Show ARRIVALS AT CRY CITY HOTELS april IT 17 1871 GALT BALT LAKE HOUSE JM jag it retirement can fl biord it A sm F ilsoo juo juci neah ma n it W thomson and 0 jt it ultina gustoff J LA 11 F clomer california ll 11 A and it II 0 butt molena 0 8 larl orlan olt ten oto 00 thatcher roil and A a L W V mackai bloc key often ge oen 11 11 tan han L P i Pite mn it 11 T JC it carer man Q adl ani f A Su bumford Sin rod joe Tel aumba REVERE april J R turbett J jerry sullivan scotty rtin ron ol 01 0 uran 4 A n D falls blocho L abu M NY cadru cairu C CPU P it it 11 i P from cat UK lt vir II 11 saly wyo wo taint i 1 L A a I 1 I 1 F be ormolu or tolU U alta ha 0 na A and alf L U H tuttle arld sl lom V L I th orriah so Si gilr k lr r it 4 I 1 giatan i align louilla Loui lua u r P cambe april lath tb A 3 brake nili sold jn jai P lmar idle ophir it 11 J payne jno 1110 1 uc clies nichol mi Pl oello i snow bud pi 1 we lori cow vil rilio IV D b Portell olt I 1 ib li if t bevc V F bloc clover cl cat IV C lt amaba Ort ming 11 1 kubot cat V P Cul culdice dick busholl attl call A 1111 let t ui prad J W kr b ham n run prima I 1 i V P 11 dye cal at age lal cal 1 I D I 1 1 auker I 1 and I jt 1 luex uan bl ajro along rul buki nal WHITE lluise eathor foley CRT JAMON morrison orr lon city TO T 5 fiig and aad wn na bt abou rue lh ch looft after 7 amorel WM orel stockton A llo ard 6 Orl lr inal JJ irlAn torl Mt aam ta cortino t 8 tion ban k cHoo sri CIAL orric aej desk rooms to real at ralda hoil hundred red Citi cLeas are wanted wan led at T tanua C rhalls if TOO TOD WAST a gayana clear Ci fr RO go to curler carter 8 6 siget start wim grits on or about june jane lilt ft a select lor for girls girla only in ill this sunday school room of st murk ch churila urcla I 1 or into apply to ROT abom go IV W lector PATROS 3 0 the r evere itous it ill a ily auy notice that ill coach ia H I 1 arta ma to 0 o ell cui stanion lo in 1 te by express three times a week at r T C hall Ilal liL a rosr odrict nawa derr the I 1 news stand in iho 1 I 0 L ia regularly cupple 1 4 with all the th lafeat asti ro nod and california and beckly opera ditl lala lil if or any other sau luke lake find baily Y UP lied at 25 conin per ifor week 1 in great rest variety Tar nty digenn always on band call on OD dec dan at the boet office Syi Kio Tor cco jorn jack boil other oilier brands at carter it fl dit ity this sip alati ci tir it and Tra traveler voler who has clemn gated ili ibn glob gb s soi so I latu into train from 8 in fron l ran cle california and bubli her or of the guido Gi irli to health N in 11 salt sall lake ito cay call on oil him blin bud ho fa I 1 to a speedily c corn all or no bharga his 0 office 1 over r itra bior varsity I har tore bills 1 9 1 artro co P 1 I 1 it 1 l AT adv pin PO rt SAI RAI t a na uto tt with c fruit trece tires within three lileks lilL ks of eat net oali i r cheap it 1 soon apply to A jurof K Lawren cos box nf unnica hod adver loorents loo ments for the DAILY TRIB UN r aill be 0 o received by mr george reed a at the office FOR SALE to n interest ill fa the famous 01 fountain L lion ion lode situ situated aled in E eald mat canyon apply to GOP E CO LANDOW WRAS sotir WARD lotrn eta of dry lots 2 end 4 block riot riol D word will apply tt at the 6 Titi iia 0 of 6 ica they will boar bear of an n offer affer to their a advantage A is orr for owners of dry lots ota in 0 the word to cicha tige for lots lols with the water apply as aa above bobb corcan and at kimball A lawrence Lawron cen chri combined carpet stretcher rod tack every family should bao on ottley machine of the kind etro to the most moat complete in me iron S V ILK an nol in ft a mining dietrict now damir i olt a good bm luosa A aalen did aimoto to url la idony lur for a person pero no aa cuk tomed to that line of toi helnm a A apelt 1 I 1 go 10 IT I 1 D i s 1 milinco the subscriber gicca altice that be is s interested in ID the iho following mines mince idaho idabo home ticket Dian inrid I 1 monitor black drinco utica divor ha lona lane star I 1 stale great eastern mad other mallm and valuably ablo pro property lerty in 10 dig big and little litile cottlo wood ile desires L sires to mako make satisfactory or vilh 1 ith au all parties interested in saia property properly either cither for worling working the iba mines or for the tile alo of his bia interests Int oreata in any of said burl mines i or for the biso or of additional in fa most ablo of these mines bo be cao can secure to the purchaser the entire interest lie will be in salt lake city at tho the townsend Towne end ise after tho the gral first of may and wilt will bo be ready to sell or buy or make contracts for winking tiny any or nu all the mines he controls P A boston april 8 igo 1 olt DH S M a five az 1 baoe an on ct a F I 1 l laishl a orner annly 1 to tai irs S has ban I 1 menta fur for tile lh manufacture or of SPAM lna boit SAC PACKS lie he will bo be able to tx 11 ay ral I the plat of vay ST 01 a laarits 0 on kj futhey of a I 1 if orient a blocs zes at and it materials JV jl in ia tho the illin jug die D truls aija All rr A A C r liou le stilt JAL lAt city boston april 10 in important TO MINERS NERS atrill Is ia now in chicago Clil caffO a I 1 fam m tor for the ordeal iner in millnea ilni and tho miner higner and list witter bar thor it is cont hy by old and known whose ti onles art am fl a gur bill cintro for fair aralue abr havo ia l imo lo I 1 11 in tile tho rim nizU of conico ove a jn ains IMIA 1110 for working working ill iho thit resele it aft have n R ti t i b le unan i in 0 Fo dilall KI ull ill tl little almo in wit look r th li e t ff el nil 11 ellero tol to th thain A J bill it tio of file hf wit walh anh major P F T 1 in at ab nb ins at arr present 1 in lie illy suit will ath try J aih 11 sell to canuet with lh taix in duel botters not at NI mr C Q P V nichols coin acta ic ta i laloniu Il rollic M cor ne arr r ad paull nn and ai pait fit F it at ati ian ili or hox box TC S R 1 I city CHY 4 t chicago main lalor look room 3 corner of L IA fiall und mad Md adison ison st calca nice ro r ill FOR RENT nent OR SAL A hausa condi 6 5 rooms with lot lol 13 rods roda square planted with fruit trees commanding ft a view of the city wilt will bo be sold bold oo an easy for re reference ference apply to lo goo read TRY Busis office cALi california ronNIA HOUSE PA P AY Y SON CITY UT all AH ilaug AT ALL HOURS ini FRATE the proprietor will rno fun a semi keelly conveyance to silver city cintio tintic mines oo on and ad after march 1871 1 leavin C the iho california calad on tuesdays anes bays and I 1 fridays at 7 a in m bod and returning from stiver silver city on wednesdays still saturdays SAtur dayo at 7 am a connecting nt pill son with the ibo stage from salt LAW lalo GEORGE GARNER gainen GAI nen proprietor olor IN THE SUPREME C COURT 0 U R T FOR THE DISTRICT 0 OF F U UTAH T A H is lithe the mailer of 1 NI J bankrupt sm I 1 IQ in notice is hereby given that pursuant to an order made by said court in ia the llie rout mat ter of NI J Sno daker bankrupt on oa the third day f april AD A P 1871 ft a hearing ill i b upon a the petition of skid bookas r runt aul p abe b heretofore e maa bore rore fi filed 1 egle aar io s eail m id alburto court pray bog for his hi d li a r from 0 m all his debts and abilities provable under the act of congress entitled an act acl to lo establish an uniform system of bankruptcy through out tho United states approved march barc 1 2 1867 an and a for a certificate thereof before lore sold court coort on art the auh jay day of april A P 1871 1 at 30 a in at the united states slates court coart rooms in a salt lake i city in 10 said district it which time and aad I 1 place any ny creditor ot of eaid amid bankrupt or ony any other person in in interest inte resL may appear mad and show cause it if any they have hate why the iho prayer of eaid amid petition should ool not lift be granted C clerk of said so brome court in ran dunk rupley sau salt Lake arity 1871 NEW TOWN 01 OP wa ker X the meath moo ali of LITTLE cottonwood CANYON A WILES SOUTH of S L CITY CIT 1 14 ht 0 o adoni api lor na for trade MI and at the tb me time ft a pleast fleu at chook tt iol 1 in a D of tile moo 1 in th lb T IS IE ir lf i 1 t d 1 I 1 SECTION C T 1 hii imad mil le ID e clow 1 wp to the th celebrated MINES OF BIG AND LITTLE LITTIE cottonwood COTTO AND AMERICAN IHIL IL finest water power I 1 in AND anre PROPOSED OP OF TIIE THE CENTRAL RAILROAD LAT atho 1 lab by calling oa a pla P JOHN NV FW EMMA blut vlut 2 is BRO S AU a T 0 X ANI A ND commission HOUSE MAIN ST it sonth month a ol 01 if alker vm MR AHMED H MIRE E new and second band lUand FURNITURE EXCHANGED ED constantly ON ilan alize PARLOR ANI SETS 1 IISE allura ll ura aila mcduff side I 1 d ch of abig all drips I 1 ute U te froce rom bikul mir laic oso if If iala ial A add ad lc 14 1 4 Curtil lne ky y a R ki chlona t go a grahle Ili URs or fail 11 II mad klad ad hii pl d cut colure hot kolbel aj ad full ETC i lire TC roe partied GIVING I 1 G AND WISHING TO diamse OF 01 THEIR gouda Jot ilog IN TO ADVANTAGE E CANT CAK DO W CY BY CALLING OS J G brooks MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPY or OF NEW YORK BROADWAY BROAD WAY for eighth fiscal I 1 acar car being forthe for lie year andin dec CHARD I 1 agent for utah offices opposite salt lake house itt A of tl 1 I receipts rod oj roller policy FO zt on a W IB 31 38 67 laa 3 65 I 1 total vs cull reci receipt pt azg boo 02 S io 3 yi 7 ty rth r th 12 HI 62 mnnuwl jd wu it ill BOO U ell 01 s 60 P PM 9 to volley policy dill to broth HJ alel d lindi 1 anil bold pait LOBI well 1 w abic sig of 01 C chull it I 1 in 11 1 l I 1 lion of roil ad A sad A 8 J 4 1111 be u ji al C ait to art acell 15 paid F 14 A sell ter for 1 arcele of furnee VI 67 T ekx law axam adil unica 1 oll 39 19 TA ewt 16 11 A i rint lel ua bof 04 poong loa ga lr od t re y im ca a I 1 41 49 TW uh cli T N ne 1 A att sol milt 31 IS to i A 3 1 6 xa tho the doard of trustees havo aull two millions of dollars CASH anio these dividends will bo be paid to policy purchase basc of additional insurance as soon as tt X IT 11 STORE IDAHO A we VANDER WOOD dealer 1 ID groceries dry goods and Travel travelers ersi supplies liquors of every description at wholesale and retail N B D S my t y ablo store r e lbs la on the in aln read be wee crinne ut etith 1 a d 1 abi a principal lego f moo moi tana una idabo ciak filho established IN 1855 0 O JOHH TAYLOR A coal PO AVO IN IM aS MATERIALS AND CHEI liI CALS GLASSWARE AND SUNDRIES ALSO photographic GOODS ETC 1 t ST SI 4 FRANCICO CAL ornis agents yon FOR S leado bonjon Lon Jon assay bullion Bal balances auces BECKER i soya SONS alsky aay bud dull bullion dail bm dixo NS av dnn MT 0 M 2 MA W I 1 with hlll ilia alln following partial list or of r ihmle which we import from agil known in FRANCE ENGLAND GERMANY bullion balances balance of capacity or 01 am still soo ill I 1 rufh ay A y A ay aay y uon ion humid amy gold seles I 1 1114 11 14 crud crumbl bl P french cr albl apel fart faranow fa nicer C lids flir tiac hunk crucible curi up cpa inget kaj aaa mould JJ holladn for milling antl re mortar doll ud of iron and avedge clort tor t s atoil colven Re of ire bliss rod kud por olala I 1 of gan boll foit gaidis to go 2 9 aling evaporation still 1 Fi logel tut tot 81 blatt 1 u A cups copi tes baretti Bar Bille etUi tut eibl dl or Ste tapi for tun ping brt bees secal with ata was cot cat 4 order i aim A im wed all 11 mad all needed by 4 y ek bud nj mill own wa n kotc le at ac acids ids ami Chen deals C P alid acid 1 la carlei carl yi C Q P mid acid 1 lu 1 and 7 mi ilk willie lohl Q 0 P add acid 1 la 1 aul 4 9 a III hi bottles a C P I 1 acid lo Is I 1 1 as ib bell lottle catill lo 10 ail dome BOB ML iles fiona esir argol carl potash duill eltray laj Ama ammonia amael ol cf il S cpr elfort slide shin s1 sa of r P aad chemical X TC 0 S filled out with GLASSWARE AND SUNDRIES Is L photographic AL GALLERIES fliton out and nd imp plied with apparatus Appa rates tU Chead calf 0 ocilla br bil ii funds oo 00 a atu gets j 1 I 0 0 V LOWE ho T ilal rj thurney Thurn ly P tai la hooding v ia i 1 it ey WB jAa fall I 1 i eold an to lo attend nn FOL g Ko J U W scurf Ec 17 EI r IF IWO boon ores on 1 lot or blois bibb AMI son fill 14 dij ia HARMAN BARMAN IVORY k bof ard AS FOLLOWS w C ati h 00 0 blind 1 in dank it tt T t C Cm plat ies I 1 III J jt J t 11 it 1 7 4 1114 11 14 ml 4 mul a OB KI 11 bibio 1 uye in a U a avit as 9 now N lork katock coal W 01 out ranall OT ty lf acm i mi ja tb ili coura ol 01 1 armo go SS actual cub amb CO 90 AM add 3 A 11 4 aard lilt dol d df I 1 ma 2 W a I aqwa a ai 11 13 do hui hio net 1 yet l P ed h II lr lor b kle amber 6 30 ieng 2 sejal i abool I rr 77 f markt fa fet fe 00 2 2 22 1 or AI A I rooi 1170 IV 0 isa hatm 4 ban 70 7 I 1 ia t as as fj U 1 be eidly a alt 1 fur add ad tied the th faar me c act IS LAC AC F LUH di addilou Add Au dIttle ilor 1087 ir wa jc mary Is INSURANCE issued aad bd it d doi jurlds g it aw y A all ca ih reby I 1 00 la im fi billiel lliel M 4 tho the nil a df f tb ch year 1271 alny W a the tbt 1 IBA fabin frem Acl alil it came sit SHErrA ltD a dividend for the year of 1870 of int may lie be subsequently increased holders hold cra oa as they may in caell caeg or in abo oll THE alu MUTUAL AL LIFE INSURANCE T IA y reHr sw srm BEK FREDERICK S WINSTON NIT I 1 N S TO PRESIDE PRESIDENT NL I 1 ill I 1 1 i 3 BROADWAY corner of LIBERTY LICER lr STREET 0 a X rable AGENTS WANTED ya GOODHIND ogden to receive appi application leation g w w xv cs c s i ta TU e ls cf 0 utah LIIA are cautioned against impecunious lile life Com companies vide vid lasura ned loor tim been eight years jias has nearly forty fite million dollars dollari appels and stands the vi ili the world orld fw for caprial capital and Bia stability bilty lower than any other euyn aco dividends mearill daubl ony any other bloomington ILLINOIS loth yr yeal COO acres 13 argent jim stork low loir bricea know ilhan ab altin ha lo go alani amit allied Elir gre I 1 trw root arata edling S 1 aiko not APPIO md early rue hoe potato po tatu arul R airi Groi n houe au oil cardan rd I 1 at 1 lc FL FLOWER R AND AD VEGETABLE out but bet Sorta tand lie bait kili aam seal 10 tents ter for s ow tea ami Ct catal kru goo W pu stud mains m earb fair or 1 I lib ib b PIM 1111 11 11 on a fer aa arteo caren PC A 1 bolm h klo pit LIL 4 A r K niO rilO ENIZ ill III JEREMIAH da M WARDWELL LIAte nilson coo cbs DAY HALSEY ALSEY 1 and dealers to a S ar v ML aza TABLE POCKET CUTLERY BUTCHER HUNTING KNIVES G U COLTS arhia arm ik navy T pistols VICT california GALI CALI TORNIA SPURS railway and machinists supplies az 2 46 canal st opposite iio earlo earle cotol new york ALL orders will receive our prompt attea attention tion DIACON ERAY CO ShiPP shipping land and commission merchants 2 04 AND SANSOM ST J 3 I 1 SAN FRANCISCO agents hoof lion kong line LIDO of clipper ships falling regular 1 importers of china nod and japan TOM tau and all d r t p 1 i 0 na of r A e t Z india a d a a and n tl b sira lra i 14 d prodica F r 0 dt 0 e C 0 i i e c t i ns m mala a d a i in a C california a lifo r ni a 0 r eg 0 n C cald bl nt tad and the iho east Crafts mans LIFE INSURANCE COMPY OF NEW TORK 1 nsf se bay purely riu cash system rin ei i all solicits roli its cles non no 0 o rc on resi dowe or travel in in any part of tic the world alt all the various forms forma of lift life endowment L term n 4 and nj joint rouches 00 gilel by this co IRA M SWARTZ general agent for utah office doors north of ichiba ichi Bg an lal I 1 rooms main st MINING REAL ESTATE Kiin iian ivory it co coal AND REAL ESTATE A aw m INT 40 v ST ahmoud street I ita alker be ewt lk lake VV I 1 teb i r co OF tIT NING its x 1 1 03 isk IS k atal d aboin tit ot 0 fr brou frou J bot tt it territory to be b f found la our lola iud aud foliate bouK blud ad ad mid leq herolin BOB aaa uny tala leaned attention islda to ta coale w i |