Show LATEST dispatches san pan I 1 3 1 there here isan ii an immense nn mail fur for australia and new Zei ilind accumulating here against tile the sailing fi ailio or of the lie steamer on satur d lay ay schooner margaret crollard crocca Cro clard d wrecked ula abanil oncil in in coo I 1 hay drifted to pea M and water was wa found by brig abich has arrived here tile the crew who wro pa placed A ced on hoard board the lies licit perian have suffered greatly pr cilly two to niebes of david C broderick from Austra liti ave commenced a suit auit to lo have LILO ali fictitious will under tinder which the estate or the deceased senator was sold set aside and claim IT t have bavi indisputable ground fur for their action the stockton Sto cllon eily city election is lie ile publican public nn on oil a close vote vale N y 2 p in 0 0 vern ments dai stocks leavy heavy london I 3 in commons Comi loday lo day jcob jacob bright moved a second reading or of the bill enfranchising wor women rinn adding ine the he iqual Bot iverie re repealed called ati the vet veteran crall objection unprepared to an batin tain the measure as lip lie wai diFine lined to involve womanhood in election turbulence bu lin lence ire ile preferred tire the italian idea of damalo ra i go founded on property but by new york X I 1 there were twenty proposals for bonds to olty amounting to ta about from 98 to 10 awards billbo about M at from 1103 1109 to 0 o 1111 tract of Y ir to T 3 without ro foiter lier the alleged murderer of arery 1 putnam was arraigned this morning before the llie court of oyer and terminer Terni iner judge cordoza cardoza preside i ing A 9 T alie lie prisoner declined to enter general pica and ahloe through coun coon sel that ilia his case might bo be put plot off until tomorrow to enable lim to enter a plea after dis e if alio ja court granted request move caf if h elt 11 it IIa ilford cunn conn file connecticut legislature conot tied to lo day A joint committee on oil ot VI tes for state stale officers was raised 0 to o 11 a att referred the report of tire llie board of canvassers and petitions rf of presiding officers of town towa mec meetings tings in new kew laven haven I 1 enfield an and d Ches chessire bire that thai tt evident errors in returns front from those thom towns be corree corrected t ed la in tile the house a debato debate aroc aro c on reSO giving biting chii committee power to tw for persons and papers in order to fully ime facts l about these returns claimed to lo ho be the democrats Hono crall the grant grantins on of such buch power it il to be ancon power probably be granted and the le lull jill probably aj adjourn urn until next week 0 to o giac J ac the hie tima fur for its iu in VC ti gation and report who tt it majority of the votes cast for governor and other othar of liceri lot yet declared ared elected iiii or r ari K alc new yorka york A tion pon falla finalle fi laLle blos incont has been against jay gould krcs jant of the ibe elie 11 16 it for refilling to pi educe duce called for in the case before V U S kasterin equity whitis white in the case ot of heath and raphael against tire the kric eric company should bould 1 produce books discretion is u riven given the iba muster to release him in bail washington ington 3 llie joint join high resumed their session toly today at the department of if state the physicians or of VW VV Con corcoran coran itin part that lie ho is in oil an imp improving roNing condition RENIO VATi AND hy by direction of the pre spent lt cal to deot george C cook is ia assigned to lo duly ditty according to hii commission as brevet major anil vm mill proceed to head quarters ol of the department of arizona and relieve col george coric ij tf if tile Twenty First 7 in coin mand niini or of the department vi lio ho will mill to re port for duty duly without city to his proper sta station troa I 1 tho resident received i a dip alb from senator mor wn lod da stating stating that read piol pul licau been elected mayor of by bi one thousand ilij r ity biletch er cr has been from the mary lary haild nay navy yard fard aird ordered elk BS flit I 1 engineer or of the vacilio fleet |