Show dv bi wa wim 4 TiLia olora lil I 1 afternoons dispatches new york 3 london 3 the times special says efforts for conciliation continue several oci elica propose a forster pence Diec directing ting on sunday un in the affair of clamart clamant Cla mart tile ilie slaughter was terrible three hundred insurgents were the daily ami special reports lie resignation of MacMu lion emerode merode presented abich a petition from the belgian catholics I 1 the ie fir ea D ch intervention I 1 or the maintenance of temporal tem peral po io er cr madrid 2 1 the council of 11 minia inis lias has unanimously approved li forets financial scheme florence 2 the italian senate adopted guarantees bill slightly amen ded one hundred and five fire to twenty versailles 3 tile the batteries lotteries Lat teries are breaking issy the allt ms tut 3 the th elections favored govel ament A d di tur bance as a pretext for killing and plundering tile jews ia is nipped the are arc officers of the amy a my who are cashi cred constantinople Cone taut ino 2 lit it is flood g it that tho the khedive comei to visit the sultan and to send a representative to congratulate amascus bombay Uon ibay 3 advices advises from bar state elate that dr livingstone living honc is ia alive end well but destitute dosti tutt paris 3 an infantry fAntry io enga engagement etnest occurred before issy tile vers were with considerable on hot bolh 6 sides also lao occurred sit at Nou neuilly illy hoth fidei lost largely new york a 3 A deditch de pitch dated date versailles tuesday evening says say to after hoisting a white flag on losy the insurgents insurgent hauled it down they will mil soon oar surrender the sa sanio rate fate will soon befall Montro and gantert danvers gen ie ia much more by the versailles commanders titan than so ir Clu seret lie i ia regarded a mitch better officer at point old du jour the insurgents tried to erect a bill valerien threw six forty pound bonnil a minute the worl work spies spice report thirty thousand natio ca lionila nala are arc ready to support the versailles troops but only when they enter tire the anger of the troops agamet the ansur pets is ia inconceivable our oar troops refuse quarter and it i is ij j useless d for officers to urge mercy paris 2 gen mey megy is ia to be tried by court martial for abandoning cihy ihy the versailles Ver batteries balte ot at chatillon Chi Ch tillon atillo deudon meudon and Brett lit h b ire been shell ing isay by ad all I 1 d day a Y WilLes barre pa ia 3 an bunning alarming ire fire occurred here last baat at pile time the well known valley the firel begun began about 1015 1045 in a stable in the rear or of lire hotel destroying stabled anil and oil in 10 tle hotel offices wore were on fire but by great exertions the conflagration was prevented from new I 1 bork ork 3 A doonan 0 of 1 apparent refinement end en g aged a room at tile tho stevens louse on monday yesterday evening she was round found dead in bed having coni COD bitted suicide ly by taking upon the table was wai found a letter stating hating that the she lied taken her perlire lire because tha she lad bad no means meana of meet or it wai signed 1 it K L list ington A Is 1 I from tile hie pennsylva U 1 I coal region indicates indicate an ca early aly re tion LOO of work the th liples wash I 1 gloo I 1 cecial bass the first step towards the execution of the law will pru probably bably le be the was of a proclamation procla malion by the pre IrMi clent which 1111 may bo be expected in st a very short time lime calling attention to the provisions of the he law kanj his hia purpose to enforce it promptly and ID elior hughly whenever it way be viola tea there is u considerable eide of the good moral effect of tho law lair in ia eup up pre pressing abing disorder dorder di in ia the south already exerted A ad 5 the Ildy tien minister Mini ater liaa has been author iced by ins his Govero government ment to say fay t that hat hayti does docs not desire to eon conquer quer and ad control the dominican republic but that but the th only object was wa to the boundary line between hyl hayti and dominica jt it would be plea inthe boundary boun dar line could be guaranteed by the iho government of the be united states the Ilay tien minister here litta has had bad the report of if the he san vom domin ia ro ca or ted into the I 1 french ranch with a view of dis il it la in thit that form in idali |