Show IN THE NAME OF THE PROPHET FIGS we li in lieve limit it ha na i it a iner thAnt of bagdad who fint findling ling his hii petty trade in li anlin rouil about tile HIP tilroe na growing smaller ly by defrere a ani beautifully lixi lim devised ivi aeJ a new sen sit ional cry well 0 to o attract allen lion to ilia wares and h tile narrow ways waja or 0 the lie old ili city lio lie awoke tile celinea wa his rry cry in the name or of the llie prophet bip the truo rall balliett iett to ins his sup blip port anil and lie ga gainel lionor honor aria an brillh in this city or aniie ilia we vr lire aro led to the clops by bj a fla flaming ining ign tearing bearing the all seeing eye eje anil and tile legend to the llie lord it ith C 1 1 cry of if the clie merchant oc IlIg igil Jad nJ clothed in scriptural dream lint but we dolbt va bother it will prove prore as effic acion bi at ilij the cunningly devial devi al belleme aci hii of the bagdad hawker people lonk 2 all the for putting hnnry in ney in tile lie coffers of the lite Ch firch bioli fesq to lo the lord does doea not consist in trilling trading aih ill cooperative coop anti nj no net church influence will be 1 biffi cicet to male llie lite saints buy mer in our ilace I lace at it higher late lale than it can lc LW ined alb ive ti 0 tale it that ca operative star resaire arc 1 eeling tile the hu giuili 0 of f iliin it to re mark load since we nolice ilice itt that dial many signs 0 of lie vicar loii lc ii ita leare diring taken alco doi doh at how front the lie stores on oil all acet I 1 lie old cry or of in ili tle the or tile HIP prophet tas aaa lost its furce force we shall all get dou glimn n to it a buki inifi nepi las u mollie of these lay jay rill iiii ajac bac religion it to 1116 mij and not to tile GEN 1 the dewa from paris aria toa to alny ly does adf not appear favorable faTora Uc for gen Cl bleret eret in fact he is ii in with a brilliant prospect or being baiot within twenty four henrs boers we le have l e no nn r atle feeling against thi the aumba humbug anil and abam but wo W think thing if tie fie hal lial lc lieen cn shot several month or years agnit ago it would have been a good thing for france W we have met in in paris scores of and I 1 reve ia it toil I 1 we do not recall a moro worth worthley lem bad il rod edd republican than ahm same Clu seret ile he was eternally say tag or cuing something soine lhing for the th police po ce to get hold of and the A ami 1 1 in legation was terribly bothered to 0 leep the fellow finui fr ill going to prison fur for a term of years yean lie ile chaimea american protection when ihen iu in trouble tron bli but bu was always in lis h violent political before the iho recent red clubs chills talking he felt because lout loun 1 napoleon the iha Ani sult trant etc was wal ilia his emperor in IE the police arrested arre ild him J for ir revolutionary agitation agit ag batro atio at na nil the icat clial ir burac colbi jo do with the lie brench Iren cli foreign oren cil aary wig was tn te get get hii T 14 per iuis Inis iun slun rr lur 0 to o lre lellie 1 I rence fur nitch fatte walli till 11 eji anise that eliad lie he return its As i a favor to our yin lster the agi lator ras baa to haire and ami put on lie file ale I 1 allf de J put jiam air for yew now york of sending him to artill on fur ten years A mr I 1 I 1 vill all lif hardly trilly lie bo able to 10 save lite it llin time personally Clo wa a nice fellow annu and a mild mannered nun man oe oc splendid ayi ii on an ace accoti 0 u i linguist anil fi a clever writer kaa 1 il lit 1 e wait w a la ilura W we 0 ii alt be glad to hear licar ti t tile lie tell int escaped fir creio rat is V milla athi in all fin ani PT red lin ik alib h lie deper ve ionic ort fort of ila he was wa tile of bf that great tile international rel red an it nf f nic RA an ore nf can has li x lerinc brin ebed icat in licau k ill brnca |