Show CAN DO from ilia wall telegraph there is a vessel at harbor ol of 1 1200 JOO tons ions which received irom a single sea a surprising amount of damage this vessel a norwegian was struck by a sea or wave of EO 60 tie it a character in toolate alo late gala galeas as tet tb sweep that portion of bere her cargo argo which was stowed slowed upon the deck in a moment into the sei sea to carry off her cooking apparatus made loade of cast iron ti 6 empty ty nod and injure her deckhouse deck bouse to smash her bulwarks bulwa and stanchions to wound and bruise three of her bar met meo and reduce four more to a state of heakne eq s and yn cope to break iho mates a a thigh i g h and wash a seaman oyer over barj hoard and rid finally to fill the ca cabin bin and damage ma nil 11 the provisions provision Q so that the crew were nearly dearly starting starring when they came into queenstown Queens town all these heso in injuries ties were produced in a moment by a single ng wave ware it not only cleared the deck lecka but it extinguished chopo bobo in the hearts heart of the crew who the moment they were struck never expected to see sec land again |