Show SCELLA INS tax CLAIMS or SOLUTION r biaca OB etc A rito rosEO theatt new york 15 A washington g P cla I 1 so bays a it is dundei understood tood thit tile the jont high commission have concluded a convention containing the basis for a of tho the alabama claims which has been signed by all commissioners the report prok sace to give substantially the main points eints of ilia convention in itil tj ahe gist of tile the whole matter is that it il is 13 agreed that the alabam claims shall b bo a sent to a cowin assion to consist of five members one ODO to be appointed by the president of the united states I 1 niah ih the ilia consent of the senate only by the queen of eug eagland lind one by the I 1 emperor of brazil one by president of the republic of switzerland one find and one by the king of italy the commission cem mission is to 0 o meet in washington 1 D C within six sil mouths months after latifi cadiou of the convention contention and shall decide upon the responsibility of great britain io in each case where in an am anard ard of damages may be found if either of the he three powers last mentioned fails t to a appoint commissioners the vacancy shall be filled by the king of sweden and Nor norway wity san francisco 15 arizoca dispatches report continued indian atrocities arrived steamship america from hong kong march yoko yoke homa vs alith ith furty forty cabin and two hundred and ninety two chinese passengers gets boston misa 15 change in the inana management geme at of the All atlantic antic is authentically announced james ticknor fi fields clas will retire from the editorship of the ma magazine azine on oil the of july and be succeeded by W D 1 howells atawa canada 15 in the senate to day lion ilon mr I 1 kyan inquired it if the joint high commission should come to an arranged arran gem anlin san joau boundary and fishery queaa on whether the goat would give parlia parliament ment full opportunity for expression its opinion concerning such atran arrangement gement lion ilon mr campbell replied in the affirmative CHINA caria tw ur or texas PA FA ciric li it IL cot con jet boitt lr boal to tub r bourre or I 1 alnus line LOVIL lov san I 1 francisco ranc iaco 15 A L shanghai I 1 letter etter of af starch arch says that I 1 negotiation with northern ports is 19 opened and admiral admi rogers will mill he be here hera to start for corea about the middle of april B interpreter to the consulate general die died this more morning ing suddenly jackson miss A terrific hall storm used over this vicinity list hit night abt several ev cral thousand anil window lights were broken and iron roofing abed gardens geld field crops and fruit were seriously damaged forest trees stripped of foliage and hundreds liun dredd of birds killed new york the Corp orators of the texas pacific R R co held a meeting today to day among the persona ut were gen den fremont J W V forney a of the philadelphia aress Sr senator latar nye ye nevada thos A scott penn genii it 11 it 11 gen Rose rosecrane cranz and a number broter of other capitalists and railroad men saull sauil sloan was appointed po anted treasurer and ami gave londa bonds for f four ou r hundred thousand dollars ollars il major pierrepont and marsh SI arshall all D roberts robert being sureties by unanimous con coil plant pent eleven thousand out of twenty thousand shares stock block were allotted to marshall 1 Ku berta thus virtually cecur securing log to him entire control of the road and ad presidency eticy in case cane he desires it gen fremont received five shares and the remain in in four thousand theus anil shares were din tr it led among the balance of the corp orators and ini immediately media tely out ab ascribed scribed for indianapolis ag general K H der avent recently appointed judge of ida idaho a died at his residence near city this morning the ibe statements published today purporting to bo be tho the basis basin agreed upon by the high commission for the sitt settlement lement of the alabama ln luma claims as received here tire arc enormous the expressions of members of the com mission do not dot warrant a belief hit an aa aLre agreement ement lias been reached vasili dashington Vas hington nt general cowan who was waa to day da confirmed Eon firmed as assistant Asai stant nant see sec rotary or of tho the interior is now in wash inton but bul will leave in a d day ay or t two for oh ohio or when he will adjust n jeaa es as aa internal it avenue Soper supervisor visor I 1 I 1 nl ad soon boon afterwards erwardi alt return retura and enter cater upon the ho duties of his hia now new office republican senators will mil hold bold a caucus on blo monday oday on the pending 9 hoet ir measure special to the evening ecenia Ec enin puit yah wash ington 15 society circles are muth much excited ti d day ay i to in consequence or llie refusal or ft alio to C catholic at holic clergy to perform the like in marriage arriage ceremony next week dt at the like wedding of sir mr rangile Ran gibe gabe greek charge dAff dAf aird fairs and mm geralt daughter of baron geralt tle the reason of this refusal is ia that the lil etli intend to have alio llio marriage 1 also solemnized iu in new york according to the rites or of the greek church the young lady liciag a roman catholic while mr Ita is ia a member of the greck church in consequence ocilia course of the catholic clergy no ceremony will be had bad here and aid the contracting parties will proceed to new york on monday and nd there bo be married CHINA AND AKU JAPAN yaw san sac francico Frao cico 15 Washing lont birthday was celebrated celeb gitil feirt in shanghai Shang hac den from houg kong for Shang liao bac was wrecked on island and pillaged by chinese was captured by troops Troop sare are now being forwarded from P eai n U S minster low rebukes the r oglia og lih a and ad A americana in er 1 I 1 e an s w who he bo be say a I 1 assume diplomatic functions and do cide necessary a war between european nations and clina china before the ii adjustment of the riot claim affairs in japan are arc critical bands are threatening hostilities in various places the guard oyer over mikado is ii increased war si steamers camers are re now lein being 19 sent north on account of rumors of disturbances there at yeddo yaddo a chancellor of the third rank was im murdered while sleeping sleepier 1 with his wife under circumstances of j horrible atrocity |