Show to 1 ilia ihrl LATEST dispatches new hotl 2 dull and steady washington 2 general crook crock lias bas by special order or of tho the president las has been assigned to the he command conima od of the department of arizona in I 1 jace the sati Kati oDal coal telegraph Dici norial appropriation is now fully organized subscription books have been opened and lid the prospects of are encouraging cou raging the design is to corna mcm memo oralo ruto ilia lie introduction and application of the magnetic as a triumph fr ff american genius aej ill in Tell tion the principal pat flon feature of the monument which it to tc be IC isted local ted cil at Washington js is a colossal or of aror norse morae by Horatio Stone new yorla the ward of police lice ro organized this morning and henry A emilli ditl president thomas J karr barr treasurer under r the recent act of le legislature legin gi lature slature the borl board of police were imade nae Tru of police angur ance fund ti washington asli ington 2 the comptroller of currency lna has called upon ill the e do da dional bails to boake a re report of I 1 I 1 leir condition conj ilion attle al the close of hu iness on saturday Satu rJay april ath there wai a cabinet meeting today to day bortle for the fira limo lima in every delai was waa excepting the war department it in n under Lood that lite iio bu buina inc only wat wait transacted lehigh coal and navigation vi company held their annual tuc meeting cling to day the report of operations for past paal year shows a deficit of 0 it is attributed to cimics front from coal |