Show till orina RN biff we have lave received the initial until her ol of llie ilia corinn aay journal I 1 bubli published libed by kenyon 41 merrick drop it is 6 a handsome spicy newsy sheet which di deserves serves to prosper proper its it I 1 s to be cond feted p politically 3 a piper paper we balario lia 0 no objections to that but we thial abat it is a 3 trifle too early to ice political distinctions in this his territory in ili the distant future hat ulay may be proper enough at present how ever r there can bo be but two parties here one tile the church the other oilier its opponents consisting of men dien of BI al shades of political still and religious ion on a we are arc cefi ciBU lent ilent that the be dolor 1 I 1 ill not differ from us on chii point we extend to the johonn oil our r right hand of fellowship |