Show the appeal to capi A short article appears in sundays muo issue or of ahe bierau headed capi copita Co t at i into winch which is sit an but ALS 01 usual asual a weal wc il thrust at a Troi tily federal official cial the th tilly fill i attempt is duade to frighten capitalists over the llie payment of a row few thousand dollars duo due the courts front the Terri wry to lo p kiy ty the per aleyn of like G rand and in d jurors it tells that the attempt is i being mado by judge lland eLland of course to get it out oin or of their pockets pali we will tell the herald already know where the tha money will be got I 1 alic lie territorial treasurer will be bc require required a simply doliana over the kajs YB or safo safe couii ning be public ilic fulja anil and the jurors will lo be paid laid the amount necessary ar will perhaps bo be appropriated by congress to meet the present emer gency but the nicana means which liivi laave ed for the payment of jury men men doing buinis buin cs for tho the territory will undoubtedly bo be demanded in the end it hia has h ia no more mor to do d with capitalists than it ha has with seamen men of capital says lays the herchl will be weal lied foric for it bled for what A few thousand dollars to pay the he grand and petit jurors for services services in 10 the district courts you dont say furthermore continues the logical fl herald erald this is the lh way to encourage capitalists to come to stahl what has it to do with capitalists ta tal iata lists we inquire asun again and if it had what would it amount to when leviod as a text pro rata rafa the it truth ath is a the herald does docs not care to have in independent a e capital in utah any more than the bettas yews does docs and uj it omits no opportunity to discourage the same its in policy is BO 60 transparent however and its attempts at argument so batig ling and illogical that its opposition to the government and the liberal party parly i is at once m and every crory person with wilh talf air an eye and two grains of common sense sees through the mirk mask m the ho real policy of this anti republican sheet pledged to the propagation of a despotism we jve have yet to 10 see a manly straightforward straight forward reference to the fed eral officials ur llie flat liberal party parly in utah by the 11 raid gross misrepresentation appears to bo be its current coin |