Show minrul business men oro are usually cilli J prosy unimaginative ito and nd plowing tha ifo hat fast place on earth where an ail un ns lr acted person would look for sell tal tion align ii till tile stock exchange or of tile the pur purlieus purlie ticul us of wl VOR street but of nil all places on 10 the he corli there Is il nano cherb lio ats enuch excitement fuel I 1 I 1 intense passion fission may CRAY lq ila anil and such exa t in i 6 fictions fic CLIO tiong ns circulate is as anthe on he stocke stock fi F evia aln in in the qu ani and duatt tim sij 1110 cases casual looker on that locality would seem like a swirl of insanity in aily so uproarious ro enthusiastic anil and able are arc the crowds wilo alio i throng the long boom and the atair wa waB i and nil tile entries or that ous arid inconvenient marble jigio the week eck opened tranquil and texi on tile street Si licensed buoy kat nl enough the bank statement of saturday was waa most encouraging n and the bulls bulli seemed to hive bass ft a bright prospect before then bof week of upward prices pric esl but bat it daoa there win wait a syncope and owl awful u I 1 race 1 prices of tile tho leading stocks tf did 4 not net they stood still fot a abile I 1 and nd although Jaci Ia cill fl mail imail nod and weal ern union iacre cre put puttied lied up fur a 1 by 0 2 clack there were signs of a tumble ake shore began to biye I 1 1 I 1 way v no ew vork cantrall Cen central trall trembled X bgern began to cave in inana rind by 1 11 clock p in there avs a 7 general tumble 1113 some courageous bull built remarked irked that it is wal as oo 00 only llly a hc calil U re rc icelin aclin and others wished illey I 1 hid 1 it sold out iri iii mhd morning dooming hut but it wai WM iio mo ine there sells wnm a scace a in the lon long ico m Ns winch n no ovia 0 no hid bid lure seen and the cau goof which no one understood but after tall all st it was is not OLD a very tory serious nutter euid a sudden decline of 0 two to lour four per cent still lert led tile market t grind it deal c I 1 er cr than it was a wc weck k berci N anil ci much lower than the hv moat sagacious ielli ali illk it il will ie I 1 e a week weck hence I 1 lie truth of alii matter is is that the same anic bull li ull parties ulio li the rie of oc lat springs icing being caught short af pf ocla have been I 1 P prices ices now in order to get et in in again I 1 at lower rates 0 to o another u upward 1 1 id and thoy selected fow for r t lie 0 objects ot of their attack ohio and M mississippi issis sippi northwestern and anal allock k Is lan 1 lake shore share they were afraid 9 lemiz I 1 R and I 1 it wall wa too strongly held iol and ra intrinsically t 1 ily valuable and york orl contral central they had the diere discretion tion 10 lo ft alone who will bulas lc of the r fieldi beld is or of vory very little tile bui in port inac to the outside public fir far the party that holdi control or 0 tile the stock for them alio llio coming months muot of ne cIty become a to bull party parly iricks arnt up a little too rapidly but they will rec recover over 01 all acl ro for the reason that there is no speculation P e ca 1 a 10 n goin going on oa anywhere out 0 IC of wall ct and nd B bout outwell tell has given tile he operators ari a olllie the 1 I sold 11 1 deal to understand by bi his 8 action last week in selling belling 1000 of gold old that lie he will not it any dist disturbance albance ar bance of 0 the market aby by bac iula la tori 1011 for a rise it may bo be aR assumed t that lot the secretary of the treasury vill I 1 ill keep thoi he price of gold at about 1101 and will keep money cac easy Y u until ti t 1 lif 1 s 1 ak 1 1 i hive ive p pl 1 A icca bcd iiii bis new W bonds b Q n d 3 an and 1 t then 1 jc n be i ill allow the hull and the bears to tike take care of theal selves 7 aliis his i is a most condition of things financial for ild al parties par tic and ilia wite wio will prout profit liy by tile the siti situation tation As all sound bound dividend paying stocks socks aro are in demand and are gradually gra lually ap roxi mating the their it true value taking liking it II C G per percent cent gold old Learis dearine ix ona at aliar imil of vattel lion here are it a goad mal ly very cheap eel ur I 1 ti ad Ilyin appreciating fil re atin in the u i arvn t all ikc elife bongi raci coonda inie hole uld sold iii I 1 firor li vayne ati C par 1 Q abc new ew south Carolina Caroli nj 1 li 6 per ecat auf gold 0 oil bonds which pt t tacit alei pr esprit i iad vav about I 1 I 1 per cent armestead ly gaming arv in credit I 1 now 10 0 F belling ili it at pir W b but I 1 tl fer th tilt political roubles coubles in tha II 11 b bbate to these b bonds on I 1 s wc l rc cintr intrinsically i ahm tor bics tre rit purposes us na Icer kentucky stucky londs ends which in ii ille ma let IS per cent higher tile this cnair rute putt debt debtor of south carolina is is absurdly I 1 y small tho debts of ather tiler states or with the life new york citi city 1 ty tto I 1 people 0 irshal r that state stale are are taxed I 1 less ess by y their government th than an tho the C citizens 1 tiac ns 0 of r new york pay fur their central park the debt of the aa i it liaa han S 00 0 and the rate be tile valuation of property is hardly I 1 1 I 5 per cent micro is is an apparent d decrease e crease in ili the alie vain of th epro pirty party of the llie ynte state its as com area with wilh but tl alna ila I 1 apparent uc creaso is 13 caused by wiping out the of the slaves chos who of bei being g counted coun teil as property anil and zado a ba bails hi of taxation have diac now become population ti n and are ell tax lax payers tile the change irli in ica reality lity fren Jers the state mote more capable of paying its ila debt than it was before the rebellion when the chief expenses of the stal goy gov fromant cr veto cio paid out of the iho profits of the state bacilli i I 1 I 1 |