Show COL OWL CREEK MINES standard anaconda mont col 0 P chisholm of bozeman is in the city for the purpose of doing some business in a mining way but not in connection with any of the butte mines the colonel has become interested in the owl creek district of lemhi leahi county idaho and will go to helena today for the purpose of laying the foundation for the formation of a mining company to take over what is known as the nipper group of five claims and the daly orr group of four claims which lie contiguous to each other on the north side of owl creek about 75 miles from hamilton ravalli county montana owl creek is the section from which a report of a great discovery of low grade gold ore was received in butte a few days ago As soon as colonel chisholm heard of it he sent two men into the district with instructions to ascertain what the section contained in the way of mining possibilities and report to him these men accomplished their mission and returned to butte yesterday bringing with them some sample of ore from the nipper and daly orr properties that look exceedingly good they reported to mr chisholm that the discovery made by a man named cross about 80 miles from hamilton was not a fake as a 3 many supposed but the ore as near as they could learn was wag low grade carrying in value of between 3 and 4 in gold per ton they could not determine the width of the vein for the reason that it was impossible for them to learn whether a portion of the cropping they saw was a slide from the ledge or the ledge itself at one place the ledge was about feet wide and at another more than 1000 feet but they established that there were millions of tons of ore in sight all of this immense reef was located the e information relative to the value of odthe the ore was obtained by them from miners in the district who had been there long enough to tn known just what the rock contained these men showed no disposition to misrepresent things to them colonel chisholm is ot of the opinion that with the improved facilities for saving gold the owl creek discovery is one of the greatest of modern times for the ore can be milled on such an economical basis that it can be made to yield a good profit per ton the men also examined the Daly Orr and nipper groups while there and drew adap a map of them and the country tributary this property is located about six miles closer to hamilton than the cross find of gold ore and carries silver and lead the daly portion of the former group belongs to the estate of the late marcus daly when mr daly first became interested in it he built a wagon road from hamilton it a distance of about 75 miles at a cost of which is a pretty good indication that he thought well of the claims the nipper group hax has had considerable work done on it there being in one place a tunnel feet long it is thought that 50 feet more will take the face of it into the ore body the two men brought to butte some samples of ore from the daly orr claims and also a specimen from some property located on horse creek a few miles from the daly orr and nipper groups colonel chisholm says his men informed him that the vein of the latter had been penetrated 14 feet with wibb only one wall in sight this ore is high grade silver and lead the specimens brought in by the men showing chloride of silver ani and plead lead almost in its native state |