Show SALT lot LIKE KE CITY may ad 71 A MR fit r amion bokr Bc kR I 1 hue 12 0 yon or any of y knur kur DUi neron reader ever heard of ilia lie lucin mining 2 it not let your jour correspondent tell it you of brit it for notwithstanding the ilia fact that thai C caribal car 1 i ilal 1 2 is n stilling the districts immediately ya t 1 y adjacent to mi ell cily y or easily accessible acce sible to it by tage tills his district coni jering the de clop ment is among tile most promising in ali entire territory the parties owning awning the fur for instance are down now about fiat fitly feet and the vein is ia perfectly defined and full fall seven feet wide tho the ore finely crushed crin lied stone atone coal not iv erizea anil and is froik tile the plat le ledge e into sacks sacka not grinding bisesti blasting nor ill rii clin ada carries carries about T 70 0 per cent of lead and 65 ounces silver per tou ten the paula own several other gatena anines and the llie indications indica lions art are that aliat all mines or arc equal oquilly ly as good as ilia alio tecoma IT alic r opper copper ore shipped to J IV lowland co of if chii city roil anil san francisco and sold by tonii iu in the llie litter pi ice was declared ahe most desirable des grade that arld ei cur er reached that market il H llie fins carbon ate of copper ore ever round in id the united states stales carrying 15 13 15 per cent of metallic copper in a lot of over oil nit tons specimens in this city have assayed as hili ns as ag per cent anil and yet this mine with exceedingly fine for a large vein or eca biva cause of the inability of the owners to li walk it il c or c a I 1 lick ack of means this lut lot of nf ore vaa was sold in S a a francisco fur for coin per look ton t the he owners reali yin 1 ing ablat TO 90 coin per on tha district has find no pul puffing fing the men working to like ilia best adean tago tag and ilyin lejins on nn llie ilia value of their borei anil and the greal natural ad vintages and facilities for fail ui illing liag or smelting smelling sm elting wood and water being in tile greatest rca C t abundance the camp is IB on only y six aix emilei routh of tecoma station C 1 I it il and aej about half a wile mile within ilia western boundary of utah onri en |