Show ARRIVALS AT CITY HOTELS may 2 1941 1871 SALT BALI UKE TAKE borer J A williamson G D una england J end and wynn N C oa 01 10 sold mid wit mo montana A 1111 maff batiar rd hi fuller oba ohio II if bonnets st bollig F r abold jewell and john chlebo ch caffo lego ja t ll culler son san tran leanz p fat pi implicate nelv ew york jowui heredity ral ulla tholia buy nolloth It oxton gett t rank rol rori son san fron mr retail M it 11 clark chirk and alti smith plan it U r F it 11 Im ladare llo boliou A it 1 l at Catl erts ind WITHE HOUSE st simon an on harrim turk J D MeLt oTJe loul laD so SD from A field r J N M lyoch a hire 11 codworth Wod worth nop III t let 1 M I koll koji america I 1 rork cah 0 R J pike tell john traynor Tr alnor let l tl SPECIAL A good store for rent bent on main street call ca be b used LQ a battery Etl itry gienty or so c in the rear S nil bouli bo be oc occupied cu pied with wilh too the front nw nit a hotel A apply tt at brutal FOR fo SALE Silt two Tiro hundred ami filly fifty feet on the left bower lodo lode of ahm eureka lic tic Apply to IV 11 II EVA IH it at drs hibbits simmons tire itier Groes becks corner lone IOB jack ond ml other brends tit nl thomas carters P na a or G C home bonu power steam blomn on fir attlee now new or second hand blind addow for or three dip days by pr lr Seli fliner tit t thill ihl office cit april af 1871 at Il aillar I 1 W E walk will give Kiyo on an exhibition of his hi system of horse taming in n the tithing yard on thursday Thur sJay at t 2 p ms an a and I 1 on saturday at 4 p an for llie oillion the lh will trill experiment on some flome WILD brought rou glit in with the drive persons visiting tib ailing these esibill tiona floars will wall be troubled enabled to lra learn the can of training by which they can arm bics tics tic it themselves each ich liy day one oa dollar look on out for or Is be sarsaparilla and sod soda it promise 1 to be m fine thing during the warm barc e 1 1 er if no alcoholic or box rall u 1 but pare air and oil refreshing dri drink calil I 1 a f for everybody lut up in pan piot as delivered freo free to all parts or of the city J at dy day reids heida Euil buildings dials celery kl at halls r p kt dreb fail ell i t better ai 1 l birb hall ll 11 6 FOIL BALM A good house still nj lot in the ward oft ix blocks north 0 of f the tabernacle apply it t this office or r on the premises pre minei loss I 1 got desk R to rent kent at 1 reid was I 1 r or on K x on or alimi ab nt june jane 11 it R delcol lor r girla only n iff sunday school room noon of SL ft forks church for liim lam apply to rev W at t halls green ream PC at TIA IA A ACnAM Cin so orri sam for owners owner of dry loll 1011 a to in the ward to exchange for lots 10 with ahe be water apply ate above tot tol can find anil rt at kimball the combined coin bind carpet stretcher and tuck tock driver every family have bava anthy artt are tile lie most moat complete comp leio ne or tile lind lina in use uc at lilt arsi marsio a subscriber five rivers notice that be la in 1 in ia the ibe following rollow log miam idaho idabo home ticket diamond monitor black prince ullo pitr bul lion Sn Sair nars wellington Welling tin tan IJ fijn cine star state stat great eastern and nl dalbir ining sod tit woo 0 abl property proper tj in big anil ml lillin lotion lion wood d lie to in make a r range ments with A fill alt all purlieu interested I 1 lo 10 0 sail properly rIT either for working tho the minai or for the w re if or 0 bw lit in any or solid mines or for the nf in ter ark ln moot mines be can to the the entire interest lie he will be in salt I 1 RIP c city itz att t the leontia after tile tho rent or r may y and will be really to 0 o pell or buy bur or make contracts for working rny noy or nr all she mines he controls contro lr P A hinr boston april lt 1 rr PR thin thi site CI Allitt anti traveler Trav who hatt ha gated the tb sand late from sin ann cico sail fani r or the iho anile Rn ile ide to 0 o 1 r 1 in a silt 1 iff city call on him lie lie to epee lay enre clira til all complaints or nr no nn charge chier ilia office in over liri variety store oplin site alle faelli elli fargo S A co cn I 1 airl kt temple PL PI rival hundred chickens orp nr wanted bt at T C if YOU TOW WANT a genuine Ha vianna charac chirac go to thomas cartera sigel brothers store 0 the re ere will epee i a tally ally notice nolice that ita is i free to lo CUBI lomen from the pla platina tinn 3 men in lee ice by alree a week at T C claws of Califor 1 I hulti land greengrocery AT IR R P ill L P AV A seat opo dr olif rl li fronts iyall ciKA CHRONIC Il tira by animal ani novt Magn flim fand ibe swedish ito rement curf cure giving tit 1 only when nc wiry v lr lie lass hu established lis office offic e on breon south street opposite the revere sall like city permanently uail forsher notice noice I 1 BUTTERFIELD DC la Is coil bantly receiving and 1 vet arrah 4 1 21 I 1 I 1 11 i r general Merel landise 4 s y w 2 ft s eq ai 3 a 13 H 0 ea E a 0 V 4 itea rl 04 4 pa S w 1 K I 1 ia c i 6 0 U H W 0 1 0 n 0 1 mr ri 03 s M w err 0 0 P S 4 PI wa 14 4 H g IB 0 4 2 S 10 04 PL 0 I 1 california BLOWS c i 11 ir if iari 1 gaba ael k P iy ay i i ajl iab BOOTS 0 T W OES fm nii nil u i ff 1 i KS 1 l COll NEIt end 2nd SOUTH ST BT established IN 1855 J 0 JOHN TAYLOR HO 4 IMPORT AVD AND iv assayers MATERIALS AND CHEMICALS GLASSWARE AND SUNDRIES ALSO photographic GOODS ETC 22 ill A fallt ST SAN af FRACK COCAL CAL AGENTS toil FOR loD Jor asony bullion 11 alancen SEEKER jl ay RI nj battle bli X 0 s 4 C B ac ac X J N it aj W ha a ps r ith it patr in of URDU which we M import from well known Is FRANCE ENGLAND GERMANY dagion EV 10 balances of sio ito ew go low 1000 toa d liu ounce A AY Y Ll elii bulA iI DC A aier all 11 llon aln iaac d A ay aay y pr la oid c iii ibbil Ib lil ci bial fl froce cb cr ablia CIP caal 1 uia ibl f nii cadel toik room cpa stag cap cepal old 1 idiot 9 t ind A aej y maandi ad plug ath rolle for milan metal M 1 artan I sod ud rollf P 11 of 1 I iron 1 ar nd aa wilda 4 r slid DJ off gi and ad giju boiling bollan fluke cuoc to la S 4 gallons CA albi tall ests clevi annealing natt Il pitta binton tinton Tin ton blow nirh lam kieel tit daw or ftp to for epig bit befi st temp stamps valli fell ami cut cot to 9 order ad 1 A 3 all klad all stcl tied by ay 11 as j il 4 31 allowa r i eck acids and ami chemicals C P nitric add acid lo 10 1 carboy cir toy C 1 P nitric add acid in I 1 ted 7 itic Ibo buttic KleJ ii C P fulp Sulp huno hurC acid la in I 1 and 9 0 C P lc add in 1 8 ib bottle C octal read in water done whilst bonti A argol arol call almost load copper pi corb SA jil 9 eal tl t of TJ a otta out compter plot AND alto SUNDRIES GALLERIES fiew calt ad it wilh ili Ap aalt lt gd fui by pl ad hand oa cal wed or C bloomington BLOOM INSTON NURSERY ILLINOIS yur aron 13 23 0 Orn th honi tau halm ill it low loir prices you 04 know knott ito how bollan lo 10 llan fruit t sh Sli kilp d frerkson Frer Kron T TM M hoot afoot a arll 11 apple 15 l hall role roie Immo iii ra onse na 4 brila lu tic ic FLOWER AND VEGETABLE SEEDS flout bet bell son 4 billly sil 1 I 10 coal for now no 99 it sada mitan each f fir fi I of salts tit plain direction t 19 1 9 I 1 d 1 9 4 rt ta fedil ad is bai bric all lil 24 cilc fw r F X rIZO ENIX III REMAH DI WARDWELL PAIN L Wilina tm Waira col WITS DAY 1 A ya HALSEY Isa loi awer od it whole fo M baa ereie wabe wa be IK TABLE POCKET CUTLERY BUTCHER HUNTING KNIVES G COLTS aminy navy T P pistols vices california T railway and machinists lles canal st Op karlss ss 11 artal new york ALL el vital ril 1 r prompt til lillas GENERAL AGENT FOR UTAH rot rok amos celebrated PORTABLE STEAM ENGINE sol AC VL b ELEVEN DIFFERENT T SIZES FROM 3 to 40 horse horsep horsepower P power ower B EU E R at ayrah Ayr co h eld el d by alm s b chaap GH C by v the c loj load afta be b abt bild lild 0 oa CIRCULARS LARS AND information I 1 coal ca 0 KING agent for utah OFFICE OF WALKER BROS W L J As am H also J GODBE CO PIONEER DRUG STORE STO R ell or tal a nm 42 1 ell i W MI at 3 ar r s 1 e 10 n w 1 a ilm alm rl i j IW fw f w I 1 en aal JT av A cost ad pa 1 air f f hift thugs P 2 1 e s A lemicals hemi cals PAINTS OILS 1311 FANCY AND AB t toilet articles r A FOR 2 H MIE ithee celebrated I 1 f v GRY FAMILY MORI WALKERS r j A idaj 1 7 L I 1 VINEGAR BITTERS aj PRATTS ABOLITION OIL 3 JJ WHOLESALE AND RETAIL i 11 1 11 hl i ww WINES AMI aim 41 |