Show LEGAL NOTICES NOTI c r 8 jots JONIA jot S GEORGE 31 r J nillion and dalward will plane lease tolle take notice that thai work ham haa been done br er tire tha under undersigner undersigned signed to the iho amount of two met hundred and thirty bythe by the deep mining 1010 lolo lo lo cat you are hereby notified flint enli un q y aur 1 0 u of paid agoti I 1 1 1 HI i ninety 1 1 day d ya from of il I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 your yol r ut t win t 11 be sold bolij lu in wl walh h t tho aho I 1 lat zt A act sew t 0 of f ceneri Cu neri u H it N K I 1 N I 1 I 1 I 1 od f WM V 1 VINI fa M I trustees 0 1 HAMI eker AArT december I 1 mil ith ln dal sm puriton hns ing RF I 1 in r e r lo 10 n lo 10 t the hom I 1 will find 1 l mr harrison tit nl his temporary rel reel ti bonce at 31 r bonamo go abe n lic tiers lanch ona n a blo block e k p ant a fi g W sorbon sod bon eff ou on the ilo ot her ids of the way a ol lf OTICE notier tinn name not nol known W V will tako take notice that we the iho have done couo work nr you to the tonal of nine dollars aud and ninety cents ty ro 00 90 on art the iho AmO ragle duclo bline in ID little t ty y utah territory and you ou aro hereby notified to pay the ibo amount within don days from dato data of this notice to JQ r F rasit lii laxo city 1131 Kenty bombly v MCI j r W D william joan john francis hobt I 1 2 W iv T cromer I 1 aj L I 1 daeta gatt lah i wt b DM w I 1 12 I 1 alti A 1411 U NOTICE jini jolina 1 M r ahyme hereby 91 alt 43 I 1 baue th tbt at I 1 bell i ply for A patent intent tn on that ruda portion of tho the joe jo flowers lodo lod 0 11 ea 4 by the kb andico An digo compton Comp toy of it mr ait lod to situated in tho the bilue ida district jamb county U ulab lab tent tory mud lj in or of record tho the sold kid record wine bolo tn in I 1 baralis 1 Re cordor of tit district at life of nc i of la I 1 liver iiii city Y I 1 claim thirteen feet fed on an aid id lodi beginning bli oln kt at ft a these ahro trun hod da foot mouth from discovery labor ruu ran ning a no DO hand bandril rad aad BI tidy bufty uv u v aa f act cut 10 alb e cot nob u d d fi fafty aty deg e west ranking it tl l 0 1 thirteen boded rf feet I 1 also alio ft A abo caltro loo of ald it of iod W sod on the wet i ida a wl width tit of at forty five 46 rut feet the maid ald old bir cot are ro bounded oo 00 a the h north by the chilto of 0 11 8 jc isolate bowen silver mining alining compely on oa the th booth by the iho claim of bo be III troad silver mi ing company Comp tny on the cut by the tb silver spar lode lod as on a by the adver pride end nd silver lode M WAVE am men noad Dec tit dh n 2 sm dissolution OF partnership PARTNERS partner anit aa A tilt TE 1 ine Z 1 d gon reen boot bool nud and is in abla day by uco cco will collect und ac C wn I 1 kolson salt lake city jao jan letb afla jl l lat I 1 0 green and her now nou lu in salt lak a city iou ou are hereby notified thai iberri Is bow due the itam aaa of live hundred and sixty roar dollars and biety six conta cents for alcha orients on oil your interest Int creat in the Calr doula mine in ili little t aw mining district at c which you lure hereby bar by nott ed to ray ay immediately die dia tely or ou our rin drentla in III III we will bo be kyfor sold old aj bo be law directs to pa ray ruch em genbi ants all it anro ne against u c busing AM aalde Int internist erist until unfit aw lament cammen C lave v been settled la ia full JOHN CU resident president caledonia mining lo 10 ALEXANDER Roc iiii secretary a salt ako city fly january mh lira ys jq tm m 1 2 NOTICE purchase of the lh fill grist mill the be abo a still 1 halt L formerly owned by young ar a nd jd having tho the ma jere jolia john far in and ad Oske who formerly ran the mill wo we promise to make us as good no an article 0 of n flour ourania nil aio bo be road made in the Terri tory those chopo who wish to patronize this bulli can send their by our teara team bich will travel to on from silt s lako lake aty inay collecting wheat and delivering hour flour all orders promptly attended to by b tho 1 teamster amaler tc lh promptly forye for 1 at qt at tho the mill JAMES i DON january jannary lt let 1873 1513 JU jig lm me CE law a anici fait EMU ulo city otichi he ven that lint steph N so on W ow william 11 ilam T vincent i joseph william S davd P U M taur ladel laD Cl JL olt leoB of abo and aa d owners by location and by pu baser do claim two thousand noil and two feet in length by two hundred leot leet in width on tho the cloud claim and baill site being a silver liver scaring tom of rock reek la placer and the laud aud and premises 1 a p to sold mino odd and ore five 6 5 acres of up loa d for fora a mill alte t all situated in I 1 ahe he camp floyd district county of and territory of utah the ho loc allou rod ao thereof bolac more tully fully re u fol tit at tea tao 8 IV career of wild eald claim at pou knot nol from which to tho the halt half of sald bearing N el 91 defils der 1 min inte B E feet thence running N I 1 deg ZW feet to 10 a posto post no NI or 2 four act W corner corne of clairn tronco N ea 11 si fl ih feet to post pod no 3 at N B R corner of said claim chonce 8 A 1 deg def B R aw tnt fast to the 0 5 9 abc thereof reaf to a post no ho 4 8 US 89 lift deg W IW foot feet to the taa place of on a taintor ten tea and oue fourte 14 1 4 acres bald mill alto Is bounded aa follows fol lowa beginning t tho the ll is 8 corner conor of tho the silver cloud nine acl and beulh 43 42 der deg 30 31 ani ala mla az 11 bandied irand band d red boo inO fet Kitt to a rod read thonon 47 dor der 3 30 min W V terao bundred and belity three lareo 30 feet fact to post no 31 3 at 8 W odmor grovnor thence M 4 42 4 ilc ties so io min walz to poetto pot Mo 4 thence N 47 dog dir SO 80 mm mim e R three hundred bun red and ad naty 1 tareo broo HO feet to the place of be inning a idze U to 5 servo arc asset aj fet forth to m 1 tb b uld dis disgrace graca and wo we do hereby C feiro r further ther notice that having occupied obade and I 1 improved tho cho saki aid lodo lode and prom isca according to the local customs and ru lea of miners in and c in a actual jabor ashur and improvements Improve mento tb theran e pad an amoust aunt not leastman least ban UN D atila and ad having at this ibis actual poso rAble forwe salon of said manir it prop will apply for it a survey and plat or of wa aad mid and ft a patent for abo saino facto aa act ff aho of way to datch and abdal reacts onnora 0 over oter the and for other marpoe mr poe 04 july 1860 IVA nd the a amendatory ry act lit JU july Y atho ath 18 10 or mud and 1 ibo be act approved I 1 may my loth ills to ardoino 11 1 he development of the mining resources ces of tho the united stoics our hands and kale this day of 0 october r ir 1872 Z LEACH M B Tu eAve seal isal I 1 lall by leach II 11 abu his atty in jack I 1 RoDuR TU belr acol by leach B Th thurmam urmac his bla atty in fat 6 0 1 1 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 am acau D DAVID t v rt P 1 I 1 I 1 seat scala WM T I 1 Gum DRY svala by win T hla his atly atcy in fact 14 akst by win amt T lin meant coat hla to in fact ascal dy by win T vincent his bla atty in fact ascal seal by A gobbo hla his atty tn lo fact attest LAii DOrnce suit bull lako lake city utah j uh jaouni lh 1673 this J that the above net t wua taj day filed clod in this officer sod and a distram of tho the taid said lode together with a notice of intention to apply for it ft survey and plat thereof from the iso surveyor gendral Oca Gen cral and fl from tho the of ibo a sum stage es provided la a ca an act of congress entitled an AD act log tho the right of odway way to ditch nail anil coast o ou on u atra avor laca 6 purposes approved july alah I 1 leb aad bjur a by alt act of congre approved july july jtb 16 1670 70 and promote anent of the of tho the united states stale approved nor may logli I 1 direct mid aid notice to bo be printed lu in tho the salt a i newspaper published nearest tho the of if tho the claim I 1 cod GM deml it MAXWELL Reir bellr leter notice of 4 AT 4 1 11 altti 1 m I 1 eili LA UK C CUT Z dec alb 1612 7 12 I 1 OTICE Is hereby ik ecby falen theira john NOTICE I 1 tartt to aad ad the ik of a maindog claim of 1600 ft fact la in ihnath on a folio or tein tda of silver bearing pro or bad and rock in place together with the tha more mud ad HO I 1 ju ja adb jd ib along met 1 lode lod known 64 the tb lady lod a 8 am nim hill la Is little 1 cottonwood illaine district sola lake county utah aft sled cothill la tali ft copy of the ib plat ot a survey of the armor and a CA of acid note of such survey with botu ora and word record evidence ir bowing the bo origin and ad right cf at c f his bli and aba balo of cr h bifi a claim to ars tont mail ad idso 10 lo grooh of the ib gor of bald id arkil pr Kil OD tb daty of of cowd plat to a cf his bli la ladled to apply for a patent me an proof of hie bl compliance wibb att tho lul imal to ruluff of od it fit the lb mining law of f ther pea has IDI application to 0 o this arnica for ursu tot to acu acts of congress lu uch such case we urfa a sod dd provided fur sold sod practise chib arc 1 ID alj 14 a pat par tiou lorly described am follows follow vial atthe world claim an the divide alta BI atod little collodow CollO Dod ceray n la io the ta conter on oa said lod led and g h oa dorah W adz ati diw fo fut it to then tho taij tb Ij dd it of said mid leifur team slid lar an ad point alil paa NO NI 1 or iffie tit claim lara mouth U 4 dx der cast 60 80 rt fast distant duldt kad and from the lh gainni or point lol feet 1 owl ua blo 2 r fit claim I 1 sem north 64 deg doht went t 60 feet frum fruia boat iT oSuld 2 clou ciji ron bif to roil tb 41 deg wi ft 74 act to joal 20 no 4 1 I tely ced ad ol of said cledar boulb 46 desot 10 luo last ft to rm flost no 6 aba north 44 des il ut east 74 tol ta W post no 6 ili abd north lionly 30 adva cut cast 74 til 3 11 to no bio 1 brou trou ewt durmod I 1 Dur nod gralto matitz ra 1 8 I lun seath 17 7 darm dr U alu 11 ll tl wt boo aoa ducre itee kuong ib oc ib antos 1 lu the tb vAI vanity ity we kf the astry ann BO which I tr ies es frobe fraai li disco yetA and and which blab L lra ln ra cort borly beloof Hb to direct ebli to io k be phil phad for pirly doa bugla in the SALT laai tev 4 novel dovier Dovi told er Kr rna od nil ad published la in sit lake city I 1 I 1 Ie Hinry 16 a MAXWELL do N KOTICK I 1 f A hereby given ihal ne the he s 1 A mining a tomi T ow IB rl amz bobbin johb clr julih IL R alio NL J w bitted 0 I 1 S Joi lmH a C D aurb io J A lyl 1 l ld i po 0 kibel hatt a bi j alln OB C 1000 im cot to 1 I ith b hundred ael OIL if lt t lo in chiti alt y I 1 ii balg itah iT i 11 rh i b tin iti in let to mid mt ml i 4 ln ifasi t c tm 1 ID etab hll I 1 1 n 4 61 04 od territory of cub ili 7 el thereof tl rot fine more ar ally datil ir lna u 1 ai i wit li con COB a I 1 i k 1 alm 1 m i 11 01 ol sod letu of d 1 t ie 1 gd ad d let two ll ci two go tail f lam firm U it 8 lot lounial jio merits nial so c no 2 it gilb live fin 5 degrees out u 41 ln 1 bixio li xiO fee act bad ad thou themes iii u foo n a bondal 4 acty k aci do ah 5 dri iri olun and feet 64 aj luent north ta 5 d ailt 1 I wait alil coined il 1 n I tl blut i 01 hundred and ua fifty it ir A test it t tn the ib IQ 1 1 1 41 11 16 an 0 o r or of I 1 tia ale ml f alli 1 in abo 3 11 larm and 0 a 4 iak 10 r a tt t buc 0 1 att b 9 h are proved vaa lb the cibu arild ea mine ot or led ilia vlad ad nt peC i Q T D 9 t lo 10 0 lb kocl 1 C attro Q A 0 M ni tal i aili lee ma at ii i in I 1 i in tit IJ district and labor ir an I 1 IP I P 1 w ble ro me B oa n fees them five clo ward aai W him time test be Tec I 1 ahle lowe ius raid minim mining property have bt icci ic ii far r i for the 14 I 1 on ie the lh ael tt of cr cap catiel I A an 1 I A act t creating lb be fight and canal bonnor does uon nor tb ib public iz 0 o go other VIP R approved july bi am i amen I 1 ac joiy i fCo nr approved may ills lr act to promote the a fr rhu the 0 ahr to nd day of not aar nty lf iteal p jya II 11 bm B asali abul MB L 11 at Ul mr n if isell win john S N Ill rlou pr ot n alf ati n I 1 I 1 I 1 L 0 L 4 t vy a 1 n l f t t 11 01 t S e aielt pst P pica st 1 U S lad ur alt tk lk city loth I 1 certify that it 10 lo above lit let is the sold ail alof wo ua dai a ar I 1 a fiuk 1 at 4 I 1 ulce to gother with a not noi or ply for plant from lb agoan i the lj united state re an provided in n an 3 acing gw agents entitled AD act RT eting ili thit 0 to dieca and canal over he public sod and dl se rather wooded ly acted C annessi july arapov 26 ir fiat FI fT I 1 01 afta 4 uy y in entitled an act to promote tilo orrT mining r resources of the tb aw A 1 sold 4 autt c c la go to t in ili the tb salt lake a n ajer cau catan noath of alf c carini let nearest I 1 jl JI GEORGE GEORG E P 31 aita orice ah hereby eliou ihal we ahn mil hill filla ir C jot jo a Ltha cn dorph aph it N itt dan rb ril IL J bolyo SI 31 D DMn airen walker lloy layh H W law voce A ad BO kukoc aub it ociea t two rt lo 10 I 1 hundred bundred zw feel lu in AJ width oo on the L iu bloe ladof a vr b flo I 1 L to cl i mida idol part ltv loaa bail 4 Ren 11 la or UL utah ad tirl atlea g tia fully rig falto 1 14 if co coma at 6 point 33 de deau ti min nest nod i three ahr hundred and adi aih aigid tel as ili 8 mincing dr UK 1 one thousand C fi abou i H 5 deg ie eit two lo 10 mil im rent daous i B do e fit est st ic alio hl m adorth fa i deg vet it two ie hundred johnl cb af aileen 1 an s new KM 08 MI ton in IIII d 1 aarom cam A aid 10 lo lonear neilt a that balig K lead i P v d li said mid into IBID or ad lode oj ti to tle the detal all and 1 id 4 I 1 fraud lieving ozrd 1 io ichor bad and imply to sits thereon IL aft 9 lf I 1 ihla b a fit clr bundred ad dollar sod koj aa t this time actual and react rt ablo if bienes fm bid tit r earn I 1 far at fur uld mid a under th the alt of 0 C ci t 1 L led an act grouting the at 6 datch dit e h and od canal fo rother purpose the ibe drou ni ory ad act joly aali I 1 COID gro itel liay I y loth 1 11 t elul I 1 it on a acl to preterit tho the goeriz go 0 erid rei rc of the tb jolted ataka our hands boil day att of 01 I 1 i jm R ablo 11 L II tseh P a boily J jalio I 1 Lii ibm b ail L i lif D liora irro jr jo bg ur IL talker kr ased J 11 ia sy anba J N it I 1 4 rato if W 1 31 I 2 catl ot ill fj in rf r f it 0 ial S till ibb im 7 yoi v 1 U V 8 0 lacil FAIA H take city util CM I 1 cattily that bit ibe ate above tot motion BOIM BO IM aw ij theraid bo all mining claim wu ibis day dec fl rt allies together with a of intend ply fort for ft patent froze II 11 thoo oevra vero tb she railed states me provided jo in an B aa freu are entitled an act acl grant grantleig leg ll 11 ako tko rigid to ditch a aal ad canal owners vr bir tb tha abl H oad lid for other po parom romes approved jt afy lot and ami Diled by bf act ol 01 lith sn A ir lj I 1 entitled an m act to promote j nonoi iteus ot of the iba mining n mum of the allt called A 61 it ift tho the laid notice to bo be printed Is i LIA vally pally a now fazlul est cat the 1 location oca litin of it abo a aadne ja clod it RN IN I 1 rv an that a the NJ k hlll company i robbins kobal Kob bl john joseph ff V john N kimlon B a 8 joalan JL IL 0 J U H latr u W lawrence and da IL 0 I 1 bold 00 balm lalm ono one tand tho the Ll ighland clary lodo joao or 0 lair B bearing vela ol of race I 1 1 and the land jaad imd and ak said mine duly daly located an aal 1 I 1 county ot of tod mud tarry of utah iho extent sod b 1 thereof being more fujise full described low v to wit it at a WM wat I 1 i degree dapre lif 15 rali I 1 k nat MS and tv dred bod and olgat mil b abet liw am minerdt 1 I no i degrees thomad tho mud COL thence south sa 3 degrees cast two 6 11 ZW SIC feel borth 6 5 deame delb dt lB to thousand laoj ILO feet suit thence w D degrees writ to the placa pcs of hanla tk an area of OH 4 ac ecret he sell abo and wo notice a 0 aco iott having occupied tal |