil lot 2 bl 8 fit) pksub 10 L Martin to V (1 Matthews, all lots 5, 0 nnd ,11 blks 5 nnd 4 City pk sub 7'i'i J N Woods to W t'u ler, 2',xlU rds lot 1 bl 3(1 pi b 1750 (1 1) lliiKKim to A Iluibeit, 2 rds by 10 ft lot H bl .ri!i pi b 850 J D Perkins wf to 0 F Looflsiurow, swqr seo 01, lp 2 s, r 1 e f,0C0 W J Jenkens sr tu W Aylett jr, no qr see 3Mp2b, rlw 275 A M Cannon wf to 8 W Bears, 5x10 rds lot Obi 117 pi a 1 E L Davies to KHzaboth ft! l)avies, sw qr bi o 12, t p 2 8, r 1 w 5a D N ( lark to yeth T lliuby, all lot 1 bl 55 pi d, cor 3rd and M sts )X!(Hi FM Castleton etnl to Hose E Wriuht, 3xlil rods It 11 bl 20 phi 2;',0u ItHltudolph to William Meikle, all of lots 20 and 30 North Kniilewoud subdivision subdi-vision mx I M Waddell and wf to li II Knhler, pint of It 4 bl 13 pi b COO Hannah (' Hlsif to li H Knhler, part of It 4 bl 13 pi b 800 A Klnir to E II Knhler, part of lot 4 bl 13 11 1. SK. J Kager and wf to Mora MillBimuKh, 8x10 rods It 4 bl 1 pi f f.500 P A liKcart et nl to J C Thompson, half of It 7 bl 04 pi a First South bet Fourth and Fifth west 1159(1 W M Mansfield to Artie J MnnsftYld. 10 rods x.'d feet It bl 4M pi b Fourth ""it lie Heeond and Thirdsouth 8O00 William 0 llailet a' to Kusan M Wilk- worm, 4(-sl20 ft It 4 ul 20 id f 12; 0 J E Jem intra and wife to J A .lennir.ira, all of lis 37 and 3s, Cummiuirs subdivision subdivi-sion bl 2 pi o 500 Auuie 11 Catin to 0 D 8t. tteoi(o,5.10 rds lot 6 bl 112 pi b 4000 V 1) 8: Untrue to C F. Want laud, 5x10 rds Into bltBpl b, corner Fifth East and Honth Temple 9500 J A Hrowii and wife to J Honney, half of lot 2n, Heath's subdivision, Id 29 pi 0.. . 2100 Ma,' Tate ct al. to J llecnoy, 7x1(1 nls lot 1 hi 47 tl e, eorner 8 0 ind North and Sixth West 15,500 J 8 Kockwood et nl. to L U Hardy, all of Its 1, 111 and 20 hi H, five nere pi a 1000 Ilnil-s of T Morisley, deoenHed, to L O Hardy, nort beast quarter of section 24, township 1 south, innge 1 west 1 Amanda K 1'arker to L ti llanly, nw qr sec it 1 1 s r 1 w 1 8 liichartlwin to L li Hardy, It 1-llisiO bl H 5 a pi a ,' 1 C O Fnrnsworth et al to Sarah E lteese, 55-VxlO rods, lot 2, block .Vs. pi e 1 25 JT Brown anil wife to J L lliown, 74X 17'i nsls, lot l, (llendRle park eurvey .. 1000 W H Puncher to J E iiriee, tixlO nsls, lot 1. bl U, pi h 400(1 J Harnett to Isaliel M Loirs, 2x10 nsls, lotB, bl Hi, pi a Mi) 8 W Sears et id to 0 M t'aunon, 523di so ft, lot 0, bl 07, pi a ! 14,2x7 Total tltiju |