Show Gom Corrected dally daily by dirtat no K lionel batik 1011 loll goh coin buying at 1 I felling aloit llo it at 1101 HO A hub I 1 art received arm so our sit t ogden at very lengthy description or of ft a hotly race ikc between our friend tom filch id ina the precis train on the utah lh central which bore our cesar from deacon hooper koj and his br for Wasla ington lasso it seems ibal during the excite meet or of the departure of the scouts boue meet lent out utu 13 pick up the lh stray members tie the church party parly overlooks brother filch who be was wai in ia the car awil on be platform not bol recognized as one of tits sod ad probably elect anil oj tie the train left without willio nl him let hut be well after a while we wi disi covered by italy dr calorific who looked cut ail of the tl rr rear end 11 of t the t cor and 11 flow r him coming down the trick track like an antelope builla sounding bu illg tron from seventeen 10 lo nineteen feet tt at a J jump an P ill III speed P well sit dempt fifteen miles so tour hour said if lill his led had been unimpaired he be would ht have caught agh lit be trill train it at even if it hij had maintained its ill customary terri terrifies firs velocity effy fortunately the rev tir dr carson ct lelo inn with wilh extraordinary of mini eil and 1 pulled the bell ropal tad and brought be train iraln to 1 a atop lop brother fitch filch grasper the situation iq in jot jf an n eye and nil joliet on ell paving his bil breach and unnecessary 4 lion slackened tn his pice pace and dil was ob ertta faver ved by the spectators on the th union fic platform pl forni to lo clear only 42 la 12 ties lies at 1 I a time lime the ih on cars were rrt reached 1 it hit bridge brn lt anti broller fitch wf was jet helped alstat on io in a profuse perspiration and fedil abort of course be li received rT ed fah I 1 he congratulations or lh ili 0 party wt we t must jug geast to our ourO bald JQ a ap ecial corr pon onit dent nl that there litre is ii no danger of the araca publishing flicks in this thi case before they tap peati is in the trinum since that bar or wb was never known to 1 perform lb ell 0 y journalistic fest rand an d atin go I 1 sair a to 0 o publish pub lioti the llie P ya all p 1 of laughter the ibe cheer or of the V U S marshall Mirth tl patrick Pj trick mj and fth atheria mt heria rl and the general allu to 0 o the he cries of the loolen lookers on which powerfully aided t brother filch la in bil big net CA with the special train A of cf fets Is kit all that we ire sol from any of our ur corre brother filch arill soon get with our church 11 keople nl will not dot again we arutt be on such ouch to ko the thas lage fare face to lo bingham Is ii now DOIT SO 50 chaj 1 ille louria trip for 1 just jael think of it rutlt what competition ilon doci its all rutht 10 long 01 it aft with wilh pasty papers the gauge of the llie mali southern bait ofte we is three feel ishito it li to ac e built pay the church authorities with rut delay wt we have endeavored to lo bad ot ito alciati oration but bat no DO ono of to ie wine to loom some may bay is fi to be t built baill to 0 o jackson county ali ml niri ad others think that it il will ate in ID lilo rl let its i terminus ler be where it scaly int to e wish it II success if the iho will ra lit it railroad rail Bra roid building they will toon soon I 1 I 1 ril aid oft of their heir fanaticism it is ii a healthy lances for the tb kingdom anil al the be was good sense for once wor informed inform ci that he be aan her yard ai the ibe depot in has received on 0 or separate occasions the polite braction of theme gentle unobtrusive itt t scare A biped belonging to this fare li y to lo carry off ft a bunch of ogles belonging to barron barroa cos lumer r yard rj a siw few ago but the ibe tempt empt proved ft a failure recommend our oar friends to lo kep keep watch er r their property properly proper lj ki as it il is i the only ef east medi we can think of to keep perty together where it is ii to lo r as H 16 hanx gritl arrived Tursi Joy from st it md and gives favorable accounts mr S his h an n twin trinity ity in the ibe nimai and dl be inks tire the best belt field he item acen I 1 i his b mii funds a number of locations rear I 1 i celebrated eureka tight r i king chief sand king vid TM thue lodes too to 1000 williston lie leaves ITH thui ter I 1 BB a for tittle tactic with the necessary outfit far furllow ether prospect prope chii his mines I 1 tin lia Sm smelling elting works went lo 10 0 apers lion on saturday last int four I 1 of bullion are on the lh read to 0 o chii 9 y J frolin brou said ail work and ami any amount TO artl to follow vispoel wallace i co i purpose building another colb conict tl inci tin the orea mi whick which haveis LIT i f been treated work to the perfect MiTt ic clion of HIS 11 company IT Is 0 lusty or of oro ore from the sto sao bosqui Joti uio to 01 rut cut canyon ophir district are rf tiran x niela ely to lo cradle ulia it kill lawrence ml find other this tha borinton prim tors or the lh mine an essay of solid i gre gore to lo the lh ton 00 another or of ll 11 IT et to 1 the ton on the lol lead li Is 11 I 1 defined and oi promises iiri mn permanency ocy I 1 would mid not calad getting a lt few inches in mino mine h southern extension kiu obion nil roil wn wife ally opened on a koodray Mo odray with ell all ilia abe gonles attending iten the laying of the abe dilation of a church we pre the ibo to barl bf rl from the lie faithful will rill build i riia wo hor bore it will irm be pushed ug with alb ait 11 II reasonable nuon ibl aci speed MI and be had before Lt summer to pont whoever al it air SAO lacort be bar lox io Suir shirrid rID on sunday nl ti all fargon cc C shipped tell L tn weller ller of nt new tork tot for S B bieh hold four here burl of buli bulbin jus 9 I 1 the lb anil nj worth sat cl 61 also ill at 1 I I 1 tamir time ind lo in the tb atilee firm five fit n ato aroa the tb leadis 1 hork sail ad 4 K i four lents of bal bullion lors from lb b e stockton irr world arks was niia stack ej ikee yesterday efte riy ariy afternoon in ia front or of Wood hulls assay office on nitta street it lj is worthy of note that this Is in the first bullion that his bee ca turned out from the oldest district iq in the territory the teams which brought this bullion to the eity city take inke back machinery for far another forn maeo busine its for stockton and wallace t go ate marching on wi we were ri eased to receive ft a cull call I 1 to 0 dy from mr Richar thi elie represents five of the richard iron works or chicago Chic go this company manufactures siam is mills em emellini elLing furnaces fur engines of 0 til all and every of wry cry needed in ia mining country this erecting a branch of company design biag works in this city for which purpose PrOPOs ILls lis ra from three to lire acre cm of land in lathe the oily city are for in this llin issue IMI the betie fits rising ea from inch each works borki if they are r erected will rill be generally felt throughout ibe territory and atad be productive or good to the ibo country jorge war W would lit be glad to boar bear from our car old friend ariesta N S r of salver bilter city all of his bis correspondence have appeared pr cred that bite bale reached us Ms alm H r in ia from ophir reports report times 1 lively ID lie ito brought six tool tolls of ore which abrera re we 00 I 1 to the ton boil he 10 lo lany plenty more on the dump of similar lai ilar enal ily this ore is il from the iho mormon dellar lode we may expect so IQ ft a lw few d daj I 1 exeas execs ively caroly warm weather WE n the ih by which we can keep cool will bo be a consider lion we vo know of nothing moro more art log ing than R bottle boltl of sols soil or re sit t once cooling and ad can be obtained olita in pint bottles by the dozen ol of jenc M day reids buildings SOCIAL fitere will wall be IL final social for the benefit of the ibe and reading rooms on friday evening liley gill at independence ilailo lolar on saturday the ibe ali fill ull lilt S di biary ary papers of cf no ina value except to the owner any ady person perdon lea via g the abe ss me e at t the Tain tit office offer shall ahall bo bar ax am HOTEL horil ill il juit finished in bam feet two stories high and is il amid rid to furnish good to the ibe miner miDe sail prospector D CAMOMILE at that P office ice keeps a good supply of papers cle abe are there in ia all their glory prominent la Is Har pearle sleekly and nd every eiery sturdy dan Is IR on an educator and deserves the patronage of the public AT despatch to the arroyo may alay 2nd and jude 0 F 1 strick land opened destrie Di t court here at 10 tol to ilay day I 1 km m panel panelled led ani charged grand jury called attention to report til outrages several years ago and commented on the untruthful clist charges arges of certain newspapers ers he be said means should lo be provides provided to pay jurors but in any event crime must he be punished the jury has been in session all ail day attended aided by U S atty a ead many any persons persona dat today it i is 9 exic expected that mckeys trial will till come off this week his hia wife arrived on stage today to day K R |