Show I 1 or br keetin law liar FOREIGN it 0 R E I 1 G N or car panis STILL nil TO ofle CITY EAGER TO alzate paris 13 15 yesterday shells fell in n tho the avenue bagram wagram W agram also midy many rifle bullets tradesmen in ia the avenue des farnes were wounded and a aco en erl exodus from that quarter of the city is taking place crowds are arc demanding passports to lovo leave paris now low that tho the price is reduced to half a friano frano hundreds hundred are arc disappointed the streets leading from porte mail hail lot tire are in 10 ruins ruina forts issy and are arc filing small shells which splinter in thirty pieces and tro tire terribly destructive the socialist republicans are mal mak ing great efforts to secure the return of their candidates TIO delegates from the iho commune to versailles have returned with thiers conditions which have haac rendered the insurgents very violent rochefort Rocho Rocla fort efort demands that virtly galli acl faite picard Pi earil anil and iaac mahon be brought chained in couples to champt champs Elys elysses ces when the relations relation so orthea af the nationals ronals killed should be allowed to do what they pleasa with wilh them they hive have decided not to demolish the Col column in vendome but bisp displace dis lace the statue of ofilio the first na N at its apex A terrible cannonade was kept up all last night the atta of the government troops troop was c repulsed the cannonade caun an and a cisal ad a will vill bo be resumed this abis afternoon it is aid tint rort issy is damaged j otherwise the result of of the throe itys liitt cannonade cann liia his acen cant c int tio tho deplores tile iti inflexibility flexibility troops hire have hitherto made no alues slues the temps benys ions thu the commune to state its u ands the hill fall or of the acino liaa las paralyzed tile central Com milico k ia ali still il at vari awe with the commune ona H orlaff cable I 1 barill irin IG desper ate cabling resulting ro sullin in iii victories fr the commune is in reported fi diio a con attacks icci have been made canad cu upon poll Vai nirce anil and re pulled villi ill great ol 01 ca loames if cf govern are arc dread ill at douhy lie coin lial wait wa fierce but tb itta iota gal gain n ground steadily their bocca aro now raised to the highest pitch ditch paris sunday morning ag cum con c on int Illis lil report that furl fort Y blasy IF osy re Iu lacil a boc cession of 0 ass aniulis from frodi on oil 1 ana saturday hi 1411 h severe luera lue ra to tj tile lio gendral attacks the government forces ut emilly yester day and it ib is clain avd took look lour four bun prisoners prisoners the araga CHIPI lt con coal anuel ill throngs thron rong gl alf abo entire night the on oil the ll 11 lull hill of dero lla liao e opened gro fire on oil fort valerien Val crien aih r with vigor general dom doin browtt 1 in the armed national guird fl anti and is ia doing ion emch ch to tender I 1 all branches of the military service more efficient london lindoo ag evening dispatches Dip patches from versailles Vcr Bailles sailles delly the lie insurgents took rune hundred prisoners prison cra yesterday and declare no important mili tary events hue haie lilen place they say ay the iho insurgents in forts waste their grin at to no on oil saturday night although they kept up a continual conti contin nuil tad cannonade only one Vero adlist list was wan wounded london ag tho Tri tribune bitne sheela special corio bent at paris Sa saturday night that a powerful hard barricade ha lial 1 been begun in the place vendome A twelve is already mounted the barril barricades 0 acs ics in id the ruo rue Castig Castiglie licon on lavo have been s 1 r boned the state carriages of prince I 1 laurat u rat and marshal C canrobert aur obett have been seized the cure of st roche rocha was arrested yesterday A delegate of the commune took look an inventory or of all objects of value in the mot most rath fabb conable churches church cB iu in paris most 0 of f tho the soldiers Boldic rs andrens and d almear armear on tho the island granil batti have the national gal guttila trall yesterday ad danced from bois des colombes along the scene to montarey Mont montere crey intending bending a 1 to talc take the troops troop at courel v bicie in the rear they were met near colombas Colomb cs and compelled to retreat with the lots loss of tile tho still fall hold tic the bridge fort valerien replies to paris batt batteries erieg anil and has sent shells into pussy and au an tend the prussians Pru siina hale hae mccu occur died bcd stoben near st denis A number of manufacturers lave been arrested by order of the commune and their man closed in order to ciarco the workmen to join the national guird guard tho the price of flesh meat lias has been doubled double dand and pie preserved served meal is is biffi cult to obtain A well known american banker offered to buy the column bolum n in the place vendome to take late it to central park york new york 17 paris sunday evening I 1 G via london 17 3 30 gen Clu seret in his ha od official acial lepor report t Is fit the e C commino commune bays that rort fort van was attack attacked diio in 0 times in succession ou on saturday ly by cannon and an obstinate struggle is going on at neuilly where ground arouni is ia disputed inch by inch the Vc milles army has been concentrating fur tho the last four days daje A general and formidable attack is momentarily expected the germans in at Crete ital have been rei reinforced forced by men anil and are arc preparing to in t bryen 0 the commune is ia to continue defiance to tho the last the sale sail or of horse flesh lias has again agai 0 commenced anil and there are arc other signs i gals of in london 1 tho the tinus special tija ity 9 ire ilant usa at Tife mcadon udon terraces ten Teri aces sith sixteen runs guns pointed point cil ot at isay and Van mammalian Mac blac Malian Malion succeeded succeed cd in surrounding tho the prussians are arc Dasi masking ing largo arg reinforcements in the the paris elections of the commune attracted little attention thero there were many abstainers abstain ers there great demonstrations io in hyde parl farl in in laor favor of the insurgents insurgent Veral lilleS gave paris paria twenty four hours houra to surrender Wasla burns fatuity family has left paris theora in his circular of the irth evening 1 says the insurgents are entering 1 houses and selling boiling furniture continues to tomp oriso in men to 0 o collect irresistible forces also to allow Parisian Pari sto to reflect insurgents sur gents say we shoot prisoners and intend to overthrow the republic suppress the national guard or to subsidize them all falc there is IB an all iu in significant cannonade i so all is quie biet news less the independence beije ctr correspondence says the end the affair was to the lines were tilled filled with dead rio kio janeiro 25 tho the emperor andEm and Kra press preas it ni ill go to europe in may the Entre rios nevii revolution on is ciul is terminated aled blancas blancos Klao Blan cos ra revolution i at london 17 the tims in a lea ici de def r on the lh alabama case says bays it til al ways created create insecurity and alcrio domorad r ill izod american politics it hailed a possible settlement with satisfaction it thinks that arbitration will acquit england angland Ln gland the malama alabama was partially fitted out in the azores hence por wn was liable experience warns warm it nat that the senate ratification is in uncertain 1 |