Show I 1 ry by W W V u tc telegraph j cra allo aioo rent into the whole on oil llio abo lagi executive and judicial appropriation lill ilia pending reso lution being last saturday that no DO money abhau bo be paid to any railroad Hail road company for transports lion of made or troops while fluch buell company 14 in for Int interest croton on bondi by the iho gov 0 icat lieck beck 1 u lio lie bail bad been on ilia com matteo on the alio army bill which the pacific rail hill road Compi alex explained bud tile action of tho the inato tees and argued that thai the bila not dot but bill had boon aalf orate I 1 1 IQ in flits senate and instated t therel by y a sate oto of 0 30 6 lo 10 is 18 liou lock cull con ference desired to hava see but asked lion iho shun bo luil laid before the iho llou jo ho he lad boll beell opposed to thu provision but 61 aled tu thus briell sag ing tho the upon Curi gress ben ben tho the country afta as aud atod when tire of credit md tile unna in baddo was vu like shaking a nd flag in tho the eyed of in an augry angry bull BY wu wall withdrawn AIR tho amendment sallu toted for it ivAll by hibbard that that section IL f the army A bill 1 an proved fill ard 3rd I 1 sri ill meriby I 1 LS ait nd it ball lo be the duty of bic ili 0 of ibo jory to tj amply alolf all buell s iima ol of be 01 are tr now non or a arll lat lecorna duo to either of if tho the allway It companies embraced within tile PrOvI roTi olond of said ltd section from the bo united fur of troops supplied tupp liw miili malls tie br otherwise to lu ilia pay lubot of abo I 1 duo ilia fiall for interest Intel cat flood fly by ilia 1111 ted oil in boods leaned fur tho the butout of uh ouch etim paul 4 whlor moved go n amend aked andrud merit by adding to it it ft proviso that ilia repeal hall not nol talo lilo ire c t n annul nil I 1 t tho to a attorney Allo nicy gabe nl ahall certify to abo 0 rca 0 bury that tuch companick compani cj aro liable t to 0 government for any Aino amount tint of Into roAt paid I 1 lit I 1 nt lot ou bonds bondi in ili lit ld vr ruch sue I 1 A ion dabato lullow fullow td cd favored resolution L and n leeler ilo til OJ oil alio opinion ion that th tho 0 G gonen 0 T known own to be ba 1 in favor of tho the romp compa ni i sargent orp Hib hibberds hibbards bards the result altof of not tho the motive of the ma 1 U 0 n rafn tho he union im alk erml was iru t r t the block market huck buck declared tile tho whole veolo object of athla agi adlor Ati vu ft a wh ftc jinio ma for the th benie fit or of ft a earn coin bi naton of th the fint brit mortgage bond bondholders holders who ila would will foreclose tho the mortgage and nd kil but the whole property proper tr of cf tile iho companies co axt to completo pleto power 0 over TOM rocila Is 1 and nil tho ilia bonds bond that E lad bern wilid I 1 biad ad act n to that reservation beck ec k liu appart lic that to sue alk tho r A cac alt 11 cos col lor for ai liloon million dollars inkrot duo due government would bo be to drive to and throw flie into the hands of tho the first mortgagor mort gago bond holdo holi lim is Rc udall of nevada Ncr tili supported Hib hibberds hibbards bards nd flore md and by tho the central racille it II it I 1 L company T tho liet laying clo cloned the first voto veto wait taken on the whelo and it was waft rejected 46 ON Loor dornan nial movi d to strike out all Hib hibberds hibbards bards amond munt afar thavorn tho word so 90 as imply to conino it to tho odthe of the mi the army appropriation bill of 1871 winch which was adopted adopt old 86 0 to 70 Hibbard 11 I 1 illard a fl amendment as amended adopted without toll division hio commiato com forett milto reported tho bill to tho the houpe milta the honda without oat v vote 0 to ai d jour mcd SENAIE motion ini ollon of casserly tho the committee on judiciary Jadi clary wro were dirt cled to in cuore into I 1 alio of cong I 1 est over the con 1 r of I 1 a be t woon states and ahito 1 8 athin its own limits has not full rower power over tile ilia same tho the subject including notes of nod tho the boalo resumed d of the agricultural collaro bill wan 61 ilk length several were offered meet ota I 1 the nil lill camal pamal A 39 to 14 motion of Cap cassarly sarly the of the to tra to ilio in ate ato tho lafeat yearly report of tile tho union pacilio sod and companies nd any papers or information in LIB his roes boasci C ion rt lating to 10 the same |