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Show A lioin .ftiitlivmuticlaii. A curious cli.inictcr in southwestern Maine is George S. Mclntyro, whoso np-petito np-petito for uiatliemutic-3 and poetry h;is given him a reputation more than local, lie is over GO years old nnd has always led a hand-to-mouth existence, his remarkable) re-markable) proficiency in the branches mentioned never having proved of any particular value to him. His taste for (inures was roused when ho was a boy by tho gift of an old algebra. IIo mastered mas-tered this without assistance, and since then has never been able to satisfy his greed for mathematics, the most abstruse branches proving; no obstacle to his strange mental acquirement. Ilia fond-' ness for poetry is also marked, anil he recites at random from Shakespeare, Milton, Byron and Whittier. At present Mclntyro lives in a Biddeford garret, subsisting on the scraps which charita-blo charita-blo acquaintances give him. New York Commercial Advertiser. |