Show mint if j aft btty of on dt litfy lie bielk e daj 1 rom ialo 1114 afif d boil af 1 their prosie ets anil and laor labors H ott all irao MA air fi arf aidy op ther fo ditc UJ d call THE COLD MINES OF i lf 1 l 1 l r 1 1 I 1 there is no I 1 bining boier pricie e in the country thalis m fl ir irriger riper finlly il y aaa by bailie the the placer of Ilin Hing bani barn camjon rheaba ll pe finiw extend slung the c oyon for far ix aind a hall half milos miles anil and have been trifel tri fee years past with foilb considerable several hundred thon saml doll dollars its having bilvin hean taken out of the vair loni lira bars anil and liivik nil which IL the gul guli guld I liis his been i there are arc ovar i 2 hundred ruen men i ino ing thereat Ih creat present and mating making hir fair w wadea as say front from rive W to ten ln dollars per doy day the mot coma rom ply li is that or r hogan UILO lia have succeeded in reaching the ho bej rod rock tome f nl fact below llie lite surface find and have hate itlo ill o a ef fectea a drainage of their hart haft tile the water in tho the lea or th the ranton iii yon lim has done much to tool ob eruct anict thee these niina inin cit as the rit liet of them are I 1 coiG ced 10 lo ille adall acid ii H mill ab merged ty ti tlc alc id small brearn of water waler Y flowing down ow n ibe canyon anti and tile sprint a 1 calling froin tile the maintain sides there IS not rt at present any prospect that the gold in bingham will ever tie nie very high in iti it i imbor tance lance abiona among tile lie ini or of utah lilt it ti 0 afford atte able employment to a hw few ann arri men i 1 he owners or bf the lohi gold in li il are very loth I 1 a c cate ate information in relation to their prospect they rhay seem well mill IL clial they lini anil and are in no WIT anxious to let I 1 lie file great world jw j f co W the lie of cold 4 only ail to shy illy wp we dirt a who lne lon itten there for wn dearv atil and line ins it taken I 1 en out outer or tho the litany or ir dillar of if tin shining anit garced hard for ilia iia tle tile 0 lir he fcc nicil 0 to o think lai tile mikes frown alence A it atmo e ame desel isen ingot ine ar no particular THE LEGAL lecil lehoe R MIN II AT we a despatch front mr air L A or of th alip legal Ilane ac at Sl St nekton to hiir Ki liles ir sri A C true A co oi main in at near beni ae tiia e c dealers io in mines and rel real estate the iti owner 0 of f the legal Ten dentice tice to tle the effect 1112 that 1 lie he had first firel strack the foot wall of the mine anil and foncil a splendid de of orf ore which a aanas ans three linn hun jred and seventy five dollars ilo llara to the lon on the anine lus has been worked aboul fifteen anti and incite clilan llian one hundred toni tong of ore have been put pul on the dump r anning from 25 to per ton inn and ai ae craving averaging more than one hundred dI dilara larg a ton toil this ill iii a prelly lair fair aart arl slid we think mc w trite hitting bitting a good tiling thing EAST NEWS I 1 r olla r co pit L c e april 28 UX US TRIP A 1 OT 11 hill ail g g lie increased in 11 alii locse mineral cral wealth of i ditl folt Jain lion silver and horn sitter ifill hill tile me south if on this hill bill are arc the llie zella calvir chief tiger riger lion sunny sidey side old man lilan I 1 little lilue io de fain er virgini mii I 1 mon 0 n arch A boint or Opo liti Shan shamrock Shamro cL betic tampico co X au Legon Vol collein lein orni at baij ad on t I 1 poly others alt all good anil riel i ties I 1 fecat 0 nin ift ta I 1 lt to the nith of nf ophir 6 H hill II 11 ill on abich arc 1 lie avar ivr shield U cratil schier lincoln 1 NJ einera inera delight Ili glit antelope INIA aillen killi bails silver tall tail warren onil thirty to forty other good mines lul but at lower grade eriar that oil ill finui sli immense t tile I 1 tf or orea m for pur ames 1 CHI hill ro io llin nordi N iirth 1 al of if ophir is in the Chlo chloride tide ni n ill llover over hith a coup 1 c at U f na a took 1 ifil a trania on this aliis hill a are re tile sall sin joaqiin 02 pull dixie de cem arii cr ii 1 anne N no a 3 chlo chia rid Tuii I lindill lin fiLl crofta boint sonth aurora snow noder rey Ilia wallia anti anil a groat many other Nali ineneo the ores liero here ate high grale graer Chlor chlorides ideo to ro ino chlor idt mand and bromides W billj ill a 1 I great deal or of iliac pari ipar and ilan front from several mines on aliis mill iff imf fiyut f the tha Il iiii for fee instance ina nef beveral times run ran over 2000 once as ghigli 1 ig 1 n 2 2828 tim thil 1 h aab ibe e ki king n of his ji till and it is truly magn incent nginr ne ine II 11 i t extends from kint to wem in a title line and nil lioci on oil the furfare about feet lineal measure and the worl work on it lions an average wilh of if ix X to lo figlia e ait fret feet all gool good 1 aling ore henry mill and jor wood rn are re ow oera in ili this mine and a aig thill tiling they liaw have odb it 0 10 o it D I 1 lincoln Z aln alex it N anti anil loveral alther citizens zens or of your city tra fire inter essaid ill alic good on oil chiq hill while on the ilia hill nc a located a new hidge of bromide Itro mido ore nil pir iper or gotaj width anti great promise find amed it i in b honor or your dilly tile ih T r bull t lode this chlorine ili fiill hag ten iron been Algle ct til td liale lilar worl work im hag been done on oil thir thin lull hill A as 3 ilia ali excitement and lia has been lor for lion till and nj other laca mf ion is tint that ailts lilts hill vill i with A ith proper development become one or of the lite ric licht bills fur for silver wines in n the whole country A infiniti BIRDS VIEW I 1 roni rom these minei cinc we continue con tl our peregrination ti to tile the very burnout of tile ali highest peal peak and there here amidia vast fieldi or of anay that glittered glitter eil and ami rail radi iatA abtil tinder lh the rays of a ilien burning an inn nil until it armost blinded ui lid we ate ale our ofir dinner and then on the appa of if this bal biu 1 hoary snow peak we ate one bacon anil an tread bread and oa 01 e el a do iloan n lipon ophir city upon PAT eon anil broto upon lake alt silt j and valley and in in the fir far distance upon tile llie bill or bev is r deep creek a n d in tile tiie cintli on llie file or nevada in tile ic west on lie ilia american 1 rl in tile llie e eat east at aldano and on the wasatch coith of corinne and Prom hills to la ta ali n i aali imph I 1 dinner of liin awni bread rod nod mow low ww wm and a cair it of admiration ti A err e 84 i sauce and dess cart tt oil HORN AI A I san f X brom chiq alth alani it we followed down into dry past pait the hidden treasure ilia ali ril ial ain sovereign and other noted mine ii to 10 the mouth of the gulch where horn born or orvilie silver and even native liver ii H heing being found among the root hills hill sacral by tle the wyckoff groces of 0 abial uma tion have liard leen been made isaie or of ores and in every cao yielding 1 bell in 1 about ID to in the on ion pure tillit no leid that asfour is fuist to five coundi of its ill ore yield a little lirla briel of jf pure silver weighing irbing from three courtlin fourt lin lill of an ounce t to one anti ami a purler ji larter ounces fair keathl er livi given AS all TO anil nil as ai at a result winy milly new discover ici are arc reported report td among them are said to be large veins or of rich galena in ote ahr divide between 1 art 1 v find and kiil liil canzona anyone the town is improving not so BO little inucci in in character as ai by buiu build in for till our nr nights tre are occasion 11 ally ali y majo do hideous li atle ous liy by alfonts and yell tells the firing or ai IWO and dri inken hac bac clianna chan li C ir schofield lJ A it coa helut is as running williwood with willi good success and the llie wa abc atc h co will fire ert up their new next ext w eccli c ek A 4 mill A and il S d an A arstra aastra rastra will be running next wrel week also alao it has haa a 30 feet water wheel tarried by the water of ophir cyreel creel salm |