Show THE DAILY TF TRIBUNE c LOCAL bold reel ef daily bi by na ti bank gold aou cola coin buying at sailing it at tor tnt datra COITT mists mima a letter received rc til from a rel fellable lable party tt at that the which IQ in deaver we T TO are abal t e fallin tion lire are iff fit importance tb aljo e work of exploration an and a develop at t M meet meal goes fori us oil the goll gold timet lat rod I 1 if still till cot luo to thought to be b rich riah they were by capt cal julua julian Dausin hands to ill tag lag down dowa on oa the alto of the ibe old lead lea mines dis is that rich our correspondent reports co coterine Terice of r silver orra oree are ol of daily occur fence toil and are ri not BOI to a tiny oj one abt par locality robert E d no it ol of this city cily 1 claim to lo 9 out oat a invention that li is to revolution tze colloq cottma and acl wool epla bojos ojos he H Is I 1 ft a model that will soon be beobi on exhibition r abie have base I 1 come into folo ill oae ae ue are dot cot the ibo ones shoich lore fore saw RAW IQ zion the lb ancient prophets proved with gold they are out not even stoned or bricks that wo we trend tread but gravel lease loo bad ad Tolli toulon fig we VT were te pat del fT stormy orMy impressed nuli this enterprise when it was flet I 1 10 io ibo be shape or stal iab and gravel piling up in front brool of the pede trice vi we observe tabt in many places it is unpacked and nil whore where it 11 bird bard presents hi an uneven surface Burla cc such on may I 1 y do for zion hot they kroull scarcely bo b it a C co lit la ft a WR lc ell lightened city the iq or of the prophet will sear a ay lio be able to keep ecco sod od common sense to io the race to lib jib science asna mivon cincent and aej judge wheadom went 00 oo allday to camp floyd flod district to inspect the cinnabar Cloo abar mine there th they will oso 10 lo the he silver cloud tolo of silver oro ore that 1 14 the thought to abt to tol be very rich ilch three socks bachi of it bat were ty by howland Howl nal I A co cc i mado ao an average age aay of is 18 to 0 o the abo too loo the i q quantity of ore in ia ebli lode Is represented as holes immense we boball write further farther when the company return W H howland has baa just returned reta from mount nebo district in ia jamb County which Is calls head In nebo is the liebel peak in the territory and mr howland sale aj bal the be iro are oil 00 ft a correr pooling w with jib the ibe tolu altitude tude of the abc vant sins in a bles ll it y MO are found mr it II is 18 strongly attracted towar Is 1 the th tire W aclo a clo ch range noo mr win int mining atud agent can be found lit kt the ah office of ofa J B meader the business ire tr aniced nit acted by mr G ira per U is tho the pur clome ROI and anile of mines and odore ore klao also the agency for the Marys marasville marysville ville roub dry dr r for quartz mills and od machinery mis mi L I 1 aarl on who be is ia well anil and known nowa to the ibo public la in connect loo w foilb ili Re tickers fairress Fir ress has a dawa I 1 A be salt lake at which are set bold the of iaia this city corinne nevada and california its t also diio supplies eup plies tb ibele a papers to citizens at their homes mr rul lj afta active and prompt deot and will we believe be lieTe serve ert his hii patrons fifth fully tui extent and U magnitude gad of utah aae r being dally daily confirmed by reports from every quarter IQ in the barlous districts the discovery of mineral io in value seems eem possible tIe 00 acry illi hiu sije side and in 10 every wash wah what the result is is to be b science cienci must predict but up to ibis time einuis ei nUil have atell greatly the mi strool hat not followed fol lowel the laws of i geologic Ceol formation fornis lloa whether theme patches or leads of mineral remote from the great r range are to pl play out is not yet jet decide deci jed congel liany believe that thoy boy will kol and that the fissure votes will be found fauna rt kt last io in the great wasatch how biow ever be the richest ores are not funi found there ibert kl at prea eDt TO oruie mem kimbell kimbail have hare tow now in successful operation one of the stage lines in ia this hi or any 07 other country our friend len la is i botein bolet for baring fine fiao and losing eiba ft a most efficient lin linbarger bager of staging ile bieber her P ts Is constantly on ik ilia i lino line attending personally perso Dally to the comfort of fadl weiters friends ciao rely upon being pu Ih rough gh from salt lake city cily to Ophir with care comfort rod lied dispatch travel oa an ibia his line lla is oil oa the increase kod and to le meet atthe road hat beeb been stocked to put on a double do ili if i A CALIT lottery concern dignified with ibe be lound log title of the th tan of cf nevada city leads iad us ui six winch which it pro pou poses to lo py pay for io in lielL tc it Is also lied enough to 0 o accompany it walh nearly a 1 dozen loco lo cl Is for us u to publish cattle callog C latent lou to 0 the tb advertisement boj and of ourse lotar tily endo raint the lie scheme we decline to a accle accede to the lh modest prop lon of f ul the C B D Bo ciely 1 I do not dol p rove of lotteries we V thick they are frauds on oa the llie public got gol up by S lot of impecunious ther eli arper to 0 o revive raiv their financial energies we dont take pj pay for advertisements in 10 anything but money particularly from C B arrangements wit we give this notice free of charge and advise our readers not to is invest in ID a bio ale expect balose to lose their money sal be 1 boughal ki at by the llie C U B D burp shar perio la in the h bargain let til all new take tk notice of the tb above bo tod and save att their stamps DULL 1031 tuesday wells fra ft CO C shipped tn ab bin worth ca 8 8 to let lei waitr of now york frob lh valley work this alin morning BiTti ilif they shipped thirteen have worth etli 1812 13 freer the iha boj am work irk led to the foie fame firm we vc hope bope to tea ic rj tile tedy day when there bero will be hundreds or of such aoh mines 10 m successful operation oa 00 er r two would cottu be ft goob ad thin thing la in iron where tir the th grasshoppers are ral batch lc at out cut if for the lh milu mildous ous JEi 0 oica the chi has ii be beta a it r backward about entering mormon dom it in maj a y bo e tart be could corua jio sea his ka way wiy caci y in mining or otherwise the he religion rolt gloa of the country my may bat b eve been the allt objectionable feature J john 0 b A 1 doubt doubtless leps has hag his oa ifie subject sod od troy dy to sion of hr his traditions IQ in this br direction would most akely make him wry witty of the Ss saola als however this taij may be 10 ha be IT bal of come ki at last doi the indies think him e great beauly A TOY tov AND A HAT r of ore arrive d gerlay afternoon from mount sebo ilia di brict jhb county at works it ii coill be crushed sod cooling rayed 10 lo day fajr toi salt lookers in are doin doing Joi og what 10 known west aca of the rocky joe 11 ft a mock lock drive the tonce are being ter cor or lied on OD the beach north norah of too the city io in the enclosure of the old ara are eDal enst prof wallace will show ebow nhat lost can be joao io in bundling vanillin Dan illin the broncos bronco fl scientifically to toy day shipped el iipp it A gold her bar yesterday worth it woo was the product of go gu ar air AM election billich balija baa just 31 COMO come olt off city gintic tintic district vote were polled pol leil rea in ia the election el potion of D C daniels over mr peabody fr for re ile curtler me lode ft 11 II of Is stop ping it antho la alio city c alty lie lias endly aurb tro a important mining otwe from his district ditri ct tut and dij robson wire were yesterday aftem oon to camp we jests from mcalice hee of sweetwater county coi iDly that bat there hero is no bo probability that the others will be able to lo escape 0 a of the mysteries of the kingdo leini lom lu the tb lord sends the grasshoppers and be devil fiola the gou gold lied silver the abe vir thinks that ibal judge elkland has experienced it ft chidgey or heart beart illard bat L ider cannon him sell needs and audit it is ia what he bo H ill have bafo to have before be cao can bo be considered a loyal cilien of be lie rass pass gromad ablis ceanga of heart hearl it il will wih help a good many of the saints mr J vf snyder left yesterday oner after coon for lie ho will be gone j about a mouth |