Show THE MUNICIPAL COOPER CO OPER GAME some time boce we va saw a an n accod account nt i in a that wonderfully lively but rather pro fine fauke paper the news A acs of 0 the llie operations ofilio zions cooperative Coup crat mercantile lotti lution for the lie past year tear the exhibit was waa possibly satisfactory to the hut but or of that hat we know nothing it was vis rather general and we KC could not gather what particular branches of the institution paid the ilia best nor could coula we quite understand whether the corporation Corpor alion of salt LAO cit cily was one of the ibe istock or not if it is ia not it ought to tl be bd since sineo a portion of its peculiar business mutt must he be extremely tabi 3 to those in whose int it is run nn possibly Pot sibly it is tho ilia city that gave the first stigger suggestion to the cunning organizers organ izera 0 of the zio kion a institution of running the machine machina on a cooperative basis lif tia certainly there is ia no system in the world more moie wisely devised or more truly operative cooperative co than thill that perfected perfect eil ly by the municipal anil and now in daily operation here to the evident profit of the city treasury we alladi to the liquor business or of the corpora lion ion anil and the city police they are genuinely and harmonious lyco operative the bad sold at high rates by the city retail liquor agent crazes aud fiL leg ill alio llio 0 incautious in in bluer biber and generally fi liu t link as a can caa didato for the clutches of the police the police agent of the ali city cily finding the poor anvil a victim of the frightful effects city poison amulets mulcts liioi hito anywhere in the buick of from 6 file a to fiat fifty y dollars no and il that thai is i not tho the culprit is compelled to 4 work it out upon the streets with a hall ball and chain allcut lii is leg what more way could lie li devred to male inake money at both ends or nf the line 1 firt gets get man roana 3 money for liquor to 0 o male an I 1 b him to drunk drank and then line fine aitu for intorica I 1 lion this is ia the very lower flower of llie ilia operative cooperative co ty tenil anil and all invented anil and managed in the lie interest of the churche where n iq the fine cansis tency that lint we re hear so much stout lout in the ordinances or ilia th organization eliat BOW controls ali n cil u eliat h it chrt th is or of selling tm anni does not co capott Pott wit illi I 1 the 1 a agn dignity y or honor of the corporation it il way may lc be highly profit thle able hut but we are re quilt unwilling to adulis that hat tint that it ii any ex cue for throng arpin the binni cipal au mid arm stlla that is u in no way a part or of tile llie duties enli ln li ot of depro men lowelor they may have reached their position we hope that it at tile earliest ilk nii 1 bail otties th city will lie runt run ride and confine to la its ill legitimate operations As an act of simple justice to tile the froni from whom it exerts three hundred dollars a month for arx to a lie all liquors liquori it should withdraw from ilia iho field liela as a competitor compel ilir it iii ii neither decent nor lionet honest rot for it to 0 o longer remain in tile lie Ills ini nest finally ri nallY wo we hope here tho this city cily treasurer will unil find time at an early daito dij to 1 lay before alic tax bayci i detailed sti ement of the rev seventies enties find S ca 0 ot tile the ai municipal ment we nant to inow where all tho ilia money gics ea all |