Show bit C M acif Sui elfina works in ili st 91 lonk lonis st louis is gradually waling up to 0 o the importance or of close owl and intimate business ic lations with colorado and other oilier ini mineral rca il na Hi liero she his has depended on her natural position position fur for commercial prosperity lut ut now a vigorous spirit of is acts up av ff E h 1 n f L act capital ats tint chat will mill place her v a 7 in i ji few years jc aralar lar ahead ot of fill all 1 her r tc jrsn rivals rr vils she tiny never b lic crouse conic tl it future great elly all of tha till aorl ko rl s but ish we e U destined aes tined ta lei be the lie luciell Qu Ciell city cily of the west far all time 6 I 1 ills sans is ia abola aboul to lo add smother another manufacture 11 bog u industry to those already 1 1 I I ea d i in in 0 op cr or tion stion that will adil add in mil liona of dollars 1 to herb material matei ial ill treatment of ores containing gold and nd silver ii as well as aa thi the base nicla ls at swansea wales lias has made that place a great Col commercial mercial mart coma I 1 pany any employs a ia capital ital of to 0 handle ort ores tho the capitalists capitali of hie the united states hwe be a no adequate conception I 1 of the he ore wealth ot of the mountain regions rut but what hitherto have there be ben 9 amine to I 1 liine out i this oro wealth nao S 0 liband 0 of f I 1 I 1 ca P orl tion awl ami no works for the economical treatment of lore bre now however light asat j at aist dawaine on ahe bugged jugged peals air ako tko ilia hio mines will virion soon be connected with llie great 9 rai boril b by 3 kail nod just at the right bione tione news comets coined afoul stlouis 1 that ihal d a of bf has been raised 0 0 o creel insetting works find nd handle oret theio be a fyr the tre ament uc borttl orts A at I 1 dighe 0 nt in tile iho stat sil ild aid if va canno cannot I 1 have hare it ilk i would ratler catl ir see works erected in st jobia lou is than in uny any other lily in the union cut juiia allt 11 it 27 |