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Show REAL ESTATE SNAPS. No Trouble lo Show Properly Call and See Us. 10x10 rods corner of 10th and K, fncing south ana west. Price, $3000; $050 cash, 8850 sixty days, $1500 in one year at 8 per cent. 55x105 south front Cth So. bet 1st and 2d East, 8100 per foot. 80 acres on State rond eight miles out, $175 per acre. This is a snap. Lots in Jennings addition, $200 per lot. Lote Noison & Early's r.ddition. Look them up. 0x1 1 rods So East, part lot 1 block 155, plat A; prico $3000. Lot 0 block 115 plat A, price $4500, half cash, bal 1 year. 0 lots in Heath subdivision, $000 per lot. Lots 3, 4, 5, 0, 7, 8, 9, 10, in block 24, Geneva addition, $1200 per two lots. 54x105 feet, being part of lot 3, block 13, plat F, with brick cottage ot 4 rooms nnd 2 closets; fruit trees and grope vines; no finer view in the city; on oth South, botween 10th und 11th Eust. Price, $ 1000. Cj53xK;5 feet, boingpnitof lot 3, block 13, plat F, wit h 4-room brick cottage and 2 closets; fine view; on Cth South, botween bo-tween 10th and 11th East. Prico, $1000. East half of block 110, plat D. 1200; good torms. Block 114, plat D, $20,000; good terms. Block 139, plat D,$ 14,000; good terms. Lot 2, block 111, plat D, $1950; one-third one-third cash. Lot 3, block 111, plat D, $1750; one-third one-third cash. 99x132 feet, enet part of lot 4, block 38, plat C. Price, 81500; balance 1 and 2 years. 3)x7 rods, middlo of lot 8, block 29, plut" II, on 10th East, between 4 and 5th South, faces east, $1950; good terms. All ot lot 3 and west half of lot 4, block 28 plat G, 8:5500; good torms. 5x10 rods, part of lot 8, block 11, plat F, $2250; good terms. 10x13 rodB 2nd East and 7th South, 10 rods faces west nnd 13 rods faces south; $18,000, very good terms. 10x20 rotls, Oth and 7th South, faces south and west. Price 820,000, good terms. 50x150 feot, wilh new brick cottago, 4 rooms and 2 closets; $2500. Have two of these ulongside of east other on 7lh West. 20 rods on 7th West, W 7th nnd 8th South; 8100 per rod; nice high land. 300 lots in Sulphur Springs will closo out at low figure. 100 acres in seo. 8, township 1 north, range 1 west, 24 miles from city limits, at $75 per acre small cush payment und good terms. 120 acres in sec. 8, 2J miles from city limits, $00 per acre; 320 acres in same Buution,$50 per acre small cash payments and good terms. Lot 1, blk 187 $1750, !.j cnuh, bul. 0, 12, 18 months, 0 per cent. Only April 1st. Lot 0, 7 West Temple Tem-ple ndd. Price $1100. Cash $500, bal. on time. W. H. Wiiitf. i Co., 75 E. 3rd South Street. |