Show U S DISTRICT COURT SPRING TERM AT PROVO I 1 jl III DUE DGE ADDRESS TO THE JURY the U S district coul couil t began ita is spring term at provo on tuesday last judge strickland presiding as our official dispatch informed our readers yesterday both grand and traverse juries jurie were the traverse jury win was discharged until yesterday morning the court appointed william J hawley foreman of tile grand U rand jury the ful following lowing it is judge ands address to the jury as reported by the telegraph line 1 I I 1 wish to say a few words in ia rela lion tion to the pay of aurora the government ern ment has hitherto paid on their la part I 1 and it his has been the practice tico for the territory to pay on their part u ui r til recently the press of this co country lied haa made some ome wrong arron assertion assertions in relation to tile ike object of these courts in that the courts bail bad decided that the ha U S marshal receive tunas funds to pay jurors for united stites slates and territorial business boil nil that lie he was the only lawful officer for this purpose this is not so 0 o this question has uever never been before the courts and it has not been so BO decided the papers put this th ui afore tho the people in ia a wro wrong 0 light and lately there thera was a in lh be salt lale llero lil I another attempt at outrage and referred to my going to washington to endeavor to procure means through congress Conr cB to ta run rua these lose cour courts s in in opposition po to the people theo are not dot tile the facts I 1 he hanc been to washington to endeavor to raise money to pay J jurors r 0 1 and made an unsuccessful trip ui I 1 went for money to pay jurors alio lio have served the people anil and should have their heir pay it I 1 L was waa fur for this purpose they have served the courts as men and good citizens ci tizell and their str ser acs are very I 1 among the CILI citizens Zens this court has haa been re hect cl dand 1 anil aith your help it beall cone ti linic n ue to be in jour deliberation arns ou on will consider of fenAes BI again against st the united sante for which you will T ill bo be paid anil and should I 1 detain jeta i Is you yo U a few days on territorial bub bu businow sinew it may ie be without pay but I 1 would advise you on re receiving our certificate from the clerk ar U to lo put plat your account together anil employ ID an attorney to collect your pay lor you I 1 want you yoo to have your pay pa jy glad and do not tare rare whether beill er the ilia government Tri Tori tory or man in the moon ply pays yon yen so BO you yoa gt get it an aal I 1 we shall do ill all in our cur power to pay ou on it ia is etue ciuc that judge AlcK mi kann etin hr his jury ury not wishing to keep men from their worl work without pay but thee newspaper ne iker reports report fire arc not true conr 0 first duties will be 10 to inesti in esti iata atte into matters pertaining to lo tile united states Pta tei such roch as viol rive of be common laws lavis post poet office laws lawe etc you will have tile assistance of tile united Stat teil attorney after which you will dired direct your ol attention to ter rit orial maian matt erok such ich as aj murder murd Lr argon anon robbery roLL cry ke slid I 1 will oil call your at leall to a 11 else ce el loved two we men were arrested io in juab county and while in custody cut cub lody tody attempted to escape toil were followed ina and killed I 1 to lui infura rJ those ate are not the dicta yon will inquire into chiq also 10 lo a cast cane f castration somewhere in Fillo jore or osbor ps part r I 1 ol of th the 0 d ial brict somo some or of the citizens have anade tile acquainted ditl matters that I 1 will call your at to ellit ct I 1 had a onal inter view with willi president cratit rai jt and in Sp ealis ff almut about this ibis people lie ex ei pruned ilia kindrat kindest feelings fcc lingl towards then in ID tile he be said aid you should le be protected in your till ties as ag juron jurors he did not care if you were Mort now we have hare no prejudice against mormons cormons Mor mons and ibis feeling is ill dying out giong the maw mames or of the people of the lie stat at aud in ii only held to ly by a few e eray person lint bill sensible wen men feel that has ha ri rights big aa nine bauch as other oilier ain lami 8 4 I 1 am glad to lo pee ece this there is is no DO res rea son eon yby why one do denomination nomination should be held to account and ollien not we desire to give give every man his i sylita and protection aud and to punch t lie unruly only we desire to lo make our counti respected on their merits the clerk will view now administer adin tile the oath and you will retire to deliberate you vou will appoint one of your number as clerk and will meet and adjourn from time liine to bianc na at conr duties may require the ra 17 clerk administered admi the oath to the foreman afterwards to the jury and they retired to theary the jury room the judge said INN a 0 will now attend to lo ilia naturalization of aliens alieni if ther be any present who desire their naturalize naturalization aliza ny it papers they wilt will please corre cone con e forward foiw andl somo some fifty arose and twenty three were admitted at A t 12 in court adjourned till rpm 2 it in at 2 it in DI the he court resumed its ils gas eion and admitted some borne forty or fifty BI site alien is it then adjourn id till 10 loami a tit wednesday |