Show BY TELEGRAPH iier N st 1 Lo foill olite cul L S x CB wt was declared U S senator or t tilon motion of tho the haq in att join bich lio lie tru 14 conducted to G e io li it A u male k cli in iotch lio lie promis od to represent ilia of tho the state and tho the entire vi bliest ll et iest stanlcy declines the ilia invitation of I 1 general to act ad C M 1 orne la 11 IL ilo 0 vanloa cages aaron F oc opta 1 I 1 I 1 rien nr tile tho delloss legislature lau ILIA JAP J AP jide to kalil fill a pid term lo in the te I 1 Cor B S Pus linell liml before tile the wilson whoa commisto Com milto that flitt lio be lil bad always liberally for goner general political futile purport big m 0 n was iru that th la in one ODD instance lio lie fOlli mr CT 1 to 0 senator chaver OUT ott r I 1 housand dollars which was ran tires drann a by bi a drift draft on liim him iio thought out thitu wild in the Neb state election bi actton ot of 1830 1870 when R can didato lor for reelection election re trayer was a a friend of wit acca and in 10 money ila he thought it biebl aid it to in securing his hl Th thaders ayers ro re elco aioo tho thin row lit at the wliilam holt itono lut at tin tile bettt ot of tile season was vw very brili I 1 luain the diplomatic cc corpt apo army navy md lad darwas civil department ok of the government wre were by prominent la maroo mea of fillo alio llio mr courtot nant bottora ILIA iho credit Mo biller committee that bo be grove two tiro chacka for lio coin dollin lat tub to aut la in tho ilia ole clion of I 1 ben harlin to la si 55 for or tin lion pamposo of doctoring the th ot of some 11 0 leone testified buford before tho the iv wiliba lk committee tint that tho the divid mils on oak the iho aides contract a td ed MS ila PC percent font I A lire fire corday it at the ilio residence of tho the late lit edwin F torr ya amal cit a portion of im 1114 library wait TU destroyed including nearly all his hii valuable cu A original orli nl copy of vu seat consumed published in ia and valued at 1 I iho fio thousand tho OKana dollars dollar the fire did not dot cit Olit erid nd ta road the 11 library atle gallery confal mn pai tiegs aaa work of ul art was nt not I 1 injured DIU tile tho fire originated from a aluc front from fifteen to twenty ismil dollars new I 1 lorat ork A horrible horri blo wife frounder wu committed in a tenement hour bohi in ia rapt tract street night before list last besto discoli r an n entered tile home and I 1 abc be boa or of mane ocote ed with nith MOM her am ecla lp almost torn on and several stabs balabi in her aided mid and through birami bo rami abo was corn in by goo Schell Llin din her lins band is ia a k but bui add had not lived with hu anlo for six alx lx months them tho ur u not yet JQ custody H t f cclia and her daughter alary mor oro I 1 ly jog on the floor door count the ibo mur mardred dred women IQ in kinq state of intoxication tho the litter latter is ia 1 alo I lot aid u tj labayo to been axa drook when aca bechas bound tile IHUK lie ho upbraid id her finally struck hir dowd ikumi it aiu 12 ho he completed the lh blundy closed with ich an old tabib found near uto ilia body with bloods matilda I 1 foron the acoca recently arrived antu from san and Is fc tying at ilia iho llode lie she bo has been from I 1 AN fillet to ia a lit besto r lay eha a became leotas to ar lie removal to ilia firl aarl capital HA pital where a LO a i is now under moir ical treatment OCT goo Utu liu who Diar dured lis lia A ira ifo on oa Tuo vday wait TU Corres lut list bining ai 1 l bid lii M oil aag ring in third avenue hen tho ilia oell cell la in which stelics wu wait cout hica I 1 p prior tic r bohu to his a nt doo ak as searched d bottlo as found which on a ul fook waa found to contain a concentta con centra bola tion lain of w mos T tho ap el r of day bay and peninsula wu was 1 ia her the ca cabitt pitt of the iho iii aldan 1 stocks well I 1 resident the dincina mail company intend jo i to ran na regular hereon hero lacro and nl samara day bay nut nit ki mi M barlow to ia an 0 o interview yesterday said mil done don of the proceed of too tea of bonds of erie eric pro proposed proponed posted to be will be used to pay payo off irttie tile flouting boating construction debt abo of lanying the hie ad will bacin att danio BuffI Ot at seen at ilia ho season her vc I 1 aid an bo as aa fast as fund daro aro till the roid road aisic w irich ith batton hartford tod and erie eric key lit 1 ml I ian I 1 in the steam edgar stuart arrived here on OIL tho the jtb b ablio lie CA under command of ca aitala rudolph Bo dolph formerly of tho the united stated inacy ervila lie left in ilia he yur year MR since which alil h timo time ho he b bu kis aca a in ILI tho the section of thin cubana and la is pretty will having made some omi seven or eight successful tuo lan dingi of mint arms olt etc on the aubdon cout COMI chicago at tho the house lut list evening tho the I 1 rooms mina of 7 I 1 milli agent of of a zoe new aie 1 ork 10 jewelry V ry homo 1 acro I 0 forced open att t flipper ty t aasand dol dollar tars north of suro of f sampled talen I 1 IV Es r it I 1 IN I 1 I 1 I 1 SAU an rAnc loco jimei ard who ha was u it at the now nir tibt A before esterday died it bt at me if coroll roll ital th atio ilono 11 hoinig cwg iti chiao COMPI my of this eily city liu las commenced gent alt I 1 he ekr ra cille Labuta company to recover fire and ad dollars dollan oa am in a insurance policy um macd led ly by them thein to rio odoll t co are ro manufacturing thirty seven thOu 1111 feet of lelve M aye mch litch apo fur ibo uny alvater company trelia 1 relt A asam watson came in from froin gen wheaton amp lull having biring loft left thereon tharo on Mon ilaT lie ho tint that the ila hold brou nil bo be in position oa ty day me night L it was expected lal that act a attack would old B mad ada on fruity tuo no troops will assault capt jacks camp from the north and south oath under oliver cover of abelle ahelle irom the I 1 l carls bonare i a rial of till c ily city published a 1 special bugl edition emilioa lut luthro ey aning containing two leading articles tho the thanks tile ibe jittu and 1 Is of en england for tho VIM allaud fatuity family the other is A 0 no o burrick der signal by liy M granter Cos tignac auld dako do it concluded As tot fol low iowa th the L em perr la is d dcarl ead but t tho be empire hrco it aua fresco amia tho the want of da 0 pular energetic action in tile it bair for un amex tilo as tie I 1 8 irresponsible la thia clever mother gild nd in the loo late aal respect or of biance tho the empire will bt be rc |