Show LEGAL NOTICES villa STATIC SIAM orca 8 9 HT IT r f ciar V I 1 I 1 li 1 au I 1 lri 17 f kotec it h ift fill hlll m K ul of ff 11 II tell territory tor or of etli pi I 1 balog a clr owner me by I 1 nd 1 lo 10 c 1 F 4 no fault 1 clim 1 1 I ii let no four r t aft 0 for 1 in aruth 1 b dmd 0 f e la 1 edth od th ib lr panay lenity u lie an I 1 lode being a ln r 9 tain ol 01 rock I 1 in I 1 pine rid the tb lud land 1 ml I al 11 to alil I 1 mida all 11 alez I 1 la lk it hit 1 11 1 1 1 11 I 1 aabey I 1 r lt t lk the tb lacall location od V amt 1 1 it itron r f bor 1 fally I dr bad am ft roll tol 0 o wit alf to tb all it r irn n of uld 4 i lud balog d bistani Sloth ealm bout 1 two 1 r V foo bolog anni ire from M 1 I lm m too motomu moD omu it knowd mo bioti adl NO 3 OD am lh b 1 of I clr a couii dl 41 Ildi of bl ma qi L 1 cit C tji 4 viled from baft ivol ilem 00 r ewt nj ad son ilia I 1 a two brindled aw f I 1 and with land tile 1 r 11 1 and mining alp br 0 a kr of tarm dai allx b an 4 m fand tota t three nine IX 67 vilf said 1 claim l 1 1 b d d oa ati clr ahr etty 1 tb b cm cf ri jolin h short ani ad oa I 1 benth by bf to abe job lod ind fand a on am the watty W t by the th claim or t IT K R km kic j jr M set el turn 1 la th he d kid I 1 do lichy gl lr for di 1 notly list I 1 L abed im kad dmd the th said id lod id oi 0 o to ih bic cocat G at wv od 4 colw I of r in a 0 N I 1 in mid inton district t ad 1 lo 10 ate tg loftt labor ad P s tb abron ron 0 o t al ailt lost lamton a the OIK T id ii kt at air til 1 of property p 11 till apply I 1 r fur ft arter kucij 1 plat of mid id pa nd U 1 pa I 1 rot for ilia tb an am r daa amr the af fact m of Coax radl rw A aagut act treating lh he r right 1 I of hal m near to tb public nd i koil and far oil vp p pro red J july 1 26 iv lW lwood A lod ead esaac actor con cob mp drw july 1 a dab m I 1 VO 10 or lones y bed bd ud 4 eel al this thin nineteenth day of p embr tl br ire wn WAL K RICE F lagema davis C co astall IL CL cl ta so AUMI attest y M R sta simmio 1 I 1 iry ulet b 1 bolfe r w this dr day died 1 to th 1 land d office forth 1 of I utah nd 4 ft ill graam or t tho bo mid lod it together with butk if of 1 la p ply for ft arry and plat pint thereof from the suroor afify ral ad patent im fridd clr he gl G l of if clr mila U allu provided 1 la art butof of coord entitled entitle an am ut act gm time the eight ol 01 I 1 way T to dlab tad ad desm cedil I o clr pobile lead rod and f auf other P 1 P 1 ov p v ar auty mefa 1 I ahl iA Manil A ad led by 1 r ca x pv I 1 july oth 1 hereby dionot mid ld notie ties b la bi tilt it I 1 it TI pat vai bart tb location of buxo u am H R MAXWELL 1 l 1 I R gl w U 1 STAY rs LAD office batt balt LAKs CITY UTAH february 2 1811 notice to la ber be hereby r given giroo that 0 o 8 juliua U mao loan john jobo 11 II 2 rolling flins kod and john y 1 moore do claim three feet la in length by one hundred hod feet in 10 width on ci the rollick lude being boia a silver bearing veto of rock in ia III place ce and the ladd and premises appertaining to lo sold mime ail alatua it in the pin or ini nini dietrict county of beaver and torr territory it cry or of flab the tb lucati luc alioa oa rod it thereof being more fully described daw bribed as ollow to wit being fifteen bundred fet running noil call fifteen hundred feet fed south tali almly terly from the cooler center oi 01 the aff la in said lodoly one feet in cobery obart is located about fifteen hundred feet dorth easterly from a cable cabin situated near ft a largo large pr g A dra drain a d I 1 from the ibo pig c I 1 the b lode led 7 immediately d igeler ly north dorth of is A read E browes crowes resse it lending ion lag to 1 the discovery disc oTery short about seven hundred and nj fitly fifty iel feet from the ibe south mouth boua boundary dary A branch of the drain c crosses ro sea the lodo lode a lew few feet south of discovery haft abaft the lode crosses abe summit or of a high about three hundred and five feet north from the discovery shaft as I 1 let act forth in the diagram still nd we do hereby ditc tt q c further notice that having occupied ald abd fw p roved the th said bid lodo lode and promises accord log ing t to a I 1 abo h a local customs kod and rules of in ia said mining milling district diet not still and having expended in ia actual labor and improvements thereon an amount rot not less leas than DOLLARS bod aall having at this time actual peaceable pod poa session of said mining property we will apply for a survey and plat of said premises and a ib amo onier color the act entitled L art an act grunting gra ilLing the right or way to ditch badii canal owners or the public lands landen and nd for other purposes purpose approved july J 1866 and as amended by act of p proved July ath 1370 1870 witness our hamda and seals this second day of february 1871 julioo julien bausman per john moore monte his attorney in ia fact john U H rollins per jlia om cin mile attorney in fact john al M moore Ls AL ALJ J fraccis A gotai no tAi attest i it 11 11 Rons urson I 1 certify that thai lb the above natco woj luja ba jy filed la in the U S babil uuie uffie for the ibe territory of utah and a diagram of the obeaid said lode to get gaibor b or V kiib alb notice of ff lot to ion I 1 lu a a up pi ly for or a survey and aad plat thereof from tile iho surveyor purveyor Oe general and add a lioci too the ibe OOT bcd of the sal 19 I 1 rovira on ia ard leol aca act CL of contrera COn grera an AD mci the right of way to ditch so d c am own filter the abe public ledda nod and for othor aca bea li 11 approved kp proved july 1860 md aad AS by act 01 ol of kipro fed july ath 1 1 hereby direct said notice be printed in the ibe 8 SALT IT laka ft a newspaper publia bled nearest the ibo location of the claim OKO gen R |