Show we shelf sall bi glanto fee buy any of our mining fent f funds of at our office and receive fron from then them ny iny details of their prospects ond and labors it ice s wile invite all who hare any mineral cafor inor to 10 give m a a call THE MONITOR ile hr informs us that lie he has baa workmen now engaged on this new invention which is to ti be erected four miles south of the city on the state toad road tho the burnace Pur nace clabus chinis to I 1 have hate reached the desideratum in or ore a smelting smelling sm elting in disposing economically of t lie carbonic acid gas gaa by an ing ingenious on arr augment of pipes tho the carbon is irom from into tile llast blast pipe and becomes a powerful agent of heat this it is preserves the coal in the upper portions of tho the aach till the blace from the fire below consumes it in the be gradual work of beating and ga melting the antiro mass the pr lr is a c icat est and is ia sanguine Bangui nc that the he monitor will produce ince a revolution in smelling BanI ting at 8 ilter 1 ver ores so we hope NOTHER FURNACE successful april 17 1871 thomas whitney has mad a a enc bile cess of smelting smelling sm elting the lite ores of this country owing to the care exercised b by jesse aubrey uia furnace stat y arted thia 4 morning bix miles south of the city at the right of the old and during a four hours run from the time of putting cutting in ilia t ic charge they six bar hara 8 of ill baeli acieh it is needless to say bay that mr fr aubrey is a man that understands der derat andt stands the necessary quantities atol and qualities of ores to mako a successful run G P B NEWS FROM gintic tintic from mr winans Wi nann of ch chicago icaco just in from tintic gintic wo we obtain the following of interest from eureka prominent lodes on euraka hill eureka alt city V montana lureka eureka left I oft bower young lion pioneer plenty of good fuel but scarcity of water our ameltia furnaces fur Dacca going up within six kniles OF ol 01 mines 3 or I 1 log lo 10 and stone houses and a good many tents tanti probably men in that vi vi joity no stores or any accomma lations t ra CB yet now wines being found most moat every day prospects are favorable for a qua li iz dull going ap within GO CO das tun till walf to T sox ous ofir gaiting fliri should noder floD that the usual way ivay 13 to lo go from here to rayo by stage an nil from there ther by b garners Garnr re express to la the lh mines tin the express starts trl every tuesday and bai friday at 1 l 7 a in mr atner fildbe f founie 4 a lost stills stol ping at t ayoob ilia hia accomma ustious kro are excellent it IL IL ROBERTS RoD inra lit IT D I 1 axt asti dr roberts freals success ru ly ill CURABLE DISEASES by animal and the swedish movement cure giving medicines modi cinea only when absolutely necessary dr roberts has bas ilia onico on oa second south street opposite or the revere house SU salt like city cily permanently datil further noties |