Show ERIE enie STOCK IN LONDON jay goeltl astonished ilia tai I 1 an don Itar sell chort on Erie Goal I 1 from abo be now new york evening malla A new lef leaf or of the erie manip in tho the market has bas just aien lix n developed ve loped which exhibits a relta kably bucce ifal speculation on the puit of jay gould in ia the london exchange Eichin gc I 1 for several days past cable dispatches have announced numerous i failures among tho ilia speculators there them who hito have been selling calls on lirie eric took lock which is chuat to t tho 0 stock lock short bhora for a decline mid and one ona lar larga a london house that of lie henry r bently end co is ii announced to have hate failed ailed on 4 shares boine being unable t to meet it its 3 contracts the values of t the 0 ot other er unfortunate horta aborts have hare not been reported arted but they aro are supposed to bai hue c ft oil qt leq thin than bently co it now turns out that jay gould just previous i to the boston fire sent a prominent eminent broad street speculator to london with letters of credit to a very I 1 la largo r 1 amount and orders t to ot quietly buy c cills 1 is ifs upon 0 an im immega mena number of shires shares tho the stock block in now kew york had been depressed by gould about ton per cent and was made to look very weak on purpose to induce the english 0 e ors to sell calls at cheap rites rates mc no telegrams wiro were sent by cable for fear of tile the operation leaking out and the market was kept down until the return of the new york agent who came back by the steamer city of brussels two weeks ago when the calls were all t ree c cured the trap was sprung and ado rio shares ran up ten per cent within two days goulds profits in tho the london market are estimated at |