Show I 1 or DrW war HU nitrate distal aarm LIM dispatches AFFAIRS in EUROPE I 1 ALL AIL quiet QUIET ON T THE HE SEINE I 1 MORE TROUBLE IN CHINI AND AM WAN JAPAN THE KU KLUX BILL NOT YE YET T PASSED NEWS FROU FROM ALL PARTS OF tun WORLD C GRESSIONAL COiN 0 IN G RESSI SENATE DY DT TUB THE SENATE tat au BILL BEFORE tax me SENATE washington 15 tho irhe senate confirmed B R corran of ohio assistant secretary of the interior isaac dickson Dic knon U S lif orbital arizona territory senate wilson vison thought thongla the time laj had come to act upon the subject and would so vote chandler for executive session BeMi lost yeas IG naya 13 15 morrill vt vit submitted a proposition withdrawing the alie object objection iou to Robert aona motion on condition that a final vote on the amnesty bill should not nol be taken until the ku klux bill hall hail passed both houses robertson acquiesced but declined to be bound by any auca arrangement sawyer was of the opinion that aft r the bill which passed y eater day no BO boore fortune moment than the present morno could bo be found for maesing the amnesty bill ills own belief behof he bad beat that there was waa an understanding that the subject should jo be considered today cameron anil and urged that the vote be deferred upon the th pending ma motion titio dating daring a further discussion trumbull Tram bull charged that tile efforts of the opponents of the lill bill for delay mere purposely ael y to defeat action in tho the measure dull warned its friends that it would be impossible to have it acted upon if they now allowed it to go over 1 fre rc then renewed the motion for executive session ees fion upon which thurman demanded cia and naye days the cic culive was then and ana the senate adjourned ii D C IS 15 clobert bobart son BOO moved to take up op bill big amendment as 05 order or of busin cea ho bo as aa to allow the amnesty bill to be consid ered at the llie present of stion conklin remarked marled rr that bat this ibis being saturday the llie house was very thin ali id a number of senators ec nalora laving having left tle city wili wilb be understanding that only the executive business would le be considered lie ile hoped the motion would be deferred until next week robertson Robirt aon replied lie lad bad given five days previous oua 13 notice a tice ot of tile motion and upon pona vote trumbull did not think tile senate so thin as represented sl it was the fullest fullert senate he lad had ever inon ino of for saturday lie hoped no friend of amnesty would allow the subject to bo be postponed in that wa way T the house resolved the lie considers tion of the remaining senko senate amend menta of 0 the deficiency bill HOUSE KU KB I 1 tilt TILE HOI BE ac the house met at 11 and resumed the consideration of the remaining sanate amendments to tile the bill the amendment for t the I 1 to in of cl a public park in washington city came cama up cook I 1 offered a substitute proposing to leave tho the whole subject in the hands bands of the terri territorial torild authorities and to g give i lie them jurisdiction over the grounds in question and tle the proceeds of unused lota iota anil and squares Lc longing to the government to be applied to thic their irim improvement pro after disca ilis cation tho the substitute I 1 was agreed to the senate 15 nat amendment in ia relation to the re reia i aan of national oual bank currency was again talca laken up a 1 the question qu catlon was t ikan taken of agle agreeing 9 to the senate amendment ts amended yes tini and it was waa rejected je acted cerlis 86 naya days 87 the senate amendment appropriating one hundred thousand ollars dollars for additional military do di pot 01 1 fort leavenworth was wai discus bcd 9 bidd a rejected myers teun moved to amend the th senate anicot ment which repeals thela for the meeting car of each new congre congram on the ath of birch ch i lj by adding i a proviso that the repeal shall diall not take effect until after tile ath of 31 firch 1881 rejected leing being all disposed or of bingham moved to lay by lie lill bill on the table rejected aas a A of conference in u ilia din agreeing votes was then ordered ou oil motion of the scobee in to llie ilia ku klux bill wai talen taken from the spellers Sp calera alers tallo table labarger labarg cr said baij ho he would move to concur in all the amendments except the last two the one do in relation to the oath 0 of juror of the U S courts and other known as hermana mans amendment as to those hoso lie would move concurrence non and it id ask the committee of conference wood expressed lih his gratification that the gon t leman would mould move to non concur in in these most obnoxious amendments labarger moved the previous question on oa q seconded tho the couro proceeded to safe oto on amendment extending the right of the to I 1 a the writ of habe habeas as corpus till the end of the next regular session of coil congress ress instead of until juno I 1 ast 1st at af 1871 3 71 rejected nai aja s SG beas caa 93 the amendment in relation to jurors oath rejected without leaa and nays days ilia amendment known as Sher shermand shermans yh ermana mans amendment assessing damages i maps in localities ws rejected yeas 45 naya days the committee on conference ordered on d disagreeing 13 agreci fIg votes and seafield beld and kerr were appointed ad EUROPE THE anoush panis I 1 ENTRY OF 0 title tilt ARMY INTO belli BEB ir t t no NEW fr bitant versailles 15 official and explicit denial is given to nations ariona chat charges as of cruelty attributed to the versailles as authorities civil and military lockry the dramatic author who recently resigned his seat scat in the assembly in order to remain with the communists was waa arrested yesterday at a neuilly outpost by the Ver versailles gaille army and brou brought lit to versailles berlin 15 the triumphal orar entry Y of ortho the german at my into this ibis capital will occur during the month of may or june jena aMas 15 13 jo in the national assembly to today day a partial financial statement was waa submitted by tha government cr ern ment the estimates fui fr military bernce are arc not yet fixed bu but other ministries will economize to the amount of one hundred and soven seven lin millions illions of francs during tile alio last half of tho the present fiscal year the cannot bo be na its certa pertained ined until quiet juica has been restored to the country there has transpired nothing of importance of a military character LATT LATEST enox PARs lla arl fears orri caliva TO seu say crac CIAR ream SITUATION london 15 A despatch front Versaille a dated ili teil thursday evening says an offer has haa been made by the commanders of tle the national Ha lional guama to betray to the illes government two of tile the city gates fur flu r francs each similar offers made by some leading men with regard to the delivery of lorts lorti bosy and de Va for one million francs each tillers declined these propositions A num bar of delegates dele gatea from the insurgents arrived here but theirs to treat milli rebels in arms all insurgents ar is taken prisoner are arc sent to bred tle army and assembly are dis contented contente d because will not permit a coup de dc main on paris paria A solemn requiem mass was celebrated at the lh cathedral lor for the thomas n a 4 still and lecomte tc A vat vast and i a 1 congregation assisted as isted there are no troops lit at versailles Ver they are all around paris iaria N new ew york 15 A aie patch iron from boulogne lat last midnight ea a demon from that place alico layering favoring paris paria and the commune litto have been arranged for sunday when the national guards guarda will nill parade paris iaria I 1 11 fr evenin evening chete is H a comparative lull in the tile tho nationals nrc are encouraged by the ire r c pulse of the army and are ro anxious to attack the latter gen insists insi stat on confining their movements to defensive ive operations london lo IS advises advices from versailles state that a bill giving pal rights to paris has been adopted the concentration of troops congiu continues the commune is making arc para pa rations Lions for a siege there is 13 a comparative lull in fighting Ver versailles 11 14 thiers lias has issued another circular in which he be says a the fighting of tho the laba two days has boo been of an character chatillon find tho the southern forts of paris continue conlin uc to fire without our oar troops are well established lallie bcd in m their positions and have repulsed a sortie fior tio our oar communications are aro perfect effect while those of the insurgents E dave ave been destroyed paris 15 cannonading Canno continued yesterday evening Ch Chaer aseret ct claims collavo to hato repulsed life ilia troops lit last night at fort Ya III parisi P iain midnight the rappel is ia being beaten lullice ins ilia been appointed to lo the iho of the gun boats the canno carin milo onida or maikut lut find and scully recommenced this morning london 15 brinen 1 I rederick charles it n visit berlin in may |