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Show , , n ., i , Now that it it) a Bottlod fact that Mary Anderson is soon to marrv a youii"; INfl'.v I Yorkor with the Italian namo ot Nuv- arro, tho pedigree h outers aro endoavor-S endoavor-S ing to provo him a descendant of one of I the ancient and noblo families of the i land of song, sunshine and maccaroni. V' They now call him do Navarro, and claim that he iB doscendod from tho houso of Viana, constables of the old kingdom of Natarro and counts of Lorin, this title '.; having passed sinco, by marriago, to the Fitz James, dukes of llorwick. Our Mary, it seeniH, iB thon to bo joinod aftor f all to one of the most bluo-bloodod I " TJ!)(1s in this country. |